Any increase in frequency of the recent Greenland ice sheet melt means:

A United Nations report warns that the earth's environmental systems "are being pushed towards their biophysical limits" and that sudden, irreversible and potentially catastrophic changes are looming.

The UN's Environment Program says that climate change, the depletion of the ozone layer, plummeting fish stocks and the mass extinction of animals are among the most worrisome environmental threats.

"The world continues to speed down an unsustainable path despite over 500 internationally agreed goals and objectives to support the sustainable management of the environment and improve human wellbeing," a press release for the report states.

The 525-page report released Wednesday said little or no progress has been made in recent years toward meeting international targets for reducing environmental destruction.

The report calls on policymakers to take urgent action. Achim Steiner is the UN program's head and he says the UN's mega-conference on sustainable development to be held in Rio de Janeiro this month would be the ideal forum to take the steps needed to prevent an environmental catastrophe.

"If humanity does not urgently change its ways, several critical thresholds may be exceeded, beyond which abrupt and generally irreversible changes to the life-support functions of the planet could occur," a press release on the report states.

Some key facts and figures from the report:

    • Under current models, greenhouse gas emissions could double over the next 50 years, leading to rise in global temperature of 3 degrees Celsius or more by the end of the century.

    • Indoor air pollution from particulate matter is responsible for nearly 2 million premature deaths annually - including 900,000 deaths in children under the age of five.

    • Outdoor particulate matter may be responsible for around 3.7 million deaths annually.

    • Ground-level ozone is responsible for 700,000 respiratory deaths, over 75 per cent of which occur in Asia.

    • Global economic losses due to reduced agricultural yields caused by air pollution are estimated at US $14-26 billion annually.

    • The extinction risk is increasing faster for corals than for any other group of living organisms, with the condition of coral reefs declining by 38 per cent since 1980. Rapid contraction is projected by 2050.

    • Though catches more than quadrupled from the early 1950s to the mid-1990s, they have stabilized or diminished since then - despite increased fishing. In 2000, catches could have been 7-36 percent higher were it not for stock depletion. This translated into economic losses to the value of $4-36 billion.

    • Water quality in at least parts of most major river systems still fails to meet World Health Organization (standards.

    • More than 600 million people are expected to lack access to safe drinking water by 2015, while more than 2.5 billion people will lack access to basic sanitation.

    • By 2030, an estimated $9-11 billion will be spent annually on additional infrastructure to provide sufficient quantities of water, especially in developing countries.

    • The number of flood and drought disasters rose by 230 per cent and 38 per cent respectively between the 1980s and 2000s, while the number of people exposed to floods rose by 114 per cent.

  • The cost of coastal adaptation to climate change is estimated to reach between US $26 billion and US $89 billion by the 2040s, depending on the magnitude of sea-level rise.

DURBAN, South Africa - Global warming already is causing suffering and conflict in Africa, from drought in Sudan and Somalia to flooding in South Africa, President Jacob Zuma said Monday, urging delegates at an international climate conference to look beyond national interests for solutions.

"For most people in the developing countries and Africa, climate change is a matter of life and death," said the South African leader as he formally opened a two-week conference with participants from 191 countries and the European Union.

The conference is seeking ways to curb ever-rising emissions of climate-changing pollution, which scientists said last week have reached record levels of concentration in the atmosphere.

Seasoned nongovernment observers said the outcome of the conference, which ends Dec. 9, is among the most unpredictable since the annual all-nation meetings began following the conclusion in 1992 of the basic treaty on climate change.

"Everything seems to be fluid. Everything is in play," said Tasneem Essop, of WWF International.
You must be a democrat.
Capable only of hurled epithets--of which you have not even any ability to know anything about--and wild-eyed aspersions.
I will assume it is an exercise with your Dungeons and Dragons group practicing insults.
You are currently--not very good at it.
No, I am not a Democrat. Your other defamatory accusations are incoherent.

You do know you are TROLLING, correct? You are 0/4, at posting relevant material, at this particular science thread.

See how CO2 normally peaks at 280 ppm, throughout the Pleistocene or Holocene Epoch maxima?

See how CO2 suddenly moves up, in a geologic second, to really accelerate, 1950, all the way, to 400 ppm?

You know what ALWAYS HAPPENS, when CO2 goes up, really fast? Global temperatures follow, forced UP.

You know what happens, before temperatures get really HOT? First, temperatures ease upward, while ice melts and CO2 gets metabolized, by ocean water, which becomes relatively acidic. This keeps the atmospheric CO2 AND temperatures relatively low. Sea grasses start to proliferate.

But at some tipping point, the Arctic cap ice fails, which leaves the northern albedo ineffective, at reflecting energy, during northern summers. The planet will absorb a lot more energy, and that ice will all melt, every year. When we reach this point, the oceans will be killing oysters, corals, plankton, little fish, and eggs, with relative acidity, which is going on, NOW.

The Earth's oceans then start to warm. While they are out-gassing a lot of CO2 and CH4, already, this process accelerates, which will then accelerate both atmospheric GHG concentrations AND warming, of all global temperature measurements.

We will ALL be dead, by the time the oceans really start to warm up. Anoxic events will finish off whatever desirable species and families weren't killed off, by acidification. Rather than pass relatively acidic, cold water, the oceans will become caustic, in some places, but they won't respirate CO2, as well, without algae blooms and sea grasses.

Any surviving humans who want seafood will have to process jellyfish, into sushi.

Then the heavy tides will trigger seismic events and volcanism. Enjoy your jelly-sushi, kids!

See how CO2 normally peaks at 280 ppm, throughout the Pleistocene or Holocene Epoch maxima?

See how CO2 suddenly moves up, in a geologic second, to really accelerate, 1950, all the way, to 400 ppm?

