Freedom of speech and thought and equality is what the West is and Islam forbids it.

Gnostic Christian Bishop

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2013
Freedom of speech and thought and equality is what the West is and Islam forbids it.

These two basic facts alone are why Islam and the West and our ideologies can never harmonize. Islam must change or be rejected and banned from Western countries.

The strength of the West is our sense of freedom and is why the West has progressed so far so fast. We allow and encourage free speech and free thought. Nothing and no area of thought is sanctified to us and that is why we are so progressive and have gained so much over time. We test all ideas and hold on to what is good.

Islam and Muslims have shot themselves in the mind by closing off certain beliefs that they hold due to being idol worshipers of their invisible and imaginary God. Much like Christianity did when they helped usher in the Dark Ages against free thought and their Inquisition.

Islam is trying to do the same and meeting the resistance that they deserve. The world is not going to tolerate another Dark Age against free thought nor their form of Inquisition called jihad.

Some wise Muslims, a small minority it seems, know better but the vast majority are not listening to them.

Jewry and Christianity pulled themselves, by and large, out of their mental doldrums and now enjoy the freedom of thought and speech that is the hallmark and cornerstone of the Western ideology. Equality under the law is recognized as a higher moral tenet than misogyny and inequality. The West will never allow itself to return to the barbarity and inequality of older and more backward thinking times.

I am a left leaning person but Trump may be right, when we look at the numbers, to want to keep all Muslims out of our Western countries. Have a look from a progressive Muslims point of view.

How can we bring the wisdom of these two progressive Muslim in the links provided, to the ears, and more importantly the hearts, of all Muslims?



P.S. I am not racist against Islam and Muslims. If I could, I would ban all idol worshiping religions, --- including Christianity and Islam, --- as all both are good for is producing homophobic and misogynous men.
However, wouldn't banning religion be a violation of freedom of speech? Also can't freedom sometimes be harmful? For instance, how about when men refuse to raise thier kids, and the kids grow up to be criminals?
However, wouldn't banning religion be a violation of freedom of speech? Also can't freedom sometimes be harmful? For instance, how about when men refuse to raise thier kids, and the kids grow up to be criminals?

Is it a violation of free speech to stop fraudsters for lying to gullible people for their cash?

I see that as a crime and you seem to be saying that criminal activity is protected by your constitution.

You do have fraud laws in your country. I just think they should be enforced.

Here are some reasons why.

Is it a violation of free speech to stop fraudsters for lying to gullible people for their cash?

I see that as a crime and you seem to be saying that criminal activity is protected by your constitution.

You do have fraud laws in your country. I just think they should be enforced.

Here are some reasons why.


Actually, you say a similar thing about people promoting money making schemes like you'd see in some home business magazine you can buy at Wal-Mart. Yes, fraud makes me sick. Nonetheless, the case against home business scammers is stronger than against religion, simply cause we can't prove religion is wrong.

Sometimes you have to live and learn. Even myself, I fell for home biz scams around 15 years ago, but have since gotten more wise. Perhaps the same thing goes with people who follow faith healers etc..
Actually, you say a similar thing about people promoting money making schemes like you'd see in some home business magazine you can buy at Wal-Mart. Yes, fraud makes me sick. Nonetheless, the case against home business scammers is stronger than against religion, simply cause we can't prove religion is wrong.

Sometimes you have to live and learn. Even myself, I fell for home biz scams around 15 years ago, but have since gotten more wise. Perhaps the same thing goes with people who follow faith healers etc..

The case against religions is just as strong if not stronger as they are talking about supernatural things that have never ever been proven to be real.

Even those who are foolish enough to believe in a supernatural God would have to see all the others who promote other Gods as fraudsters.
