Baby steps, yes...but progress for sure!

The only thing the Right ever offered was Kill any bill, Kill it...they never realy wanted to work on this bill, they have done nothing but stall and try to kill or poison it. Some of there people even said there goal was not compromise and to work with the Dems, but to kill it....and those where the ones who where put in a position to actually work on ideas...

When your only goal is to deffeat the other side, can you realy expect them to say hey what do you think , lets work on this together while you try only to stop us...

The the Republicans rot on the sideline, to be pushed out of the way, and ignored by the will be a nice gap for a nice Independence party to fill....Death to the Republican party

Firstly the GOP has offered many ideas including a full plan to actually try and reform health CARE (as opposed to health insurance). Its been roundly ignored by the MSM so if you are unaware of it, I'm not surprized.

Secondly, do you expect the GOP to ignore the fact that these various bills did nothing to reform rising health CARE costs ? After all, that is the main issue. Get costs under control and insurance comes down naturally.

Lastly, market based control is the only effective means to do anything of this sort. Government controls alw2ays make things worse, raise costs, lower benefit.

But when the first response to these suggestions are met with "you lost", its pretty clear that bi-partisanship was nothing but campaign rhetoric.

As predicted.

Hope and change ? I doubt this is the change people outside the fringe left had in mind especially in light of the president's tanking approval ratings.