Another theory that must be rejected by conservatives

"Oh, like the warmers do anytime there is scientific evidence that contradicts their belief
in AGW?"

Scientists are not politicians, but they are increasingly being forced to play the politician by a relatively small group of politically driven people who clearly have an agenda, and that is to derail all research and funding into global warming, and to derail any efforts to find solutions. And they do so because that is what their minders in the petroleum, coal, and chemical industries (and make no mistake, these industries are behind these efforts) wants them to do. Do you honestly expect scientists to show respect to people who attack their every word, their every effort to find facts, present them in a peer-reivewed fashion, and offer solutions, and even attack them as individuals? Honestly, when you see the unethical behavior of these pundants, for instance, via the climategate non-scandal, what do you believe that the world's scientists acftually owe them?
"What legislation was enacted to force the population to comply with the theory of gravity?"

Well, there is the FAA. Shall I continue?
What do your political leanings lead you to substitute for the theory of evolution?

My political leanings lead me to substitute nothing. Personally, I don't need a theory. I am more likely to lean towards intelligent design. More for humorous reasons than any other. If some day we manage to actually coax life from inanimate matter either through natural process or via a process that could never happen in nature, I imagine that life growing and developing over the ages with some tweaking from us here and there an injection of DNA for this and that. And a billion years later after we are long gone, if intelligent life arose from that experiment, I can hear them exclaiming that the idea of intelligent design is perposterous.

Good. Please do so.

I already have. You have not presented a whit of evidence that conservatives must reject scientific theories while you have provided ample data to support my claim that your position with regard to AGW is a product of your political leanings, and not any scientific knowledge. In one stroke I have provided more actual observed data than you will ever be able to come up with.

What scientific theories do liberals have to reject based on their political leanings? That has the makings for an interesting discussion.

I said that liberals tend to accept theories based on their political leanings. You accept AGW based on politics. You have admitted that you don't grasp the science but you accept anyway because of the politics associated with the issue.
Palerider. You seem to think that because I support the view on scientific grounds that man-induced global warming is occurring, that I must defend it as if I am a lone wolf in the wilderness, as if it is not already fully accepted by the world's scientific community.

More claims you can not support. The worlds scientific community has not accepted the hypothesis and as time goes on and the basic science proves itself to be more and more shoddy, climate science risks ending up in the same boat with eugenics.

Nothing could be further from the truth. AGW is supported by the vast majority of the world's scientists

Prove it.

as well as most governments.

Political power. Nothing more.

The fact is that a very small very right wing minority of scientists (most of whom are either on the payroll of the oil giants, or have received funding from them, and many of whom aren't even scientists at all) don't support the view, and are bleeping like sheeps to tear it down.

Prove that.

Turns out you are full of claims that reveal that you are every bit the acolyte that I said you were.

The fact is that they claim that CO2 is not a greenhouse gas when over 60 years of research clearly shows it is.

So lets see one bit of hard, observed evidence that proves that CO2 is responsible for climate change. You would think that in 60 years there would be at least some hard observed testable repeatable evidence and yet, there is none. A few gas in a bottle experiments that are only valid in closed systems and that is it. And yet, you and yours believe. Explain that.

The fact is that they make all kinds of excuses for why the Earth is warming, but cannot say what is causing the current warming, or why it is warming so rapidly.

Again, claims that you can not prove. The medieval warm period came on faster and warmer than the present which takes "unprecedented" out of your arsenal. Or are you going to deny all those peer reviewed studies? I can give you dozens more, but it isn't the science that drives you, it is your faith.

All they can do is repeat the mantra that "we didn't do it", and yet cannot explain what,if not global warming, that 6 billion tons of CO2 every year is doing to our atmosphere, and apparently believe that it is a completely inert gas.

More appeal to ridicule in lieu of evidence to support your claims. Predictable.

And because they can't give an alternative theory that actually explains the fact (which they can't even agree on themselves much less agree with anyone else on what those facts are), they (like their creationist brethren, who, by the way, really are "priests", or preachers, if you will, religious folk) concentrate their efforts on trying to destroy not only the science, but the individuals who practice it.

An alternative theory is not necessary if one is simply pointing out bad science. I have no problem stating that we don't know what is driving the climate, but we can state pretty confidently that it is not CO2. CO2 is a political scapegoat and nothing more.

I give you the non-existent scandal that was climategate, which by the way, really was a scandal, the scandal being that someone illegally accessed a government server to illegally obtain private e-mails of certain scientists, and then post select examples of those e-mails on the internet in order to attempt to defame those individuals and also derail the international climate negotiations that occurred only a few days after those communications went public.

Do you drink your koolaid with a straw or straight from the bucket?

The fact that every single one of those scientists were exonerated of the accusations that we made about them escapes them, or else they claim the investigations were a whitewash.

In the CRU investigation, jones was not even asked if the CRU scientists had deleted emails. Considering that fact, how thorough do you believe the investiation actually was. You might also consider the gross conflict of interest on the investagative committess across the board.

You sound more like an acolyte all the time.

In fact, set an example for your side and openly publish all of your private e-mails for all the world to see so you can prove to the whole world that you've done nothing unethical in your own field.

My email is subject to review at any time but since I am not involved in an attempt to scam the whole world, and am not involved in manipulating and falsifying data in an attempt to prove a piss poor hypothesis, I have no worries with regard to what might be there.
So you are telling the rest of us that you don't think that the very basic biological fact of specialists and generalists is real, either? Did you not attend biology 101 in college? Do you believe that we are the only species that inhabits this planet, or do you believe that we are the only species that counts (probably the latter, eh)?

