What's hiding in the health care bill?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
Horse Country
This is an interesting article:

"Congressional Democrats are proposing a sweeping overhaul of the American health-care system, which represents about 17 percent of the U.S. economy. You might think they would feel a responsibility to explain the precise implications of this legislation to the American people before it comes to a vote.

But after one week of hearings in the Senate Finance Committee — presided over by the legislation’s principal author, committee chair Sen. Max Baucus (D., Mont.) — it’s become obvious that Senate Democrats want to pass this bill in a hurry, and that hiding the contents from the American people is an instrumental part of their attempt to do so.

The lack of transparency is stunning."

1. Democrats are hiding the true cost of the bill.
2. Democrats don’t know how much the bill will cost — and don’t want anyone else to know, either.
3. The Democrats aren’t telling the truth about getting to keep your coverage.
4. The bill promises to provide more coverage to more people with less money and fewer doctors.

For details about each of those see this link:

What's stunning is your ignorance. There isn't a final bill yet. All your whiney rants only show your lack of comprehension about what's going on.
What's stunning is your ignorance. There isn't a final bill yet. All your whiney rants only show your lack of comprehension about what's going on.

Uh, riiight.


the various proposals out there are going to become the final bill and it will be passed before there is time for anyone to have a dialogue about it.

Which is why we must have the dialogue now.

What is more interesting is you trying to minimize what people have to say by calling it whiney ranting rather than addressing any of the things to be discussed. Why avoid a good debate? That is why we are here.
Dialog? some of us have...some people have been crying Death Panel and making crap up...and no, there is no true cost to the bill...because there is no bill there are many bills. I am sorry these facts escape you.

you cant even say if there will be a Public Option in the final Bill right now, yet you think there is one final cost?
This is an interesting article:

"Congressional Democrats are proposing a sweeping overhaul of the American health-care system, which represents about 17 percent of the U.S. economy. You might think they would feel a responsibility to explain the precise implications of this legislation to the American people before it comes to a vote.

But after one week of hearings in the Senate Finance Committee — presided over by the legislation’s principal author, committee chair Sen. Max Baucus (D., Mont.) — it’s become obvious that Senate Democrats want to pass this bill in a hurry, and that hiding the contents from the American people is an instrumental part of their attempt to do so.

The lack of transparency is stunning."

1. Democrats are hiding the true cost of the bill.
2. Democrats don’t know how much the bill will cost — and don’t want anyone else to know, either.
3. The Democrats aren’t telling the truth about getting to keep your coverage.
4. The bill promises to provide more coverage to more people with less money and fewer doctors.

For details about each of those see this link:


Folks , If the Nation will only FAIRLY watch the dirty work of the democrat party and R.I.N.O republicans in forcing a terrible Health Care Bill through our corrupt Congess they will understand why and how our Great Nation has been destroyed by radical liberalism .Like thieves in the night these radicals care nothing about the American Citizens , about the Security of our Nation and are working in concert with our extrem radical president to put YOU and ME and every citizen in bondage and using their control of our Health care to force us to do their will. TIME is SHORT my friends , We must Continue our fight , increase our resolve , protect our Children, in many cases they have not seen this much evil in their young lives . Some are so trusting and innocent they can be tricked by radical liberal schoolteachers to sing praises to their oppressor.VOTE FOR YOUR PRINCIPLES not PARTY in 2010 & 2012- REVERSE our HUGE MISTAKE in 2008!
What's stunning is your ignorance. There isn't a final bill yet. All your whiney rants only show your lack of comprehension about what's going on.

YOU LIE! , We know whom and what our enemy is doing to our Nation . I suspect it is the radical liberals who do not understand the depth and the huge number of Americans both Republicans and loyal American democrats who now see , many for the first time , just how evil and ungodly these radical liberals have become . Not just satisfied with their corruption , now they want our Constitution so they can shred it . As many have noted they now have started to indoctrinate even our very young children , our most precious and vulnerable asset. Thieir EVIL knows no bounds, no mercy , no limitations, their goal is to destroy America's Free Market Capitalism and replace it with a fascist state . Our DEFENSE is to be on guard, watch what government schools are doing to and preaching to your Child .And VOTE YOUR PRINCIPLES IN 2010 Election & VOTE YOUR PRINCIPLES AGAIN in 2012 Election . Vote out all in our Congress who support Obama and his marxist policies .Then in 2012 Vote out those remaining in our Congress along with Obama , the director of all radical and Anti America policies!
Folks , If the Nation will only FAIRLY watch the dirty work of the democrat party and R.I.N.O republicans in forcing a terrible Health Care Bill through our corrupt Congess they will understand why and how our Great Nation has been destroyed by radical liberalism

Interesting viewpoint considering.......


