Bill OReilly is right on the money about Black America


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Watch talking points on the Oreilly factor tonite at 11PM. I encourage yall to watch it. Including you PFOS. Maybe youll get what you liberals been missing out. Its not the white mans fault its the African American community fault for not taking personal responsibility. Look how they talk,, They use the F word on about every sentence. How in the world u expect to make it in the working world talking like that? And theres not one public service ad will talk about making black teenage girls just say no to pregnancy. NBC wont air that,, The local politicians wont get involved nobody would. 77% black babies are born out of wedlock and its we the tax payers have to pay for it simply they cant affiord to take care of them. Newt Gingrich is right how to solve this problem. If teenage girls cant afford to take care of their children then put them in orphanages. Let the real working society raise them kids give them a chance of a better life.
He's been getting a lot of attention over that rant.

I agree with most of what he said. I have posted here several times about how we are allowing what's happening to our black youth by ignoring it.
Hes right. But the left refuses to reconzie the real problem with gangs and drugs. And Detroit must have mandatory curfew laws. Anyone under 18 roaming the streets without an good excuse will be sent to jail overnight no fine. But next day you take that kid to the parents and warn them next time theyre out on the streets after 9PM the kid will spend 3 months in juvenile hall and the parents will be arrested and spend 3 nights in jail and pay $1000 fine the next offense is an $2500 fine and 15 days in jail and kid gets 1 year in juvenile hall. Curfews do cut down teen crime. And then all high school kids in Detroit wear school uniforms. The Parents must pay for them. And teens do not drive to school in Detroit they must take the bus or subway to school and parents must pay for that.
O'Reilly had another really good "talking points" rant tonight regarding the race hustlers.

It will probably be up on Youtube in a few hours.
Heres more rants from the Far left liberals

Again Oreilly hits the bullseye right on the money how liberals look at the African American situation