Interesting. You guys did this with the Oil thread and now the Obama one.
Subject changes by GOP guys...what is it about Oil and Obama being gay that are uncomfortable for the GOP? Obama not getting the nomination and being able to be easily defeated come Fall/Sinclair means BigOil cannot keep its monopoly..
Oh, I get it. Now I understand the diversions from these two subjects...
Meanwhile "Top Gun" (a GOP strategist who feigns support for Obama) says:
We get it Sihouette!!!
You hate Obama because he beat Hillary and you'll say or do anything, promote any lie to smear a Good, Christian, Family Man with a wife and two beautiful little girls.
Funny, your conservative comrads aren't saying the same thing under different lighting..
I'm not 'saying or doing anything'.. Remember how this thread started out with me thinking the subject was absurd. But as I pulled my head out of the sand little by little and more than smearing Obama, who I don't like for other reasons, you're right, I'm concerned for the democratic party if they nominate him. I am like the poster child for the rest of voters who at first will think it's absurd but when the compelling details are waved in front of their noses will begin to wake up and smell the conclusions..
Imagine seeing the Sinclair youtube broadcast at primetime with heartland and swing-state voters with their jaws on the floor.. It's going to happen. The conservative voice article is already setting the stage...not me...the conservative voice...
The Sinclair story isn't about defeating Obama, it's about defeating democrats.
I didn't make Sinclair's polygraph-passing youtube video where he calmly asserts Obama is gay and uses crack. I didn't belong to a church where three other gay guys who allegedly had relations with Obama suddenly got murdered at the end of last year (the beginning of Obama's campaign momentum). I didn't try to pass off a media-piece on "escalating Chicago violence clear back to January of this year" -just after the Donald Young murder at the end of December.
All these things are ammo that your group will use as soon as Obama is "safely" in place as your opponent.
You fear Hillary Clinton because the word "landslide" comes to everyone's lips when they think of her as our candidate. Isn't that weird? Everyone acknowledges that her running as Obama's VP would mean certain defeat for McCain. Imagine what her running for president would mean? Landslide baby..
Can you spell L-A-N-D-S-L-I-D-E?
And that's why the Sinclair story is held back, but still 'in play'.
And it's not me who's doing that. Nice try. The GOP always throws the dirt and then puts that blame on someone else.
You people must make holy water burn when you walk in a church.....assuming you've ever walked in a church...