So, pr, you claim no back-radiation or OA, and you ignored the reference, to coral studies, which show how EVERY TIME CO2 goes up, partly as fast as concentration is rising today, changes occur, which lead to a MASS EXTINCTION EVENT.
Right bob, I don't believe in backradiation. I have asked you repeatedly to name one physical law which supports and predicts backradiation which is the basis for the greenhouse effect claimed by climate science and to date, you haven't done it while I have named at least 3 physical laws which state clearly that backradiation is not possible.
And you have not provided a single shred of evidence shows that whenever CO2 goes up, mas extinctions happen. I believe that you believe what you have provided does so, but I will just chalk that up to your fervent belief and perhaps a bit of a reading disability. If you believe you have provided such evidence, then kindly link to it again and point out where the material states what you claim.
You now claim you posted links which disprove OA.
There's that reading disability again. I never posted a link that disproves OA, I posted links which dispute the effects you attribute to OA.
You ignored how your links are out-dated and any theories behind them have been discarded, by the science community.
Again, not true bob, but if you want more, I will gladly give you more as all of the actual science coming out on the topic show that OA is not the threat you imagine it to be.
And here is the most comprehensive, up to date database on the topic of OA available and alas, bob, the perponderace of the studies show that you are wringing your hands over nothing. OA is not the impending disaster you have been frightened with. I am sure that the material is over your head but then if you could actually read and understand the material rather than take the word of the fearmongers you turn to for guidance, you would not be making the absurd claims you are presently making.
The northern icecap is failing, faster than ever.
Really bob? Faster than ever? Faster than during the Medieval warm period when arctic temperatures were considerably warmer than the present? Faster than during the roman warm period when arctic temperatures were warmer still? Faster than during the Holocene Maximum when temperatures were much warmer than either of the aforementioned? Faster than the previous warm cycles where no ice existed anywhere?
Hell bob, faster than the not so distant past? Here is the USS Skate at the North Pole in 1959. Not much ice there, huh?
Here is the Seadragon and the Skate at the north pole in 1962. Again, not much ice.
Here is a photo from 1987
The fact is bob, that the ice comes and goes. Nothing new and nothing to fear.
Face it bob, you don't have a leg to stand on. You make wild hysterical claims that are patently false in an attempt to scare people. The thing is bob, that rational, thinking people aren't going to be frightened by your hysterics because they apply the claims to history and see that the senarios you claim have already happened....repeatedly....without the catastrophic consequences you claim.
OA will increase, while Atlantic trade currents fail, from the additional melt.
Where did you get that little gem from? Let me guess, a climate model; because it certainly didn't come from anything like actual observable evidence. You are really out there bob and the fact that I believe that you actually beleive the things you write prompts me to feel a bit sorry for you.
When the northern albedo fails, the Earth will absorb more energy, and then Greenland and East Antarctic ice will start to fail.
What do you believe is the difference between the present albedo and the albedo 14K years ago when the ice caps extended about 2000 miles further south? The fact is bob, that the ice has been melting for a very long time and the fact that it continues to melt should come as no surprise to you and the fact that it has melted over and over and the warmer it gets, the better it is for life should make you look forward to the coming spring because at present bob, the earth is a very cold place compared to its historical norm.
Then sea level will rise, noticeably, while average temperatures rise, noticeably, as soon as that northern albedo fails, every summer.
Sea level has risen 600 meters during the past 14K years bob. What are you claiming, another 10, or even 20? So what? People will move inland if it happens and it is surely going to because it has happened before bob. The earth is coming out of an ice age and whether you like it or not, we can't do a thing about it. It has happened over and over before and the effects are perfectly predictable. If you had any solid knowledge of paleohistory, you wouldn't be subject to the fearmomgers who are terrifying you.
As to the present mass extinction you cliam.......I am laughing in your face bob.
You are a gross DENIER. You haven't noticed cumulative human effect, at interfering with CO2 respiration, you ignored Muller's recent admission, how global warming is caused, by human activities, you ignore tipping points, and you have a place, in the mountains.
Muller? Seriously bob? Muller? Are you aware that none of his work has passed peer review? His work is a joke and so bad that it can't even pass pal review where every fearmonger out there can get a paper published.
I have asked you at what level of atmospheric CO2 you believe will constitute a tipping point. To date, you haven't come up with an answer. We know from history that atmospheric CO2 levels have been as high as 7000 ppm with no "runaway" global warming so tell me bob, what level do you believe will be the "tipping" point and when do you think we will get there?
Since you have FAILED, either come up with some better links, which prove something interesting, or which disprove OA, or I'll go ahead and IGNORE you, since your unseemly interest in pretending to science or falsely claiming to post relevant links shows a blocking ability, sufficient to claim disability.
Sorry bob, but it is you who has failed. You are acting like a hand waving hysterical old woman claiming that the sky is falling with nothing more than an acorn in your hand.
And of course you will ignore me because I am asking hard questions that you can't answer and asking for actual observable, repeatable evidence of which you have none. You can't continue the conversation in anything like a rational way meaning providing answers to the questions I am asking or showing the actual observed evidence supporting your claims, or even a single physical law that supports and predicts the claimed basis for all your hysterics so you will, as predicted, hurl insult, continue screaming your imagined fears and forgo anything like a rational discussion.
So tell me bob, can you answer any of the questions I have asked?
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