I hate to interrupt this line of thinking that war is terrible and to be avoided, but you know that counter-parties are involved that bring war to us and the only way to defend ourselves is to fight back. In fact, the biggest wars occur when people wait too long to fight back. Hitler could have been stopped more easily in the mid-thirties when he had not yet built a fighting machine that ate the lunch of Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Belgium & The Netherlands, and annexed Austria, neutralized Hungry, Bulgaria, Turkey and a few other countries that would rather capitulate than fight. All great wars and small start with an encroachment here & there, then a bigger bite until the aggressor gets comfortable & confident and goes for the jugular. Anti-war peaceniks somehow miss that part of the equation. It all occurs in slow motion, there are always lots of warning signs, and the "Peace in our time" morons always try to take the easy way out.
Nicolás Maduro is going for the jugular of Guyana and will be seizing their prime oil fields while the "good" guys scold him. This could work out pretty good. He is giving Trump a target, -himself, and will unite the wrong country. He's needs killin', as they say in Texas, and there's gonna be a new Sheriff in town, mucho pronto. The new Sheriff is going to need to demonstrate that the bad guys need to be corralled to make the world safe, and the Venezuelan Army has spent the last 20 years practicing soldiering by bullying women & children, -they need an upbraiding, too. There is a legitimate government in exile somewhere that will be happy to step in when the smoke clears and hang those that have been running Venezuela into the ground since Hugo Chávez stole his fist election.
China has been on the ground there for some time and needs to sent packin' too. Their economy is close to the final stages of grand failure, so this is an opportunity to push them over the edge, too. Two birds with one stone? Hell no, Iran needs a couple bunker-busters to bury their underground nuclear program, and lots of Islamic terrorist cells need to be seriously dealt with, to the last man. It's all doable, but it take resolve and the application of raw power and technology, not a lot of boots on the ground which is always anguishing. Our General Staff needs to be replaced with warriors with battle scars, the kinds of people who plan well because they want to go in only when they have assembled overwhelming force. Not foot-draggers, not WOKE cunts, not Biden apologists. The opposite of Biden feeding the Ukrainians just enough to stay in the fight, but never enough to take the fight to Mother Russia. Go big or stay away. Push is coming to shove, Biden's on the payroll of the other side and will roll over like a puppy. It will all make Trump look better, and better, and elected.
It's your move Nick...