IZZ your position is valid.
It is clear that izz is quite unable to defend his position in any rational way, so he has turned from discussion to insult.
Yes. She very well could have. But she didn't. At least, I don't think she did, since nineteen years later I'm still here. I could ask her, if you'd like me to. If you're asking me if I'd mind if my mother had an abortion, then your answer is no. Sorry.
As for suicide bombers- sure. Why not. They make the choice to detonate themselves. Is it a smart thing to do? No. Is is a pleasant thing to do? Certainly not. But you can't deny someone the right to kill themselves. Even if it's for a stupid reason.
As for limbo...it's not limbo, it's a very small college. Which is going to open up a slew of all sorts of terrible nonesense, I'm sure.
Isn't a personal conclusion the same thing as an opinion? oO
No matter how "valid" and "accepted" your principles are, the conclusions you draw from them are still opinions. They may be fact-based opinions, but they're still opinions.
*raises hand* apparently you missed the 'when you have to act as a house' memo. Dude....*looks down* last time I checked, I was from Venus. If that has any bearing on your idea of my 'insults' at all. Since, you know, I'm the one here who can bear a kid. Which gives a whole new meaning to this entire thing. I can take a gander at what your gender is, and thanks, for, you know, trying to make a choice about a biological process you are incapable of carrying out.
As for a valid arguement...when is this conversation ever valid? Each degree of change comes with each woman who makes the choice to have, or not have, a child. There is no one acceptable situation that you can stick in a nice, neat little filing cabinet. That's not how the world works. I'm sorry I'm not giving you surveys to battle, or information to debunk. It's an opinion, and as flawed as it might be, it's mine. Most unluckily for you, I can state it however I please.
IZZ your position is valid.
We can go down the path of "it's a growing human being" and that only leads us to even the birth control pill has to be illegal because it won't allow the egg after fertilization to implant in the womb.
The viability argument is much more rational and the long time opinion not just of you but also of The Supreme Court of the United States of America.
There is no law forcing a woman to be a baby incubator for the government and there shouldn't be.
It's unreasonable to say a woman cannot have a safe medical procedure and must use riskier and much more dangerous methods. A women has a right to privacy in here personal decisions about something going on inside her own body.
It's an imperfect world and abortion should be a last resort but that doesn't mean you just turn woman into slaves if they get pregnant.
A) Parents of Siamese Twins are often in the situation where one child will likely die so the other has a better chance at a more normal life after separation.
B) In cases like the well known Terri Schiavo case she was not able to live without outside life support (which is not nearly as intrusive as life support by carrying a fetus) the next of kin was allowed to make the judgment to end LIFE SUPPORT. In both cases their was no VIABILITY without life support.
C) And of course there is always the situation when there is a military draft in effect and the government is forcing some full grown adults into dieing against their very own spoken adult will.
D) And of course you have the death penalty. Many innocent people have been put to death by the death penalty and really guilt or innocence isn't even the main question. It's the killing.
And I could go on with many other real world examples...
Imperfect world. Real life personal situation. The allowance absolutely has to be given to the woman involved in this scenario.
One can no longer talk of human life as a 'choice' since the choice was made 9 months prior.
Sometimes it's not a "choice".
, NOT to give an individual an absolute right over another human being.
It is that simple.
Shouldn't the arguement here, then, be what constitutes a human being, not whether abortion is right or wrong? Or is there another thread for that equally pointless arguement?
As for an "opinion that cannot be supported intellectually is useless"...I hate to have to tell you that any opinion is valid. A belief is just as strong as a fact. Or, you know, we would have gotten rid of churches as soon as Science became a widely accepted thing.
As for "paying for this kind of education"...did I say I was a political science major? That's a friend of mine. I pay for an education that is, quite frankly, none of your business. And the education I am receiving currently has nothing to do with my opinion on the matter.
That is why I said "sometimes".Let us be frank and admit that the large majority of abortion cases do not come from rape of any kind. Otherwise, the us would be seen as a nation of perverts.
And for the cases wherein rape is involved, the requirements of justice is to punish the perp, NOT to give an individual an absolute right over another human being.
It is that simple.
numinus;28795]Human existence from CONCEPTION to death. What part of conception do you not understand, hmmm?
That isn't the sc opinion in roe v wade.
Viability defines the point when THE STATE'S INTERVENTION BECOMES NECESSARY.
Just because (in the sc's view), legal intervention isn't possible DOES NOT invalidate the ETHICAL aspect of it.
When a woman CONSENTS to have sex, the possibility of pregnancy - however small - exists.
Isn't that the cornerstone of the operation of free will - that the consequences of one's own actions should not harm others?
An individual's right to privacy was never meant to deny others the FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT TO LIVE. When your privacy threatens the life of another, a defenseless human being at that, then life certainly defeats privacy - ALWAYS.
Correct. It becomes an option ONLY when the life of the mother is threatened to a certain degree of medical certainty.
The only thing similar in the cas of terri schiavo and unborn children is that their existence were subverted in the name of other people's CONVENIENCE.
What nonsense.
They are being called to DEFEND their own country through COMMON FORCE. That is EVERYONE'S obligation as members of the political association.
That's precisely why the death penalty is a contradiction.