Hey, good point. I'm not much older than a kid myself but boy one can be surprised at the tricks they learn- especially how to abuse the system for their own ends.
What do you mean by "openly?" I mean, if the parents are bedecked in leather and spanking each other while using nipple clamps at dinnertime on the table, then I'd say I'd be opposed to that. Then again I think parents should be discrete about their sex life in general, at least do it behind a locked door. Walking in on one's parents doing the act, in whatever shape or form, can be pretty traumatic to a child. If not emotionally scarring, then definitely under the "I don't want to see that sh-t!" category.

I tend to agree. Any parent worth his or her salt is not going to flaunt their sexual predilections in front of the kids. They will take reasonable care to make sure they have their fun away from the children.

When it comes to sexual behavior, my main things are "keep it to yourself" and "only among consenting adults". Other than that, I tend to focus on what goes on in my bedroom and allow others the same privilege.