Well-Known Member
I think you're missing the point. In common language, "homosexual" and "gay" have become synonyms - while there are plenty of people who are aware that "gay" started out meaning something else and became a slang term, today the two words have come to mean the same thing. One of the hazards of a living language - the language evolves and changes over time.
Part of that change is that "gay" has begun to be a pejorative for "stupid" or "negative." Homosexuals don't appreciate that for obvious reasons. They probably didn't much appreciate the application of the word "gay" to them, but it began in the 1920s and flourished in the 40s, 50s, and 60s - which, with the exception of the last, were not decades that were heavily tolerant to homosexuality. Back then, had they protested being called something they didn't like, they'd have been declared to have a mental disorder (which was how homosexuality was viewed prior to the 70s). By the time the homosexual population began to have a voice, "gay" was insinuated into standard English, and they chose to own it for themselves - perhaps in the ironic way that many Native Americans prefer to be referred to as Indians. For whatever reason, that's their choice - as it is their choice to protest usage of their self-identifying monikor as a pejorative phrase. I support that choice as an ardent supporter of homosexual rights.
This is a rather ridiculous debate topic. Just take a look at the thread title: "Do you think the expression gay for stupid is offensive and incorrect word use?" In order to answer that, the best thing you can do is ask someone who is gay, and see what they have to say.
All I can do is disagree with you. But I respect your right to believe how you want. Hopefully I have the same right to believe as I do.
I saw a student in my school get suspended for saying “oh that’s so gay” talking about some project he didn’t want to do. I disagree with the school for the actions. The kid was not in any way talking about or referring to homosexuals. What he said was like saying “that’s so boring, or that’s so lame “I don’t agree with being overly sensitive to some but not to others.
Anyway, that’s all I have to say on this topic