Indian names for salmon are different here on the lower B.C. coast so I don't recognize yours. When you refer to 'King' you must be referring to Chinook or locally known as spring salmon. The big ones anyway. I also enjoy smoked pinks because it's less oily.
Yes Chinook. I have come to learn the terms are used different down there as well. In Alaska, general uses break down like this, in terms of popular use.
Kings: Jack, Chinook, Winter Salmon The Yupik name doesnt translate well.
Dogs: Chum, Calico, Kaaviak.
Reds: Sockeye, Blue Back or Green head, suugipaq. Kokanee(which to Alaskans is generally referred to with the beer brand)
Silvers: Coho, Blackmouth, Yupik translation I cant spell.
Humpies: Pinks, Humpback, Cans.
In even numbered years in my area we get a small amount of Mikos which are a Dog and Humpy cross.
As for fish prep, I dont smoke pinks because they lack the oil that makes smoked Kings and Reds the best. We pressure cook humpies. Well we first generally avoid catching them in the first place because I generally have all the fish I need by the time they show up.
buffalo is not great meat in my opinion and wouldn't stack up against other wild game such as moose or elk. Moose or elk can be prepared in a gourmat fashion while buffalo has that hard fat which solidifies as soon as it cools. Venison is the same but at least venisone has a distinctive taste. Like I say, they give it away in Alberta and a roast I had in my freezer ended up freezer burned and I fed it to my dogs.
I enjoy Buff regardless, and know that it will be amazing in the crock pot, ground, and the tenderloin steaks will be awesome. In reality, I am looking for red meat variety. I get a moose a year, a handful of caribou, and thats it. I dont buy, or cant afford beef, and dont prefer it anyways. I buy chicken once a year generally for the 4th of July tradition I have going.
That's my opinion but I acknowledge it's a matter of taste. If you look up some info on buffalo in Alberta you will find that it was a mistake because people were just too used to good grain fed beef. Some of the best in the world next to and behind Kobe beef.
See that is the issue. Beef sold in Alaska comes from the pacific NW. But when it costs $5a pound for hamburger and its been frozen. Well I trust my own processing way more than any from a feed lot and handled by an underpaid grocery store clerk.
The other big thing about the Bison hunt is that literally a several thousand enter the permit lottery and I think 200 get drawn. Its among the most prized in Alaska. Also, it is the past push for the waterfowl leaving the North Slope on the way south. Im gonna pack the freezers this winter. Cant afford not to.