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I don't recall a lot of people crying about being poor on this forum. Do you have some examples?
Listen closely, I'll get em going again for you.
I don't recall a lot of people crying about being poor on this forum. Do you have some examples?
Oh I see now Obamanation, the beaver dam was not on your land after all now. And now you are saying that you can't pump water from the other side which is 40 miles away even thought the land is now on your family's property. And the reservoir created by the beavers is 40 miles away???
You would be best to just extract yourself from this mess now before it gets too embarrassing. Knowd I'm sayun?
Yes the beavers dam was on my family's land. My family was not the only family that used the river. This effected many farms along the river for miles and miles. The dam was made in the upper part of the property but still on the property. Had it been on the property next door the results would have been the same. The farmer next door was forbidden to tear down the dam also.
More importantly, something you seem to not notice. It was not just about my family. It was about all the familys with farms on the river. including the farms above the dam that got to much water, though that is usually not as bad, its still not good.
There is something about you that is very hard to like or even tolerate. I would rather end replying to you. . Think what ever sick thing you want about America and Americans..... fair enough, because you really impacted how I feel about Canada and the kind of people they seem to make.
I rarely use a hot smoke tecnique. I only hot smoke on accident!Bunz- In B.C. the early small feeder cohos are referred to as bluebacks sometimes. The local indians always prefer the dogs for smoking and they cold smoke it for days so it doesn't need refrigeration. That's the real purpose of smoking fish anyway. It can be reconstituted with water and then it resembles Alaskan black cod more than anything else. (What we refer to as Alaskan black cod) Delicious!
In all fairness, due to me being in western Alaska and not road access, things are considerably more expensive than in Urban Alaska, and the Lower 48. This is because perishables are flown in. Well over half of all the imported goods into the community is flown in. Very rarely do I actually buy red meat. Like 4-6 times per year. I have only purchased chicken once in 2008. Id rather have game animal than feed lot cattle.I'm beginning to think that there are many poor people who can't afford to buy beef in the US now. That makes me wonder how far your standard of living has declined. Maybe the reason why you don't prefer Sockeye over buffalo is because you get too much salmon.
I rarely use a hot smoke tecnique. I only hot smoke on accident!
You see though, we use each species, but in a variety of ways. Like tomorrow, I am going to set my net for a tide. Hoping for more silvers than humpies, but ill probably end up with more humpies. Either way, we will jar the humpies and with the silvers, ferment the heads, and smoke the bodies.
In all fairness, due to me being in western Alaska and not road access, things are considerably more expensive than in Urban Alaska, and the Lower 48. This is because perishables are flown in. Well over half of all the imported goods into the community is flown in. Very rarely do I actually buy red meat. Like 4-6 times per year. I have only purchased chicken once in 2008. Id rather have game animal than feed lot cattle.
As for preferring bison or sockeye etc. You are somewhat correct. I do deal with way more salmon than the average person. This year I caught 112,000 pounds commercially, and another 472 at this point of subsistence. Granted only 1/4 of that will be kept for me and my immediate family. The rest is disbursed among family and friends. Most of it smoked, also lots canned.
The standard of living among rural Alaskans is of course behind the rest of the country, except in the most remote of Appalacia maybe. The remoteness and transportation costs are the main issues.
Whoooooaaaa boy! The farmer next door had no right to tear down the dam. Why would he when the dam wasn't on his property? It was on your famly's property or has it moved again? And how big was this beaver dam lad? As big as the Grand Coulee dam?
Look pal, I have known a few beaver dams in my time and I ain't never ever seen one that could effect farms 40 miles away. These are my national animals you're talking mean about now and I don't like that!
Why would I notice when you didn't tell me? And I'm still not going to have you pin a bad rap on my beavers. Maybe it was a moose dam or a cow dam?
Don't judge all Canadians by my demeanour lad. I'm an a--hole and I have fun with exposing little liars. Especially when they try to blame nice little beavers when the damage was done by 20 foot long muskrats. Hundreds of the ugly buggers!
have been ignoring his comments specifically because... well... he seems insane.
