Another mass murdering school shooter linked to transgenderism

Trump is runnijg about telling people that children's genders are being physically changed during the school day by the schools. Sons are coming home dickless and coming home with pussies. Girls are coming home with dicks sewed onto them.

What is Mark's plan? To arrest all transgendered children and put them in protective custody?
Trump is runnijg about telling people that children's genders are being physically changed during the school day by the schools. Sons are coming home dickless and coming home with pussies. Girls are coming home with dicks sewed onto them.

What is Mark's plan? To arrest all transgendered children and put them in protective custody?
Democrats and assorted rebels against God are making huge mistakes removing the ten commandments from schools and inserting government sponsored sex changes in their place.
Democrats and assorted rebels against God are making huge mistakes removing the ten commandments from schools and inserting government sponsored sex changes in their place.
Tell us which of the Ten Commandments tells us about transgenderism, Mark.
"After four people were shot and killed at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, on Wednesday, Governor Brian Kemp said he was “praying for the safety of those in our classrooms.”

But what has the
Republican governor
done to actually keep Georgia students safe from gun violence? Not a lot. And his critics were quick to point that out."
The conclusions are too clear to avoid. Every mass school shooter under Biden has been a transgender. Transgenders make up the majority of sexual orientations of modern mass murdering school shooters. 3-28-23

How Many Mass Shootings Have Been Carried Out by Transgender People?
There's been over 340 mass shootings by straight people so far this year yet you focus on the transgender handfull as if the country has an horrific trend developing.
Don't make me vomit.
Prove it. Your link doesn't

How Many Mass Shootings Have Been Carried Out by Transgender People?​


Are Transgender Mass Shootings on the Rise? What We Know, What We Don't​

There's been over 340 mass shootings by straight people so far this year yet you focus on the transgender handfull as if the country has an horrific trend developing.
Don't make me vomit.
I am not talking about the general population of heathen who are murdering innocent people like mobs of tribal barbarian savages, I'm talking about deranged school shooters under the influence of leftist sex change wickedness.

How Many Mass Shootings Have Been Carried Out by Transgender People?​


Are Transgender Mass Shootings on the Rise? What We Know, What We Don't​

Not proof of your claim
God you are stupid lol
I am not talking about the general population of heathen who are murdering innocent people like mobs of tribal barbarian savages, I'm talking about deranged school shooters under the influence of leftist sex change wickedness.
God you enjoy looking stupid lol