Corrupt prosecutor will not recuse herself from bogus Trump trial in spite of facing charges of bias and corruption herself

Democrats have cited all sorts of reasons for refusing to allow unbiased forensics experts to examine voting machines to determine whether they had been corrupted or not. That makes Democrats look secretive and guilty for not wanting to prove by examination that the machines had not been corrupted.

Arizona audit: Maricopa County and Dominion refuse to comply with subpoenas - CBS News 8-4-21

Maricopa County and Dominion refuse to comply with Arizona election audit subpoenas


AUGUST 4, 2021 / 7:20 AM / CBS NEWS

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Dominion Voting Systems refused Monday to provide additional material requested in subpoenas from Republicans in the Arizona Senate. ...

Maricopa County again refused to turn over its routers, citing possible security risks. Thomas Liddy, a county attorney, said that producing the equipment could expose "confidential data belonging to Maricopa County citizens" or make law enforcement's communications' infrastructure "extremely vulnerable to hackers." ...

Dominion, which makes the election equipment used by Maricopa County, also refused to comply with the request, calling it "illegal and unenforceable." Dominion said that it only provides its security keys and confidential passwords to "authorized recipients" that are "specifically approved by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission" and complying with the subpoena "would cause grave harm."
Bullshyt. You're blessed GOP had them audited and found nothing. You're delusional with hate.
Democrats have cited all sorts of reasons for refusing to allow unbiased forensics experts to examine voting machines to determine whether they had been corrupted or not. That makes Democrats look secretive and guilty for not wanting to prove by examination that the machines had not been corrupted.

Arizona audit: Maricopa County and Dominion refuse to comply with subpoenas - CBS News 8-4-21

Maricopa County and Dominion refuse to comply with Arizona election audit subpoenas


AUGUST 4, 2021 / 7:20 AM / CBS NEWS

The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Dominion Voting Systems refused Monday to provide additional material requested in subpoenas from Republicans in the Arizona Senate. ...

Maricopa County again refused to turn over its routers, citing possible security risks. Thomas Liddy, a county attorney, said that producing the equipment could expose "confidential data belonging to Maricopa County citizens" or make law enforcement's communications' infrastructure "extremely vulnerable to hackers." ...

Dominion, which makes the election equipment used by Maricopa County, also refused to comply with the request, calling it "illegal and unenforceable." Dominion said that it only provides its security keys and confidential passwords to "authorized recipients" that are "specifically approved by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission" and complying with the subpoena "would cause grave harm."
So no one said what you claimed
Bullshyt. You're blessed GOP had them audited and found nothing. You're delusional with hate.
No, the DNC prohibited the GOP from auditing thousands of voting machines that spat out suspiciously high Biden ballots without verification of validity in the 2020 election.
No, the DNC prohibited the GOP from auditing thousands of voting machines that spat out suspiciously high Biden ballots without verification of validity in the 2020 election.
You're a liar and deliberately ignoring it.
It doesn't matter because the bites are counted twice at least and nothing changed. Suck eggs.
You're a liar and deliberately ignoring it.
It doesn't matter because the bites are counted twice at least and nothing changed. Suck eggs.
Voting machines are extremely susceptible to corruption and the fact the Democrats blocked every effort to examine the machines after the election proves they cannot verify that the machines had not been corrupted.

CISA Dominion Machine Vulnerabilties Report.pdf 6-3-22

Dominion Vulnerability Report, June 3, 2022
Voting machines are extremely susceptible to corruption and the fact the Democrats blocked every effort to examine the machines after the election proves they cannot verify that the machines had not been corrupted.

CISA Dominion Machine Vulnerabilties Report.pdf 6-3-22

Dominion Vulnerability Report, June 3, 2022
Extremely susceptible? Lol
Right wing weasel words

You morons have no proof duh
Voting machines are extremely susceptible to corruption and the fact the Democrats blocked every effort to examine the machines after the election proves they cannot verify that the machines had not been corrupted.

CISA Dominion Machine Vulnerabilties Report.pdf 6-3-22

Dominion Vulnerability Report, June 3, 2022
They could well be but you have no evidence that they were rigged. Nothing. Just hate for democrats and sour about losing.
Extremely susceptible? Lol
Right wing weasel words

You morons have no proof duh
Are the machines vulnerable to corruption or not? If the machines can be corrupted by crooked operators, then why did Democrats refuse to allow the machines to be examined immediately after the election before any crooks could erase the evidence of their wrongdoing?

Democratic senators warned of potential 'vote switching' by Dominion voting machines prior to 2020 election | Washington Examiner 11-13-20

Four congressional Democrats sent a letter to the owners of Dominion Voting Systems and cited several problems that “threaten the integrity of our elections,” including “vote switching.”

In a December 2019 letter to Dominion Voting Systems, which has been mired in controversy after a human error involving its machines in Antrim County, Michigan, resulted in incorrect counts, Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Ron Wyden, and Amy Klobuchar and congressman Mark Pocan warned about reports of machines “switching votes,” “undisclosed vulnerabilities,” and “improbable” results that “threaten the integrity of our elections.”
They could well be but you have no evidence that they were rigged. Nothing. Just hate for democrats and sour about losing.
How is anyone going to prove whether the voting machines were rigged or not if trustworthy forensics examiners did not examine the machines immediately after the election to determine whether the machines had been tampered with or not?
How is anyone going to prove whether the voting machines were rigged or not if trustworthy forensics examiners did not examine the machines immediately after the election to determine whether the machines had been tampered with or not?
You're the only one caring son. Ask god.

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