This is the same guy who claimed that BigOil owned congress, in order to pass laws preventing them from drilling, so that the price of oil would spike, so they could promote nuclear power, in order to scare people back to oil, which his father wrote about in the 70s, and now Bigoil is promoting Obama, who isn't electable, and all the Obama supporters, plus the Media, and all the people on this very forum that are in favor of drilling, are all actually BigOil operatives spreading the doctrine of oil....
This is not someone you can use logic or reason with.
I think anyone who disagrees with you has a bad attitude and anyone who disagrees with you isnt telling the truth...... you are by far the strangest and rudest person I have met in the blogs, and I thank God you are a Canadian and not and American.
I'll get back to you when I'm not so busy. Seems like everyone wants to exchange ideas with me now.
Take a number please.
have been ignoring his comments specifically because... well... he seems insane.
This is the same guy who claimed that BigOil owned congress, in order to pass laws preventing them from drilling, so that the price of oil would spike, so they could promote nuclear power, in order to scare people back to oil, which his father wrote about in the 70s, and now Bigoil is promoting Obama, who isn't electable, and all the Obama supporters, plus the Media, and all the people on this very forum that are in favor of drilling, are all actually BigOil operatives spreading the doctrine of oil....
This is not someone you can use logic or reason with.
PLC- You are right, Canadians usually have a very pleasant demeanour. In my case, when I'm talking to reasonable people who don't try to get their lies and deceptions past me, you will find my demeanour at least acceptable. But I have a very short fuse when it comes to liars who make up stories which are not truthful to try to make their political points. In the case of the obamanation, he/she/it got caught in a talltale about beavers and I lost patience with he/she/it/whatever. I make no apologies for that. It's a childish tactic.
PLC quoted Andy saying:
I think you're confused again or Andy is confused because I didn't make any of the claims he talks about there. Andy is talking about somebody else my friend.
You should check with the abomination before you make assumption on what he/she/it meant to write.
If you say something worthy of my time to respnd then you will get a response. If I'm busy then take a number please. Your false accusation above re: Andy's remarks, have caused me to put you on notice and you can consider you have been warned.
I'm right about the rest of it, too.
Disagreement is one thing. Calling others "liars" due to disagreement is quite another.
No, the post was about you, and I'm pretty sure, having read through the posts leading up to that one, that Andy was simply summarizing what you had to say.
Now, gee whiz, I'm on notice, and may no longer be read by the mighty UShaditcoming. Gosh, how will I ever get over that?![]()
You're pretty sure are you? No you silly bugger, Andy was not talking about ignoreing me and he never has ignored me. I on the other hand had put Andy on ignore for 2 days for not being truthful to me. When you get around to apologizing to me I will accept your apology and then if you wish you can address me again. You may have to take a number depending on how busy I am.
That was Shilloutte that Andy was speaking about in that case I believe actually.
Ah, the ol' 'my fellow Canadians are idiots' labeling, to ignore evidence. You know, I think I have you completely figured out. Your entire basis for every argument is labeling.
You label our government "capitalist right-wing", then point to bad things they do (even those that defy the very label you gave them), then claim the label is bad because they did those actions. Capitalism is bad because they bailed out a company, which is a socialist action.
You then labeled me "bitter and negative" and use that as an excuse to avoid responding to the points I made.
You then label the people of your own country "idiots making stupid claims" as a way to avoid responding to the seemingly millions of complaints and hatred by them of the socialist ICBC system.
Well that might work for the news media, but it won't work here. No one is going to buy those cop-outs. Factually bankrupt, and logically insane, doesn't make for a good argument.
Damn, you're right. I hate when that happens.
This is the quote that had to do with Ushadit:
OK, US, gloat. I know you want to.
No need to gloat PLC the novelty wears off of that when you have talked to Americans for a while. The novelty never wears off of hearing apologies from them for their ignorance and stupidity though. Those are few and far between.