Bernie Sanders is a dilapidated & deranged Communist menace

Once again you show just how stupid a right wing mentally deficient whiner can be, Have you read any of the posts I have given you so you could at least have the appearance of knowing anything past your thumb up your ass? THERE IS NO ONE TARIFF FOR ALL PRODUCTS, EACH COMMODITY HAS ITS OWN TARIFF AMOUNT. SOME COMMODITIES HAVE NO TARIFF

Understand now stupid?
Given the extent of your brain damage you may not be able to understand. We are looking at overall tariff rates.
My point exactly. Not Democrats, Republicans.

And now for the truth which you always seem to avoid:
Your far left site tries to blame Bush. It's been over 7 years, when will Obama and the Obama-bots take responsibility?

Let's look at the facts:


Your far left site tries to blame Bush. It's been over 7 years, when will Obama and the Obama-bots take responsibility?

Let's look at the facts:

What you did was ignore facts, as usual, for partisan *********. Obama inherited a recession, 10+% unemployment, the loss of 800,000 jobs a month, two unpaid for wars, and tax cuts for the wealthy that lowered revenue to the government. And that was just the beginning. Then too, you never show any ability to understand what was said. Really quite usual for the right wing mindless.

As to your Frank site, remember how the Republicans got rid of Glass-Stegall.

This is not to blame either party in its entirety since I vote for neither one. Nor am I what one would call a "conservative", or a "liberal". I follow the ideals of the Founding fathers, and Christ, both of whom people like you ignore, and consistently denigrate.