its certainly a waste of time waiting for you to
a) backup anything
b) refuse to consider actual science
Typical warmer. Living under the impression that all of the snake oil he has been ingesting is true and based on something like actual science. Discussions with them tend to follow the same outline. They regurgitate great volumes of what they have read and believe to be true.....find that when challenged to produce actual evidence that there is precious little, if any actual evidence to support that which they beleive to be true.....hurl insult and invective as a result of their disappointment and frustration....and call over their shoulder that it is pointless to talk to a denier as they tuck tail and run.
Some discussions go on longer depending on the scientific literacy of the warmer, but eventually they all take on the same form.
The fact is that a pretty steady stream of actual peer reviewed, published science is, and has always been rolling in challenging most of what the warmist claims while they reference what mostly ammounts to opinion pieces, some very flawed pal reviewed "science" and crazyness like the BEST project which is in effect an opinion piece because it was never able to pass peer review and was never published in any credible journal. Here are a few of the most recently published papers that I am aware of:
This paper published in the
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society flies in the face of the claims of the likes of James Hansen who claim that "extreme" weather is being caused by a trace gas in our atmosphere.
This paper published in Coastal Engineering finds that the rate of sea level rise, which has been pretty steady for the past few hundred years in which it has been measured has decelerated over the past 10 years and that decelleration has been much more pronounced over the past 5.
This paper published in Polar Research finds that the temperatures in the Arctic were much warmer during the MWP than the present.
This paper published in the
Journal of Climate finds that contrary to what the "settled science" claims, clouds act as a negative feedback, not positive precisely as the second law of thermodynamics predicts.
This related paper also published in the Journal of Climate finds that the climate models being used GROSSLY underestimate the cooling effect that clouds play within the atmosphere.
This paper published in the
International Journal of Climatology fails to find any human fingerprint whatsoever in the global climate.
And the list goes on and on and on. The media doesn't report these published findings because they have so much invested in the climate hoax that they simply can not afford to see it fail and since the media doesn't report them, the true beleivers out there don't read them and probably wouldn't even if they knew about them as they challenge a set of dearly held beliefs and are therefore irrelevant even though they are based firmly in actual science.
It is sad, but alas, it is the state of affairs we live in.