Did Jesus commit suicide?

The point is that there is no evidence for an afterlife like there is no evidence for the existence of god.

There is a possibility that both do in fact exist as there is for anything else but there is no evidence.

Christians are very happy to demand evidence in every other walk of life to justify an assertion. It is a shame they aren't so rigorous on this subject.

If they were they would stop being so ridiculous and get real.
The point is that there is no evidence for an afterlife like there is no evidence for the existence of god.

There is a possibility that both do in fact exist as there is for anything else but there is no evidence.

Christians are very happy to demand evidence in every other walk of life to justify an assertion. It is a shame they aren't so rigorous on this subject.

If they were they would stop being so ridiculous and get real.

Curious that a couple of the female gendered posters on here have been the worst at honest/polite posting; yet they quote the bible, preach from their soap boxes on a regular basis and point that anointed finger of shame and dismissiveness at others as if they had 'GODS WRITTEN ORDERS TO DO SO'...GOOD GRIEF Seriously...LMAO
"I AM A GOOD CHRISTIAN"...wonder how their GOD would grade them on his score sheet?
Curious that a couple of the female gendered posters on here have been the worst at honest/polite posting; yet they quote the bible, preach from their soap boxes on a regular basis and point that anointed finger of shame and dismissiveness at others as if they had 'GODS WRITTEN ORDERS TO DO SO'...GOOD GRIEF Seriously...LMAO
"I AM A GOOD CHRISTIAN"...wonder how their GOD would grade them on his score sheet?

There is nothing wrong with preaching from a soapbox (as long as you don't place it on anyone's toes), but I agree that humility and understanding that rational people will disagree is the more enlightened attitude. If you push someone, they will push back. It's human nature.

God, with the attributes ascribed to Him in the bible, would have to be a supernatural being (i.e., exist outside of our universe of space-time). Our science is limited to that which is observable and testable within our universe and doesn't work too well with anecdotal accounts of events that do not appear natural. In the end, it is a matter of faith. For me, I have found a set of assumptions that reinforce my faith in God. For others, they have not. I'll explain my thoughts to those who wish to hear, but understand when it doesn't make sense. I only ask that others whose faith lies elsewhere, reciprocate.
...but I agree that humility and understanding that rational people will disagree is the more enlightened attitude.
Humility is the key. I always try (despite my arrogant posts) to cultivate it.

Helicitor, it sounds like you have your priorities in order.

This is all very lovely but unfortunately the reality is that religion breeds hatred, discrimination, ignorance, poverty and oppression.

What makes me laugh out loud is one religion asserting supriority over another and using the most unpleasant language imaginable to attack it.

People holding eccentric views on stuff that makes no sense and for which there is no evidence is one thing. Unfortunately, in the case of religion that is not where it stops and anyone suggesting that it is is being naive or disingenuous.
This is all very lovely but unfortunately the reality is that religion breeds hatred, discrimination, ignorance, poverty and oppression.

What makes me laugh out loud is one religion asserting supriority over another and using the most unpleasant language imaginable to attack it.

People holding eccentric views on stuff that makes no sense and for which there is no evidence is one thing. Unfortunately, in the case of religion that is not where it stops and anyone suggesting that it is is being naive or disingenuous.

And utilizing the 'BIBLE' as a place to pick and choose bible verses as a reply/comment/snappy comeback when in that same bible verse and another place, another apostle, another verse will be the exact offset of that one quoted line that was referenced.
The BIBLE enjoyable to read, enlightening to break it all down and study front to back/back to front...it's filled with parables/double speak/reasons for keeping the reader as confused as possible...just to control the way in which they attempt to understand. It was a pleasant place to start ones Theological learning but everyone should at least learn from the ancient orientals before taking up the 'ONLY' source for their daily bread of life...IMHO

The creators of that long winded, fictional story based, overdrawn out printed book must be ROTFL.
The bible is a long way from pleasant. It abounds with genocide, violence, discrimination, and hatred.

It is also ludicrous at best and tryrranical in reality.

Essentially the message of the bible is 'do as you are told or unspeakable horror will be inflicted upon you'. Stalin couldn't have written a better manifesto for opporession. Well except that that the people he had tortured ceased suffering upon death. God carries the torture on for infinity on people who didn't ask to be made in the first place.
What a monster.
The bible is a long way from pleasant. It abounds with genocide, violence, discrimination, and hatred.

It is also ludicrous at best and tryrranical in reality.

Essentially the message of the bible is 'do as you are told or unspeakable horror will be inflicted upon you'. Stalin couldn't have written a better manifesto for opporession. Well except that that the people he had tortured ceased suffering upon death. God carries the torture on for infinity on people who didn't ask to be made in the first place.
What a monster.
Well, that is a given...and toss into that Malay just enough "turn the other cheek, do unto others, he who is with out sin...blah-blah-blah" and you have provided the masses with a operational guide on how to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. :cool:

But for all of those who seem to think that this was all preordained by the almighty and was handed down especially for the CHRISTIANS...they would benefit from reading the ancient writings of Confucius who wrote those very same words {without the drama of whales swallowing humans, Noah's ark, the 10 commandments, Moses getting lost for 40 years, parting the red sea...yada-yada-yada} and he was 500 some odd years before Christ was even an embryo.

But all that knowledge is out there for the ones that want to KNOW THE TRUTH but for the others that 'feel safe/secure' with what the BIBLE states...some stories are just to wonderful to be proven false: Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Mother Nature, Mother Goose, Easter Bunny etc., etc., etc., :)
Back to the thread, it is odd is it not how much is made of Jesus' death by christians don't you think?

Lots of people have laid down their lives for others without the knowledge that they would come back to life again at all let alone three days later.

Their sacrifice was much greater than Jesus' so why don't people worship them?
Back to the thread, it is odd is it not how much is made of Jesus' death by christians don't you think?

Lots of people have laid down their lives for others without the knowledge that they would come back to life again at all let alone three days later.

Their sacrifice was much greater than Jesus' so why don't people worship them?

Interesting question and idea/view that I've not really given any contemplation too! Self sacrifice for your fellow man/tribe/country...seems there have been some 'heathen tribes' that had that practice but once the Christian Invaders arrived they weren't allowed to do that anymore! Hard to know that your sinning and going straight to hell without the Christians around to inform you of that error ;)

My issue {well one of many that I have with the Bible} was the way that they smoothed over the ability to reincarnate and morphed it into something that only benefited Jesus. And that ability to find self/internal salvation was a thing that was primarily just between you and your maker...not utilizing a specific doctrine/affiliated church membership/a side show tent revivalist to pave your way into the next world of heavenly delights and eternal salvation!

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