Alright Iran, now’s the time for some self defense.

96% of DNA is the same as us. Chromosomes mean fuck all.
Do you like Bananas?

God was not involved. Get over it.
Your DNA shares similarities with mushmelon DNA but if you think you and mushmelons share a common ancestor then you are wrong, but do pretend to make a valid point concerning yourself.
Your DNA shares similarities with mushmelon DNA but if you think you and mushmelons share a common ancestor then you are wrong, but do pretend to make a valid point concerning yourself.
Every living thing has DNA that is in every other living thing. That proves we are all related.

I know your religion won't allow you to accept it nor will you because your frightened of gods wrath.

It's interesting you should mention melons. That suits you perfectly. Green on the outside but red in the middle.
Every living thing has DNA that is in every other living thing. That proves we are all related.

I know your religion won't allow you to accept it nor will you because your frightened of gods wrath.

It's interesting you should mention melons. That suits you perfectly. Green on the outside but red in the middle.
Similarities in DNA does not prove common relatedness at all. Anyoner imagining humans share a common ancestor with stink bugs is stupid.
God Bless America and God bless Christians standing for truth and righteousness in America! As a former serviceman with dozens of relatives who died in wars defending freedom against the evils of slavery, communism, fascism. totalitarian fascism, and terrorism I celoebrate Memorial Day.

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Appealing to Heaven is not a useful political strategy.
At the time of the American Revolution, the official belief in England was that God put George III on the throne. Dei Gratia Rex is the motto on the coins: By Grace of God, King.
Opposition to the crown was both heresy and treason.
No one claims that your ancestors were stink bugs. Evolution only claims that humans and apes (not monkeys, apes) share a common ancestor.
Appealing to Heaven is not a useful political strategy.
At the time of the American Revolution, the official belief in England was that God put George III on the throne. Dei Gratia Rex is the motto on the coins: By Grace of God, King.
Opposition to the crown was both heresy and treason.
Christians who serve God are not moved by mob devotion to political leaders or political parties.
No one claims that your ancestors were stink bugs. Evolution only claims that humans and apes (not monkeys, apes) share a common ancestor.
Darwin invented an entire theological evolution construct that was later debunked because it was crap speculation, not science. Darwin's extensive training in muddled theology mixed with his leisurely life of bird-watching no doubt contributed to his confusion about life's origins and operations.
DNA does not prove humans are related to slugs or that humans got their genes from slugs.
No one has ever claimed genes came from slugs.
DNA proves primates are out closest living ancestors. But if you want to cling to the religious line, knock yourself out.
Every living thing has DNA that is in every other living thing. That proves we are all related.

I know your religion won't allow you to accept it nor will you because your frightened of gods wrath.

It's interesting you should mention melons. That suits you perfectly. Green on the outside but red in the middle.
Yes your related to a banana 60 percent of your DNA is in a banana.
And you still can not prove how life started.

Kyle floated this idea around that Israel may have assassinated their president but I’m just going to assume they did plus they deserve to be attacked by Iran. You can’t keep taking shit from them. It really doesn’t get any more evil than Israel honestly. All this gaslighting for these atrocities we’re funding is like the number one thing I can’t stand.
LOL Iran just launched 300 of their fake missiles toward Israel, what is next cannon balls