Conservatives were quick to insist that the near-riot — the first of many town-hall mobs that would dominate the headlines in August — was completely spontaneous. The protesters didn't show up "because of some organized group," Rick Scott, the head of Conservatives for Patients' Rights, told reporters. "They're mad about the stimulus bill, the bailout, the economy. Now they see that their health care is about to be taken over by the government."

In fact, Scott's own group had played an integral role in mobilizing the protesters. According to internal documents obtained by Rolling Stone, Conservatives for Patients' Rights had been working closely for weeks as a "coalition partner" with three other right-wing groups in a plot to unleash irate mobs at town-hall meetings .........................
Behind the scenes, top Republicans — including House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, Minority Leader John Boehner and the chairman of the GOP's Senate steering committee, Jim DeMint — worked hand-in-glove with the organizers of the town brawls. Their goal was not only to block health care reform......
To amp up the panic, they decided to spin the "takeover" fear to its most extreme conclusion: Washington bureaucrats plan to institute "death panels" that would deny life-sustaining care to the elderly. That portion of the script was drafted by Betsy McCaughey, the former lieutenant governor of New York, who insists that her expertise as a constitutional historian enables her to decipher the 1,017 pages of legalese that comprise the House health care bill.
McCaughey first unveiled her "findings" on July 16th, during an appearance on the radio show of former GOP presidential candidate Fred Thompson. "I have just finished reading the House bill," McCaughey declared. "I hope that people listening will protect their parents from what's intended under this bill." Citing page 425 of HR 3200 — a section that outlines the same kind of optional, end-of-life counseling that Republicans have voted for in the past — McCaughey uncorked a terrifying lie. "Congress," she said, "would make it mandatory — absolutely require that every five years, people in Medicare have a required counseling session that will tell them how to end their life sooner." ...........
McCaughey has run this con before. During the debate over Clinton's health care overhaul in the early 1990s, McCaughey — then an academic at the right-wing Manhattan Institute — wrote an article for The New Republic called "No Exit," in which she claimed that Hillarycare would prevent even wealthy Americans from "going outside the system to purchase basic health coverage you think is better." Even though the bill plainly stated that "nothing in this Act" would prohibit consumers from purchasing additional care, McCaughey's claim was echoed endlessly in the press........
McCaughey's lies were later debunked in a 1995 post-mortem in The Atlantic, and The New Republic recanted the piece in 2006. But what has not been reported until now is that McCaughey's writing was influenced by Philip Morris, the world's largest tobacco company, as part of a secret campaign to scuttle Clinton's health care reform. (The measure would have been funded by a huge increase in tobacco taxes.) In an internal company memo from March 1994, the tobacco giant detailed its strategy to derail Hillarycare through an alliance with conservative think tanks, front groups and media outlets. Integral to the company's strategy, the memo observed, was an effort to "work on the development of favorable pieces" with "friendly contacts in the media." The memo, prepared by a Philip Morris executive, mentions only one author by name:

"Worked off-the-record with Manhattan and writer Betsy McCaughey as part of the input to the three-part exposé in The New Republic on what the Clinton plan means to you. The first part detailed specifics of the plan."

McCaughey did not respond to Rolling Stone's request for an interview.

There are 5 more pages but I think you get the point- Pot calls kettle black..........
Looky looky.

The dems are so desperate. they plan to use the tarp bill and then ammend it and substitute the Health Bill .

What a bunch of losers we have in the democratic party. I hope they all go on a plane trip together and the plane falls out of the sky. Seriously.

This so so underhanded.

Since they have the majority in house / senate and whitehouse. Why would they stoop to use this insane tactic.

They keep pushing and pushing.

They are cowards and losers. They ought to go to jail if they try and pass health care by sneaking it in this way.

Every American should be outraged. We have a system in place for a reason. It's not to go around.

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