Elitist Alec Baldwin will go to trial.

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
I’m hearing more on the news today about another attempt to get out of it. If he truly feels like he’s innocent then he’ll have no problem facing a jury like the non celebrity armorer had to do.
So let there be a trial. Baldwin was careless. He did not deliberately kill anyone. Let the jury hear ALL the evidence and decide this.
What would I do? I don't have adequate evidence. It is not my call.
no one should "have no problem" to go to trial, even if you are innocent. duh. what stupid "logic" that is.
trials are expensive and emotional and there is the chance of a miscarriage of justice, duh

but you're the right wing mor on who had to throw "elitist" in there, showing your bias. lol
right wing mor on "logic" - "hey, you dont mind if the nsa monitors your communications, if you have done nothing wrong, you won't care".

"hey, you won't mind if you are wrongly arrested for a crime, if you are truly innocent, you will be happy to go to trial to prove you are"
Baldwin will not be found guilty of elitism. He will not be convicted of doing Trump impressions.

So leave that word "elitism" out of the equation. He will surely have a good lawyer, not a pro bono rookie. That is not illegal. So present the evidence and have a fair trial, already.
no one should "have no problem" to go to trial, even if you are innocent. duh. what stupid "logic" that is.
trials are expensive and emotional and there is the chance of a miscarriage of justice, duh

but you're the right wing mor on who had to throw "elitist" in there, showing your bias. lol
Alec is a pseudo liberal. You’re a neo liberal. And I’m a true liberal/progressive.
Baldwin will not be found guilty of elitism. He will not be convicted of doing Trump impressions.

So leave that word "elitism" out of the equation. He will surely have a good lawyer, not a pro bono rookie. That is not illegal. So present the evidence and have a fair trial, already.
I never had a problem with him making fun of Trump. You two got me all wrong. He’s elitist because he’s trying to use his status to avoid going to trial for something he’s responsible for just like the armorer was.
It does not matter, he cannot be tried for being an "elitist", so the word is improperly used here.
Let the jury decide whether he is guilty of shooting and killing someone.
Alex was not guilty of doing anything. I like his acting but he's a raging woke Hollywood elitist and a ass.
But am the armorer and staff are responsible . He was handed a gun just like with other movies. I would not expect most
actors to have a clue about guns and gun safety . There should not have been live ammo on the set or staff shooting a real gun and handling real ammo.
I am a life long gun person from my first squirrel with my grandfather shot with a 28 gauge single shot.I have taught shooting at a university and carried a gun for a living for 20 years
Alex is not guilty of a crime.
Baldwin wasn't a Boy Scout. I was and one thing I remember was that (a) assume any gun is loaded, and (b) don't point it at anyone,
But I will let the jury decide.