cowardly trump didn't testify

Trump said he would definitely testify, he said he wanted to. But he did not testify.
Just as he sad that he wanted to display his tax forms. He has never displayed them.
Just as he promised to make everything about Melania's residency and citizenship public. He did nothing.
He said he would build a wall. But he only built some pieces of a fence.
He said that Covid would just "go away,fffft!"like that! It did not, it killed thousands.
He sad he would pay off the national debt. Never came close
He said he had a better healthcare plan than Obamacare. He never had anything, as we knew when he said that "no one knew that healthcare was so difficult". But everyone knew this. Everyone has always known this.
Nothing Trump promises is fulfilled.

Trump is a rapey, diaper wearing lying con man fraud.
I'm not the liar. I"m not the one committing lawfare on a legitimately elected former president. This is gonna come back to bite the democrats. Hey..did ya see the south bronx rally last nite? Everything the left is doing to destroy this president is not working. His support is growing because of it. shhhhhhhhhh Don't tell them.
I'm not the liar. I"m not the one committing lawfare on a legitimately elected former president.

Legitimately elected my arse. You're delusional.
This is gonna come back to bite the democrats. Hey..did ya see the south bronx rally last nite?
What did that prove? A big crowd of Maga ratbags gathered to confirm they are all brain dead?
Sounds about right.

Everything the left is doing to destroy this president is not working. His support is growing because of it. shhhhhhhhhh Don't tell them.
Oh yes it is. Next week we'll see if he's guilty or not. If he is dont forget to apologise.
I'm not the liar. I"m not the one committing lawfare on a legitimately elected former president. This is gonna come back to bite the democrats. Hey..did ya see the south bronx rally last nite? Everything the left is doing to destroy this president is not working. His support is growing because of it. shhhhhhhhhh Don't tell them.

lol, he had all those big ralleys last election and still 7 MILLION votes. lol.
lol, he had all those big ralleys last election and still 7 MILLION votes. lol.
The looting and lying leftist demmie party keeps dishonestly claiming its Dominion machines did not destroy Trump votes, flip Trump votes to Biden, and create millions of fake votes from thin air as needed for Biden to make up his huge deficit after the polls closed, but democrats blocked enough investigations into their guarded voting machines so that nobody can prove what happened one way or the other.