Apocalypse now?' What Europe's media thought of the Trump speech

In another forum it has been claimed that Trump would be impeach because he did no pay taxes or he is mentally unstable , now we have suggestions that he will be impeached because of his business deals. None of these will give grounds for impeachment. They are shard by many former Presidents, Even if Trump is killed the Republicans will still be in power and Pence will implement the same policies.
Democrats should work on alternative policies so they have a chance in four years time.
OBVIOUSLY! And I assume that you are putting the housing bust on Obama?
The housing bust happened because of deregulations and Bush policies favouring banks and the stock market. Now that Trump is removing once again regulations. . .we can expect the same kind of drama to happen within the next 6 to 8 years. The wealthy have learned from the last bust that it is to THEIR advantage: Throw people out of the house because they can't pay their mortgage, then buy those same houses for ½ the price and rent them at high price!

I am very proud to be a progressive liberal. Thank you for the compliment.
OMG, If you can ignore what I posted , well I have nothing else to say..lol
Not at all so quit your lying. What you are speaking to is the actions of the right wing partisan useful idiot. And it did not begin with Obama, and I don't recall him ever doing so save for in the mind of the useful idiot right wing. Trump with his words, and now his actions, certainly contributed to the problem.

More lies from the useful idiot. Who was it that said they would make Obama a one term President before he was even elected? You speak of the majority, yet the Repugnant ones have not won the majority vote save for Bush in 2004, for how many years now? Obama won the vast majority in both of his elections, and how did your Repugnant ones treat him. Even now the polls show little support for Trump, and even less for the Repugnant ones in Congress. And when it comes to the State races, if not for the gerrymandering of the voting districts by Repugnant ones they would not have the majority. Who is it even now that is trying to silence the media with lies about "fake stories"?

Do your research. Obama as a community organizer had more power over the market then Bush as President? Yes, let us forget that whistleblowers told the Bush administration, and testified before Congress, about the fraud mortgage lenders, including bankers, were perpetrating in 2004. Bush did weakly attempt to do something about that in 2006, and then he issued orders to prevent the prosecution of offenders.

But hey, long ago I learned that partisan hacks on both sides never, and I mean NEVER, accept responsibility for their actions, or those of their party.
Sense 2/3 you post is someone scrambling for an argument that I wasn't msaking, I will ignore it. but as for my post, My point that any rational person would take away from it is that the Left created Trump and a few have admitted it. No sir you need to do your research , the point in the second article I posted was when Obama was a No Vote Senator..But hey, I'll be your huckleberry..
In another forum it has been claimed that Trump would be impeach because he did no pay taxes or he is mentally unstable , now we have suggestions that he will be impeached because of his business deals. None of these will give grounds for impeachment. They are shard by many former Presidents, Even if Trump is killed the Republicans will still be in power and Pence will implement the same policies.
Democrats should work on alternative policies so they have a chance in four years time.
The voice of reason prevails.
When did President Obama ever insult American people? When did HE harass people. . .when HE was actually being harassed by people like you?
I didn't say Obama.. and I have never harassed the man
Giving equal rights to gay and lesbians, to people of all religions, to ALL US militaries, no matter what their sexual identities, their religions, even their nationalities are not DIVISIve acts, but should be seen as BRINGING people together. . .except, of course, people who do not BELIEVE in equal rights for all!
But anyone who disagreed was branded with everything I mentioned, you can't deny it. just look at your post to me and others.
And the NRA made a few billions with that stupid, false propaganda about "Obama is coming for your guns!" When did he do that in his 8 years of presidency? Did he take YOUR guns away? When, how?
Not a member..
Now. . .look at Trump, his campaign and his first month of presidency. . .and tell me how many people he has insulted, how many rights is he violating, including his desperate attempts to curtail the 1st amendment!
I'm sorry if you or anyone is insulted but election have consequences, as far as me being a good man, the Bible there is none good but one, so your second opinion of me is probably right.
Now I realise you are just not too clever, and not to honest, and you are just preaching a story that you don't even believe in. All that matters is your partisanship, you do not (or at least, you no longer) praise God. . .you praise TRUMP as God!
Now this post is another one full of insults.. I must be doing something right..
If not. . .you would at the very least see that Trump's treatment of Immigrants and foreigners is totally against Christian beliefs. Aren't you the one who prides himself to quote the Bible as the word of God? Well . . . explain this then:
No shame on you..for only using one quote, when you find more post them..
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Sense 2/3 you post is someone scrambling for an argument that I wasn't msaking, I will ignore it. but as for my post, My point that any rational person would take away from it is that the Left created Trump and a few have admitted it. No sir you need to do your research , the point in the second article I posted was when Obama was a No Vote Senator..But hey, I'll be your huckleberry..

