Then you lied when you said that you would not want the philosophical concepts of guilt and innocence and rights themselves entered into evidence against you if it were your life on the line?
I said no such thing. A legal system under question does not have any power over me. The reason for this - AGAIN - is PHILOSOPHICAL.
Once again, my statements are not self referencing. They reference materials that I did not create. And there is no paradox within my position.
Then you are more guilty of intellectual dishonesty than you can ever hope to assign to me.
Considering the amount of writing that has been done on the case of Roe v Wade by both the justices and outside sources referencing the writings, interviews, and statements by the justices, one need not "presume" to know the intent of the judges.
Apparently, you do presume to know their intent in the most dishonest manner possible.
The majority opinion penned by blacknum says 'the judiciary....IS NOT IN A POSITION TO SPECULATE AS TO THE ANSWER...'.
It is the height of dishonesty to attach any other meaning or intent to the statement other than what it ostensibly says.
Your dishonesty is tiresome. The only paradox you have found was within a strawman of your own making. There is no paradox within my position.
You are not fooling anyone.
From the majority decision:
"[I]IF[/I] this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant's case, of course, collapses, [p157] for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment. The appellant conceded as much on reargument. [n51] On the other hand, the appellee conceded on reargument [n52] that no case could be cited that holds that a fetus is a person within the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment."
The proposition of personhood for a PRE-NATAL human being is in QUESTION (from the word 'IF').
Rather than prove the proposition, you MERELY STATE THE PREMISE - a (post-natal) human being is a person.
I would challenge you to provide a bit of credible science circa 1972 that suggests that the offspring of two human beings is ever anything but a human being or that the unborn is not alive from the time fertilization is complete. I can save you some time by telling you that there is none. Of course, feel free to find it, bring it here and prove that the justice who said that was not a bald faced lar.
The priimary reason for the radical taxonomical re-classification comes from observations arising from the HUMAN GENOME PROJECT.
And if you consider the differences in the genes of human beings of various ethnicity, something that occur without any identifiable pattern, then the STANDARD FOR PERSONHOOD takes on an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT BIOLOGICAL DIMENSION.
No case could be cited in 1972. That statement is not true today so refer back to the justice's acknowledgement that IF this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant's case, of course, collapses, [p157] for the fetus' right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment. Since there is now case law that establishes personhood, roe has become invalid.
From your clear dishonesty in this debate, I think that you need to cite your source. I wouln't take the statements of someone for granted - especially those who insists on the validity of circular arguments.
And here, you need a precedent that states UNEQUIVOCALLY (and not merely alludes) that a fetus is a person within the meaning of the 14th ammendment.
Yeah, you said it, but as of yet, have failed to prove it. A scientist arguing that chimps are people too hardly constitutes proof of anything; especially that the science of taxonomy is arbitrary.
I underscored and bold the sentences and you still fail to comprehend????
They are not re-classifying anything since it would be 'problematic' to the classification of other species - even those that are already EXTINCT.
So, taxonomy is more interested in the 'orderliness' rather than the truth-value implied in classification - the very classification you are using as basis for personhood.
ARBITRARY. And you know it.
Nothing at all if you don't mind referencing questionable material. Wiki is hardly a bastion of credibility.
So, the article isn't true since wiki has a reputation for being not credible???
You never learn do you? You just feel the need to dish out one fallacy after another in an effort to prove your point.
Still waiting for you to prove that the offspring of two human beings is ever anything but a human being.
What about a grossly mutated human being? What about zygotes subjected to genetic manipulation? Do you have a distinct genetic sequence that would infallibly set the standard for 'humanness'?
The propensity of your argument to go into circles must have you spinning dizzy by now.
Your apparently congenital dishonesty has grown very tiresome. I will be happy to continue the conversation with you, but if you misrepresent my position one more time, I am through with you. I don't mind discussing the issue, but constantly correcting your misrepresentations plus discussing the topic is too much. If you can't be honest, then I am not interested in talking to you.
Then discuss, and leave out your constant editorializing.
If my argument is sophistry or philosophical sleight of hand, then PROVE IT.
If you wish to define personhood as something extending to the point of conception, PROVE IT.
If your statements are not circular, PROVE IT.
But you can't, and you won't. The credibility of the person in this forum, whose opinion I have much respect for is considerably diminished.
By the way, unless you can come up with an argument that denies the right of the unborn to live that you would not accept if it were being used against you if it were your life on the line, we don't have much to talk about anyway as that is evidence enough that both your position, and the arguments you are making to support it are both shams.
What is my acceptance have to do with it?
The standard of personhood that allows the next of kin of a comatose individual to kill the person also allows the mother to terminate her unborn child.
That is jurisprudence and legal precedent for you!