Donald Trump; BUSTED!!!!!

"Former President Donald Trump took part in a discussion about plans to access voting system software in Michigan and Georgia as part of the effort to challenge his 2020 election loss, according to testimony from former Trump advisers. The testimony, delivered to the House Jan. 6 committee, was highlighted Friday in a letter to federal officials.

Allies of Trump’s ultimately succeeded in copying the elections software in those two states, and the breach of voting data in Georgia is being examined by prosecutors as part of a broader criminal investigation into whether Trump and his allies interfered in the presidential election there.
Trumps participation in the discussion of the Georgia plan could increase his risk of possible legal exposure there.
"Return with us now to Georgia where, according to CNN, the forces supporting ratfucking, aimed at restoring the former president*, as well as the result of the two pivotal Georgia Senate races, against the expressed wishes of the nation and the state, brought Mack Senett's everlasting metaphor back to life one more time."


"GO, GO....GO, SPANKY, GO!!!!"
(To the tune o' Johnny B. Good!!!)
$26.6 Million Appraisal Of Mar-a-Lago
September 28, 2023
"Former Presidunce Donald Trump has sought to discredit a New York judge’s blockbuster ruling threatening his business empire by arguing that Mar-a-Lago alone is worth more than a billion dollars.

But less than three years ago, his tax representative told Palm Beach County officials that
Trump “agrees” his private club in South Florida is worth just $26.6 Million, according to records obtained by The Messenger.

“The petitioner agrees with the determination of the property appraiser or tax collector,” Michael Corbiciero, the CEO of the tax consulting firm Marvin F. Poer & Co., attested in a letter dated Nov. 16, 2020."

"Three women who served in former President Donald Trump's White House are now warning against a possible second Trump term, with one of them saying it could mean "the end of American democracy as we know it."

For the first time, former White House Communications Director
Alyssa Farah Griffin, former White House deputy press secretary Sarah Matthews, and former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson sat down together with ABC News "This Week" co-anchor Jonathan Karl to discuss their roles in speaking out against Trump in the wake of Jan. 6."

Really at least he knows where hes at who he is and what hes talking about unlike biden . lol And hos son isnt looking at breaking 2 gun laws acting as as foreign agent and money laundering charges and tax evasion. Put one of your smiley faces jumping up and down for that one.

A man who believes that George Washington protected our airports and fighter jets during the Revolutionary War isn't aware of who he is and where he is.

A man who didn't know what city he was in twice so far while campaigning doesn't know where he is.

A man who thinks that Nikki Haley was not in Washington DC on January 6th and in charge of the DC National Guard, doesn't know where he is or who people are.

The man who did all those things, trump, doesn't seem to have a grasp of reality most of the time.