Another unprovoked black racist attack on an innocent white girl highlights the continued problem of black racism in the US

Black girl attacks white girl in attempted murder for no reason other than the girls are different colors.
How could you possibly know that was the only reason? You are a liar.

Have you not heard that racist attacks are based on skin color?
What do you call it when a white guy attacks a white guy?

You're a racist so you'd know.
Nobody proves white attacks on blacks, though rare, are racist before declaring them racist attacks, so why do we not assume without waiting for proof that black attacks on whites are racist? Unless, of course, you are the type of typical racist democrat who stupidly believes all whites are racists and no blacks are racists.
From one side of their mouth: white on black attacks rare

From the other side: black on white 2x white on black

Simple math 2 x rare = rare

When desperate they say anything.
Hundreds of innocent cops are assaulted and dozens of innocent cops are killed each year by cop-hating degenerates.

Being a law enforcement officer is not even among the ten most dangerous occupations. 22nd according to this list. Garbagemen have a more dangerous job.

This lie is important because officer safety is the basis for why they violate people's rights.

Why did you say dozens? Not thousands?

Cops shoot 10,000 dogs every year. They are cowards.