I asked you for evidence that the climate is presently at the optimum temperature for our habitation. You were not able to provide any such evidence so you manufactured a strawman to attack.
Well, dude, when the "other" group consists of non-scientists, or mostly unknown scientists mostly uninvolved in peer reviewed science, drummed up by the Petroleum, coal, and chemical industries in order to get the public think the the world's real scientists are involved in a conspiracy theory to bring down the world's economy so they can continue to pollute the planet, when the "other" group consists mostly of self-absorbed crack pots, yeah, a lot of thinking people tend not to take their word for it. But I'll give them credit where credit is due. They've managed to convert a lot of uneducated people to their way of thinking, and in doing so, may be endangering us all. Congratulations.

You really don't have a clue do you? I can point you to over 800 published peer reviewd papers that question AGW theory. How many, in favor of AGW do you think you can provide? John Kerry claimed thousands. Do you believe him?

Your entire argument has predictably degraded into a series of logical fallacies. It always happens when it becomes clear that you can't support your own claims. The frustration builds and eventually you have nothing left but personal attacks on your opponent and the materials and sources provided.

Thanks. It has been fun tearing you down to the point that your argument sounds more like that of a red faced bible thumper than someone in posession of facts to support your claims.
"I am more likely to lean towards intelligent design."

So when you are working in your biochemistry lab and your bunson burner mysteriously goes out, did "god did it" come to mind?

As an alleged scientist, do you understand why that statement (God did it) is meaningless when conducting scientific research?
My political leanings lead me to substitute nothing. Personally, I don't need a theory. I am more likely to lean towards intelligent design. More for humorous reasons than any other. If some day we manage to actually coax life from inanimate matter either through natural process or via a process that could never happen in nature, I imagine that life growing and developing over the ages with some tweaking from us here and there an injection of DNA for this and that. And a billion years later after we are long gone, if intelligent life arose from that experiment, I can hear them exclaiming that the idea of intelligent design is perposterous.

I see. You want to refute a century and a half of scientific research, yet you have nothing to put in its place.

There is nothing preposterous about intelligent design, just in the nonsense that god willed everything into existence as described in ancient writings.

Since you have no theory of your own, how is it you're so certain that evolution is wrong?

I already have.

You have posted scientific theories that liberals have to reject in order to be liberals? That was your claim, yet I haven't seen any such theories. Maybe I missed it.

You have not presented a whit of evidence that conservatives must reject scientific theories

OK, I can't refute that. I have shown that at least most people who describe themselves as conservatives do reject at least two of the three theories under discussion, but, no, I can't show that they must.

I'm still puzzled as to why they do. They don't have to stand reason on its head to maintain their political leanings, yet so many do.

I said that liberals tend to accept theories based on their political leanings. You accept AGW based on politics. You have admitted that you don't grasp the science but you accept anyway because of the politics associated with the issue.

I accept the hypothesis of an anthropogenic component to climate change because nearly all of the credible scientists in the world accept that hypothesis. That has nothing to do with politics. It could turn out that they are wrong, but it seems highly unlikely at this point. The assertion that NOAA, NASA, and the international equivalents of those organizations are somehow involved in a gigantic conspiracy to enslave us all to a Marxist world government is totally preposterous. Surely, you don't subscribe to that nonsense?
"More claims you can not support. The worlds scientific community has not accepted the hypothesis and as time goes on and the basic science proves itself to be more and more shoddy, climate science risks ending up in the same boat with eugenics."

Denial is not a river, Palerider. And your suggestion that climate science "risks ending up in the same boat with eugenics" is just more right wing spin. Congratulations.
"I am more likely to lean towards intelligent design."

So when you are working in your biochemistry lab and your bunson burner mysteriously goes out, did "god did it" come to mind?

Spoken like a pissy liberal. You have lost. You can produce no hard observed evidence that establishes an unequivocal link between man's activites and the changing cliamte. Now get your panties out of a wad and deal with it.

The outcome of the conversation was predictable. I knew that you couldn't produce the evidence. Everyone who rejects the piss poor hypothesis known as AGW knew that you couldn't produce the evidence. I belive deep down, you knew that you couldn't but though that if you shuck and jive long enough, you might be able to fool someone. f'in pitiful.

As an alleged scientist, do you understand why that statement (God did it) is meaningless when conducting scientific research?

You are the one who keeps bringing God into the issue, not me. Are you that desparate for another strawman?
"Prove that.

Turns out you are full of claims that reveal that you are every bit the acolyte that I said you were."

Erm, you're not bleeping like a sheep to tear it down?

"So lets see one bit of hard, observed evidence that proves that CO2 is responsible for climate change."


Do you think that this is just a coincidence?
"Prove it."

How many don't support it? That's certainly a much easier list to complie.

I have provided petitions that include tens of thousands of scientists signatures who don't buy into the agw hypothesis, over 9,000 phDs.

Now feel free to prove that the majority of scientists support the agw claim. Let me go out on a limb here and make a prediction.

That is yet another claim that you can't substantiate.

You may not like it but the hard, observable fact is that you have to look pretty damned hard to find a scientist who does not depend on grant money for his daily bread who does buy into the theory and the ones who depend on grant mone are the vast vast vast, very vast minority.