"Anti semitism" is an inappropriate term.

Get a refund from your school
No need. American schools were much better in my day than they are now. However, modern schools do have the advantage of removing obstacles in education that tend to make the less intelligent feel ashamed, like lowering or removing standardized tests.

No need. American schools were much better in my day than they are now. However, modern schools do have the advantage of removing obstacles in education that tend to make the less intelligent feel ashamed, like lowering or removing standardized tests.

View attachment 9026
You should have gone to a better school maybe you wouldn't look so stupid here
You should have gone to a better school maybe you wouldn't look so stupid here
At least the Austin school system and the University of Texas did not suffer in my day from the types of problems modern Democrat school systems suffer from.

At least the Austin school system and the University of Texas did not suffer in my day from the types of problems modern Democrat school systems suffer from.

Apparently they suffered from the inability to teach you how to make intelligent posts