You know what ALWAYS HAPPENS, when CO2 goes up, really fast? Global temperatures follow, forced UP.

You know what happens, before temperatures get really HOT? First, temperatures ease upward, while ice melts and CO2 gets metabolized, by ocean water, which becomes relatively acidic. This keeps the atmospheric CO2 AND temperatures relatively low. Sea grasses start to proliferate.

But at some tipping point, the Arctic cap ice fails, which leaves the northern albedo ineffective, at reflecting energy, during northern summers. The planet will absorb a lot more energy, and that ice will all melt, every year. When we reach this point, the oceans will be killing oysters, corals, plankton, little fish, and eggs, with relative acidity, which is going on, NOW.

The Earth's oceans then start to warm. While they are out-gassing a lot of CO2 and CH4, already, this process accelerates, which will then accelerate both atmospheric GHG concentrations AND warming, of all global temperature measurements.

We will ALL be dead, by the time the oceans really start to warm up. Anoxic events will finish off whatever desirable species and families weren't killed off, by acidification. Rather than pass relatively acidic, cold water, the oceans will become caustic, in some places, but they won't respirate CO2, as well, without algae blooms and sea grasses.

Any surviving humans who want seafood will have to process jellyfish, into sushi.

Then the heavy tides will trigger seismic events and volcanism. Enjoy your jelly-sushi, kids!

OK we get that you think the world is going to end. Will you be cutting and pasting this much more ?
No, I am not a Democrat. Your other defamatory accusations are incoherent.

You do know you are TROLLING, correct? You are 0/4, at posting relevant material, at this particular science thread.

Defamatory? Will my lawyers be hearing from yours?

You are an expert at incoherence.
You must be very young.
They are always obsessed with the word troll. Always preferred a trotline, myself.
Interesting anecdote--

BTW--we all know you are a leftist sent here from the depths of hell to troll.
To make things easier for you--"No, we don't agree with you."
OK, pr, you don't see the OA scenario getting close, to cod? I believe it was you, who claimed Pacific NW oyster larvae die-offs were related, to how oyster farms try to grow a Japanese variety.

Do you see OA getting close, to thwarting aragonitic shellfish, little fish, and eggs?

I don't see ocean acidification as a problem at all bob, because it isn't happening. If you could put all of the carbon on earth into the oceans, they would not reach a ph level that could rightly be called acidic. The oceans are alkaline...period. If it continues to warm, the oceans will continue to outgass CO2 because warm water can not hold as much CO2 as cold water. That is why increased CO2 follows warmer temperatures...outgassing of CO2. If it gets cooler, then the oceans will take up more CO2 which we already know is not a problem as the oceans didn't become acidic to the point of dying during the previous, or any previous ice age.

You let people terrorize you with nonsense bob. We know that the termperatures have been much higher than present, and much colder than present and atmospheric CO2 has been orders of magnitude higher than present and no ill effects can be linked to CO2. You can't provide a single bit of hard evidence linking CO2 to any global catastrophe.

Do you see, how Richard Muller admits to AGW, based on data, going back, to the 1700s? Of course, he doesn't admit to ACC, and he thinks we need to frack, out of order, with development of cycle CO2 media, so I can't say I agree with any frackers or carbon credit foolishness.

Muller? What a joke. I don't guess you are aware that muller's research couldn't even pass peer review. His work was rejected by the scientific publishers, but the media gobbled it up, and you take him seriously? Like I said bob, you let people terrorize you with nonesnse.

How do YOU explain Dr. Muller's extraordinary media conversion, since you don't believe in the GREENHOUSE EFFECT?

Muller isn't to be taken seriously. He has made no conversion. Not a single BEST team paper has passed peer review, and his daughter, who is running the project is a known warmist/activist. The media more or less allowed him to self publish his work and never bothered to mention the fact that none of it ever passed peer review or was published in an actual scientific journal.

Again, you are being led around like a sheep bob. Try to actually learn some science and perhaps you won't be so gullible.
I see no fresh troll-scat, limiting all of physics to the 2nd Law or against oceanic acidification has been posted. If you:

1. Rant
3. Ride

Been up to my place in the mountains bob. No internet, no TV, and only 2 radio stations.

The second law of thermodynamics regards heat transfer bob, not uptake and outgassing of CO2 by the oceans. It is clear that the science is way over your head. When you stick to cut and paste, you make people wonder if you actually grasp any of the science you reference, when you go out on your own and make comments like the one above, you remove any doubt that they may have had. You don't get the science. You are a believer.
Of course, if you are simply trolling, you won't bother with on-topic posts or introduction of related media:

bob said:
We are surely in the midst of a mass extinction. Even though it's hard to compare past extinction rates with that of the present, given missing data from the past, we do know how to identify extinction periods: the elevation of extinction rates in those periods are at least a hundred-fold over the slow "background" rate of "normal" extinction.

In the midst of a mass extinction huh? Wow bob, do you actually believe that? If we actually were in the middle of a mass extinction, you should be able to tick off a few dozen species that have recently died off and be able to show conclusively that their extinction was due to the changing global climate. I am going to make it easy for you and only ask you to name 3 species that have gone extinct due to climate change and ask you to show concrete evidence that they did indeed die off due to the changing global climate.

Lets ee what you have bob.
The OP introduces tipping points, global warming, climate change, the recent Greenland ice sheet melt, and oceanic acidification got in there, related to the OP. Even a complete drunk should be able, to get something in, related to any of that, in one post or another. So far, you are 0/2.

Tipping points related to atmospheric CO2 are a fiction bob; but it would be interesting to know at what point you believe a tipping point for atmospheric CO2 would be reached. At what point do you believe atmospheric CO2 would reach a tipping point?