So, those of us who align with the Jim Jordan/Mike Pompeo version are right, there was a clusterfuck in DC that managed to keep the issue quiet until it was too late to do anything. The two people who had the authority to send help, Obama & Clinton kept the ball in the air and got away with it because they didn't want to get any credit for not being prepared and were covering for why CIA didn't know who was on first base? CNN & their ilk can be depended upon reporting exactly what happened, no holds barred? Who believes that? The siege lasted a relatively a long time and fighters could have been dispatched to do continuous rooftop flyovers disrupting what was happening on the ground until other help could arrive. If you haven't experienced the negative effects of a jet flying 50 feet over your head at 500 miles an hour, you might not appreciate rear, tangible fear, -it is intimidating. And, you can't hear them until they are right on top of you. They can be given targets from the guys on the ground and and place a burst of machinegun fire right up your ass, and an occasional rocket attack on the local terrorist headquarters just might influence them to recall their bad guys and abandon the mission. Tell me again that nothing could have been done.
If you have been in the military, you rely on the basic tenant of service: always poised to act in defense of the US, -full support anywhere Americans are.
So Boris, same thing in the Ballet? Always ready to prance around in pink booties... and exonerated by Dem committees.