Either you are lying again, or you did not read the article you posted:

"Here’s something you’ll never read about in the liberal media.
Barack Obama played a leading role in the mortgage crisis of 2008 that sunk the US economy.

In his early activist days, Barack Obama the community organizer sued banks to ease lending practices.

State Sen. Barack Obama and crackpot priest Michael Pfleger led a protest in Chicago in January 2000. (NBC 5 Week of January 3, 2000)

In 1994, Barack Obama was one of the plaintiffs in a class action lawsuit, alleging that Citibank had engaged in practices that discriminated against minorities. The lawsuit forced the bank to ease its lending practices."

What does that have to do with Obama as Senator?

And the left did not create Trump. Unlike you I do my research, and actually read what I post:


"Not just by failing for too long to take Mr. Trump seriously or by lacking an effective response once you did. That’s well-covered territory. Most important, you created the anger that lifted his candidacy by years of systematically and effectively preventing passage of legislation that might have ameliorated the tough economic state of Mr. Trump’s core voters.

Mr. Trump’s biggest supporters are disproportionately white, middle-aged, working-class men without college educations, a group whose fortunes have flagged as globalization and new technology have rendered millions of jobs obsolete and cut into the wages of many more. While the trade agreements that Mr. Trump bashes have played a role, the mistake was not having entered into them, but having failed to sufficiently help affected workers adjust to the new dynamics.

For too many, those new dynamics have been painful indeed. In Michigan, where Mr. Trump won big, wages in manufacturing have fallen from a high of $28 per hour in 2003 to $21 at present, after adjustment for inflation, a stunning 25 percent decline.

Meanwhile, the number of manufacturing jobs in the state has fallen from almost 900,000 in September 1999 to just under 600,000 at present, a picture that is repeated across the country.

Throughout his presidency, Mr. Obama has put forward constructive proposals to help those displaced workers. For its part, the Republican Congress has been behaving like Nero."
I didn't say Obama.. and I have never harassed the man

But anyone who disagreed was branded with everything I mentioned, you can't deny it. just look at your post to me and others.

Not a member..

I'm sorry if you or anyone is insulted but election have consequences, as far as me being a good man, the Bible there is none good but one, so your second opinion of me is probably right.

Now this post is another one full of insults.. I must be doing something right..

No shame on you..for only using one quote, when you find more post them..

So. . .you don't like that quote. . .wonder why?
Love the quote.. The Bible is full of quotes you disregard, I am not doing that here, there are better way's to help..

Sorry, Grumpy. .I will not post the whole Bible here!

I used the quotes in the Bible that fit the moment and that are POSITIVE, not (as many people do) to judge and punish, but to help bring more peace and understanding.

Just as some people use Leviticus to judge homosexuality as a horrible sin. . .but ignore that, in the same quote, Leviticus speaks of divorce, and even "laying with a woman" when she has a period, or eating shell fish as an equally evil sin!

I disregard nothing. . .you seem to though!
Sorry, Grumpy. .I will not post the whole Bible here!

I used the quotes in the Bible that fit the moment and that are POSITIVE, not (as many people do) to judge and punish, but to help bring more peace and understanding.

