Alright Iran, now’s the time for some self defense.

The Bible claims that people lived to be four hundred, five hundred, nine hundred years old.
Now no one has lived longer than 122 years, that is the record for confirmed longevity.

No Jewish scholar, no Christain scholar has even mentioned this YUGE disparity.
Your recent record does not cover the entire range of history.
God Bless America and God bless Christians standing for truth and righteousness in America! As a former serviceman with dozens of relatives who died in wars defending freedom against the evils of slavery, communism, fascism. totalitarian fascism, and terrorism I celoebrate Memorial Day.

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Soldiers be rolling over in their graves.
Nobody has seen God at any time and nobody has ever seen monkeys transformed into humans, but billions of people believe what they believe about those things by faith, not by sight.
Monkeys do not suddenly change to humans. You know how process works
What a blatant and provocative ignorant statement.
Belief of faith proves absolutely nothing and the absence of your god is testimony to that
Monkeys do not suddenly change to humans. You know how process works
What a blatant and provocative ignorant statement.
Belief of faith proves absolutely nothing and the absence of your god is testimony to that
You falsely claim science has observed and recorded animals evolving into humans. You don't know. If animals evolve into humans you cannot prove you did not get your brains from a brute beast, intelligence-deficient tree-climbing monkey.
I remember how sad veterans of US wars in my family were when a draft-card burning anti-military peacenik lust-addicted cad was elected president of the US.
If they knew and fully realized the crazy ass ********* and people they’re dying for they probably might’ve made a different decision. Having someone like Trump being my commander and chief wouldn’t inspire me much as a soldier. It’d make me feel like the world isn’t worth fighting for. There’s been secret service people who had to leave the job because they couldn’t in good conscience bring themselves to take a bullet for him if the moment arises.
You falsely claim science has observed and recorded animals evolving into humans.
I did not claim that. Evolution existed long before science. Primates evolved into humans and it doesn't matter if you don't believe it.

You don't know. If animals evolve into humans you cannot prove you did not get your brains from a brute beast, intelligence-deficient tree-climbing monkey.
When you make an ignorant claim like that, it's quite clear that's where you got yours.

I don't care what people think about evolution. Believe what you want but why believe anything when there's no evidence. Evolution is a proven fact with abundance of evidence. People like you who are addicted to the god theory will never agree but you don't have to. It doesn't change the facts.
If they knew and fully realized the crazy ass ********* and people they’re dying for they probably might’ve made a different decision. Having someone like Trump being my commander and chief wouldn’t inspire me much as a soldier. It’d make me feel like the world isn’t worth fighting for. There’s been secret service people who had to leave the job because they couldn’t in good conscience bring themselves to take a bullet for him if the moment arises.
Having Trump as Commander in Chief did not inspire many soldiers under Trump either, particularly Lt. Col. Vindmann who illegally leaked a misinterpretation of a government phone call he was under US orders never to leak, who lied to Congress bragging about allegedly counselling Zelensky to pay no attention to President Trump, and so forth.
Can you read you dickhead. You're the one insisting that, not me.
Yours obviously came from a primate but mine evolved with the human race.
There is one major difference between apes and their supposed modern evolutionist descendants: Apes were never stupid enough to confuse their genders.

Kyle floated this idea around that Israel may have assassinated their president but I’m just going to assume they did plus they deserve to be attacked by Iran. You can’t keep taking shit from them. It really doesn’t get any more evil than Israel honestly. All this gaslighting for these atrocities we’re funding is like the number one thing I can’t stand.
It was a accident .stop sticking up for Iran .
Something else that should be pointed out that more modern discoveries relative to the significant differences between human and ape Y-Chromosomes blow old evolutionist speculations to smithereens.
96% of DNA is the same as us. Chromosomes mean fuck all.
Do you like Bananas?

God was not involved. Get over it.