If you think that the Dems are going to get away with this, I've got big news for you. Nobody is bulletproof, not pols, not judges, not precinct workers, everybody is answerable in the end. Sooner or later, the majority that has been persecuted by the minority rises up and strikes back. History is full of such events and as long as mankind is governed by bad people history will repeat itself. It may not happen in my lifetime, but the pendulum is out there swinging, -watch your back... You need to hope that Trump wins and cleans up the swamp because some black swan event will occur and suddenly change the geometry. The Axis of Evil is out there and they want to destroy us. Joe has allowed tens of thousands of saboteurs to cross the border and has simultaneously greatly weakened our military with WOKE policies; prevented the Ukrainian forces from beating the Russians by slow-walking the kinds of weapons they need to win; and not putting Iran in its place with reciprocal strikes, ad infinitum. Nothing changes, but nothing stays the same...