Just as some people use Leviticus to judge homosexuality as a horrible sin. . .but ignore that, in the same quote, Leviticus speaks of divorce, and even "laying with a woman" when she has a period, or eating shell fish as an equally evil sin!

I disregard nothing. . .you seem to though!
As far as the left is concerned, We Christians who argue against welcoming Syrian migrants to our shores are hateful, bigoted hypocrites ignoring clear scriptural of openness and compassion. In reality, however, Christians who urge that we care for Syrian refugees abroad rather than here at home are responding wisely in my opinion We can be compassionate from afar, and we’d be wise to do so.

Now as far as homosexuality goes, I have never judged them and never will, they should have EVERY right that I have, and you are correct sin is sin..

You said. Leviticus speaks of divorce, and even "laying with a woman" when she has a period, or eating shell fish as an equally evil sin! The Bible also say's there is nothing unclean of it's self, but to him that esteem it to be unclean to him it is unclean.
Sorry, Grumpy. .I will not post the whole Bible here!

I used the quotes in the Bible that fit the moment and that are POSITIVE, not (as many people do) to judge and punish, but to help bring more peace and understanding.

Just as some people use Leviticus to judge homosexuality as a horrible sin. . .but ignore that, in the same quote, Leviticus speaks of divorce, and even "laying with a woman" when she has a period, or eating shell fish as an equally evil sin!

I disregard nothing. . .you seem to though!

I said before not to try and debate with Grumpy using scripture. He has a very selective use of scripture to defend his ignoring of scripture especially when it comes to the moral characteristics of leaders, or those who claim to be Christian. And like in everything else he says when you challenge him he just changes the objective.
I said before not to try and debate with Grumpy using scripture. He has a very selective use of scripture to defend his ignoring of scripture especially when it comes to the moral characteristics of leaders, or those who claim to be Christian. And like in everything else he says when you challenge him he just changes the objective.
You got me..
In reality, however, Christians who urge that we care for Syrian refugees abroad rather than here at home are responding wisely in my opinion We can be compassionate from afar, and we’d be wise to do so.

Out of sight out of mind. Where is all of this concern being shown at? The terrorists kill them, Americans kill them within our borders, and what is being done?

Now as far as homosexuality goes, I have never judged them and never will, they should have EVERY right that I have, and you are correct sin is sin..

But you vote for those who do so.

You said. Leviticus speaks of divorce, and even "laying with a woman" when she has a period, or eating shell fish as an equally evil sin! The Bible also say's there is nothing unclean of it's self, but to him that esteem it to be unclean to him it is unclean.

I know I said I would not do this since it is a waste of time to argue with a fool, but just in using the words of Jesus, not Paul:

Mark 7: 5-14

"So the Pharisees and teachers of the law asked Jesus, “Why don’t your disciples live according to the tradition of the elders instead of eating their food with defiled hands?” He replied, “Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written:

“‘These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.

They worship me in vain;
their teachings are merely human rules.’

You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to human traditions.

And he continued, “You have a fine way of setting aside the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions! For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and, ‘Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.’ But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is Corban (that is, devoted to God)— then you no longer let them do anything for their father or mother. Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that.”

Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen to me, everyone, and understand this. Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.”

Jesus was not speaking of food. And I would suggest you actually read Romans 14, all of it. For then you would discover that once again it is not food that is the topic, food is the example:

Romans 14: 19-21

"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a person to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall."

When you condone the immoral acts of one like Trump by voting for him over a more righteous person you are supporting his actions. It is the same as one who says abortion is murder, and then votes for one that supports abortion. In fact, if it were not for politics Trump would still support abortion, and transgender rights as he has done in the past.

And when you fail to follow the word of God in such matters you destroy the work of God, and show to others that Christ is of no effect.
"Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a person to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother or sister to fall."
And it's so clear to me that this is the way you live your life.. I guess it is clear to you that I don't.. My heart is in the right place, We disagree..

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