
Completely off base.
What is the role you want THE GOVERNMENT to have?

The >>FUNDAMENTAL<< task of the government is to protect the lives of the people it is responsible for.

Do you want the GOV in the Doctors office?

An exemption for murders committed in doctor's offices? Yeah right that makes a lot of sense.

Here, let ME try:

You can commit armed robbery as long as it's in a lawyer's office.

You can commit embezelment as long as it's in a plumber's office.

It's was not an argument - I disagreed and chose not to point out how your statement which you clearly said

When as I have suggested to my family (wife and son) that if I am dead ...
Don't you DARE put me on life support!

as I see it ... YOUR RIGHT ends if your father's wishes were contrary to your ideas.

As I look at it ... if you want to be on life support ...

  1. That is your personal choice
  2. your choice should not be reflected in the cost of regular health insurance which makes the cost so high that the poorer people can NOT afford health coverage (ICU on Life Support can cost as much as 1/3 of a million dollars for less than a month ... and people can't afford to insure their spouse and children - wonder why!)
... a few months ago my aunt was in ICU on life support and in that one hospital they had about 7 people on life support.

Now ask yourself this ...

  • how many hospitals are there in the USA?
  • how many people in EACH HOSPITAL are on life support?
  • how many health insurance companies are there? (a lot less than the number of hospitals in just this country)
  • How many health insurance policies are absorbing the cost of life support?
  • How many MORE poorer people COULD AFFORD coverage if the cost of life support was not included in basic health care?

A cost annalist, nice.

What is the cost of a woman providing live support to a zigot?
Why do you have any legal standing in her womb?
Do you really want the gov in your womb?

With respect to my father(he passed two years ago).
I had all the legal standing, regardless of his wishes, I was his legal guardian. Sole executor of his estate too.

My point was that the gov had little standing in his/my end of life decisions.
Same with Abortion, the GOV should not be involved.
The >>FUNDAMENTAL<< task of the government is to protect the lives of the people it is responsible for.
An exemption for murders committed in doctor's offices? Yeah right that makes a lot of sense.

Here, let ME try:
You can commit armed robbery as long as it's in a lawyer's office.
You can commit embezelment as long as it's in a plumber's office.

How can you murder something that has not yet lived?
Never to have breathed on it's own.
Never to have seen.
It is not murder.

That is the fundamental issue here ain't it.
You see it as murder.
I don't.

It is freedom to choose.
To create or not too.

It is not the GOV PLACE to decide either.
A cost annalist, nice.

What is the cost of a woman providing live support to a zigot?
Why do you have any legal standing in her womb?
Do you really want the gov in your womb?

With respect to my father(he passed two years ago).
I had all the legal standing, regardless of his wishes, I was his legal guardian. Sole executor of his estate too.

My point was that the gov had little standing in his/my end of life decisions.
Same with Abortion, the GOV should not be involved.
... your father has/had legal recourse to protect and legally bind his decision ... the fetus doesn't.
The >>FUNDAMENTAL<< task of the government is to protect the lives of the people it is responsible for.

So all persons living in this nation have the right to life liberty an the pursuit of happiness. Correct?
How can you murder something that has not yet lived?

A fetus isn't alive? (Here we go with the fact evasion again. :D)

Never to have breathed on it's own.

So you can kill people who need respirators?

Never to have seen.

So you can kill blind people?

You see it as murder.
I don't.

Nobody cares what you "see", only what you can successfully argue.

It is freedom to choose.

Nobody has the "freedom" to kill.

To create or not too.

When abortion occurs, the creating has already been done.
You should really take a long hard look at what you say before you say it. That is uncalled for.

it is no less UNCALLED FOR than people who want an easy way out for being whores and loose useless tramps!

I am 52 years old and do not know ANYONE who had an abortion ...

... but then again - I may well be in association with a better class of people.

You goofballs are in line to protect friggin dogs in an animal shelter and blow off the chance for a HUMAN life...

and what about those *****'s in front of prison's trying to save the life of someone who could care less about how they themselves have killed another.

In my opinion ... you sick pieces of f****** S*** should be arrested for your treasonous attitude toward the value of human life!
How can you murder something that has not yet lived?
Never to have breathed on it's own.
Never to have seen.
It is not murder.

That is the fundamental issue here ain't it.
You see it as murder.
I don't.

It is freedom to choose.
To create or not too.

It is not the GOV PLACE to decide either.

Would you support partial birth abortion?
it is no less UNCALLED FOR than people who want an easy way out for being whores and loose useless tramps!

I am 52 years old and do not know ANYONE who had an abortion ...

... but then again - I may well be in association with a better class of people.

You goofballs are in line to protect friggin dogs in an animal shelter and blow off the chance for a HUMAN life...

and what about those *****'s in front of prison's trying to save the life of someone who could care less about how they themselves have killed another.

In my opinion ... you sick pieces of f****** S*** should be arrested for your treasonous attitude toward the value of human life!

For asking the GOVERNMENT to stay out of our personal lives.

Too Funny....
No such thing.

Our GOV Banned it.
Don't you read?

Apparently you are incapable of comprehending my question... so I will ask it again... I will spell it out for you...

Would (this means hypothetically) you (now I am asking for your opinion) support partial birth abortion? (this is now the issue I am asking about)

Let me know if you need further clarification.
For asking the GOVERNMENT to stay out of our personal lives.

Too Funny....
Treasonous for being a moral degenerate who cares more about an animal life than a defenseless human

don't worry - you will never get it ... it requires genuine compassionate "JUSTICE" instead of lustful "JUST US"