I do not agree with a lot of what you said, BUT, I LOVE that post..Thank you.
"Someone has said that the hard places of life will either make you hard and mean or drive you to Jesus. That's true, but there's more than that. Sometimes the dark will teach you about yourself, about God's love, and about amazing grace. There are those who have been there and teach the rest of us what they found so we can find it too. That's what Kendra Fletcher has done in a wonderful and refreshing way. As I read this book I cried, and I laughed. This is a book that just might change any ones life!" book is called.. LOST & FOUND
Our unity is supernatural. It is Spirit-borne. Our differences may be important to us, but nothing should divide us so that we spurn anyone who does something in love. As that Methodist guy said, “If your heart is as my heart, give me your hand.” enough said..