Why does it always seem like your trying to talk down to me.. YOU SAID...You really should learn a little more about social democracies. . .and preferably from a NON-PARTISAN source! NO MAM, You should, America is what it is because we're not like Europe. Are you trying to tell me any part of Europe is better then what we have here. America is in far better shape then any part of Europe. Tell me please what part of America is good, is it the fact that our military either directly or indirectly protects over half the world and our tax dollars go to support that effort, thru NATO. We are twenty Trillion dollars in debt and your telling me that the liberal policies that Bernie and others propose are viable. Sorry, your the one who needs a lesson in economics. We are 350 million strong today. Bernies numbers won't work here. You guys are delusional..
PS, I'm not confusing anything.. you are, your confusing want to be fiction with reality..
I hope this isn't to simple for you.. there are plenty more..
No. . .America was more successful than Europe. . .because Europe went through a major war ON ITS TERRITORIES! But today, the USA is being destroyed because all that made America great (it's land, it's diversity, its "joie de vivre," its will to save nature and environment, etc . .) is being attacked.
Even American military is just a way to make money for big industries. . .Defense is important, but more money shouldn't be attributed to "defend" a land that hasn't experienced a war on its own territory (mostly due to it's geographical position) then to care for the population. And, yes, the US is carrying a bigger part of the NATO expense as it should. . .although this trend has began to revert over the last TWO YEARS, not the last 4 weeks! But the huge military complex that tax payers pay for has been used more often to ATTACK other countries than to defend them! And, let's face it, we haven't won a war since 1945. . .and that was with ALLIES!
Regarding your comment on "Bernie's number would never work here. . .we are 350 millions strong", have you ever heard about "economy of scale?" (by the way, to answer your remarks about my knowledge of economics. . .I do have a degree in Economics from an US university). The fact that there are more people to cover in healthcare (and the fact that the US population is younger than the European population) is AN ADVANTAGE, not a detriment to universal healthcare. Why do you think we pay less for medicare coverage than we pay for private insurance healthcare? Because it is more efficient ALTHOUGH IT CATERS TO THE MOST NEEDY in healthcare. . .the elderly and (in case of medicaid) the younger population of disabled people.
How do you explain that medicare covers 80% of the cost of healthcare for the MOST EXPENSIVE population (the elderly), at a lower cost than private healthcare covers the remaining 20% of the cost of healthcare for the SAME POPULATION?
How do you explain that we pay 2 to 3 times MORE for healthcare in the US than any other place in Europe. Universal healthcare and lower cost for GOOD education are NOT FICTION, but reality for Europe, and Australia. Even Cuba does a better job in those two areas than the US! Do you know that Cuba offers FREE higher education to 3000 to 4000 foreign students each year? and that Cuba sends its doctors around the world to help and teach in poor countries?
One important are where America truly was greater than other countries was in the preservation of its land, its nature, its environment. And today the clown in the White House has selected the exact people who have a history of wanting to end EPA, privatise the National park system, and who prefer to focus on building a stupid (and very much incomplete, since it will only represent about ⅓ of the border) wall on the southern border, rather than rebuild failing infrastructure! Have you travelled lately around the world? Have you had a chance to experience Airports in the US and compare them to most European airports? Have you travelled by train in the US. . .probably not, as the rail system is minimal and antiquated. . .but if you have, have you compared it to the high speed trains ALL OVER Europe, China, Japan?
No. . .I have lived long enough at the 4th corners of the US and in several countries in Europe, and visited other countries in Asia to KNOW that America is no longer "exceptional" and that it is going to be worst before it gets better.
But I know I won't convince you and I hope you know you will not convince me. So we can just agree to disagree, and debate on smaller issues, where I hope we can find some agreement. Thank you for your responses.