i may not have been at your other site but im sure you deserved to get banned. you attack people just becuase of the fact they have a religion. i can tell by your attitude that you think any religious individual is incappable of reasoning becuase they are biased and brainwashed. you seem to have a vendetta against religion itself. you can accuse me of making an irrational assumption but is it any more irrational than you claims of pale being catholic? not all conservetives are "bible beaters" and catholics. you are just too blind to see past the absurd sterotype of christians that has been created in the last few decades that is simply not true. one last thing. you say we cant defend our religiuos beleifs but you know what? its not like you can defend your atheist ones.
we dont have footage of the big bang. it is a theory that can be easily disproven by bodes law. neither can you prove evolution due to the billions of missing links we havent found.in fact we have no chains with more than 3 links and those links could possibly (and most likeley) be different species all together. there is evidence of creative design all around us. look at how fragile life is. look at the hostile conditions of other planets. how could nature work in such harmony and everything by so precise if it all exploded out of a tiny dot? im sure you would say "its evolution" but did you ever stop to think how your little evutionary genes were written. i geuss they were just there. my last point is that science cannot explain existence. matter is neither created nor destroyed. so how in the world could the universe come about. you say christians cant use their beliefs to prove their oppinion about how the universe was formed but neither can you, in fact, going by your science and its laws the universe shouldnt exist at all.
The mod banned me for "racism" because that's the only thing for which one can be instantly banned for life. He recanted, reinstated me, and admitted being wrong. Try something else to attack me personally since you can't seem to come up with anything substantive to say otherwise.
I don't attack people because they have religion, you can believe anything you want to, no matter how weird and it's okay with me. It's when you try to use the law to make others behave according to YOUR beliefs that you and I butt heads. Stop passing laws against gay people until you have some reason besides religious dogma.
Pale preaches Catholic dogma, what else can I say, he's got it down chapter and verse. Like I said, I don't write his posts, if he doesn't like what he says then why does he write it?
Well, first off I'm not an atheist, and the stereotype of Christians isn't what I'm talking about. I want the killing and persecution of gay and trans-people to end, I've seen far too many of us beaten and killed, too many had their lives torn apart by discriminatory laws based on nothing but religious dogma. If you live your religion and stop trying to force others to obey it, you and I will have no problem. It's the coercion to which I object.
Well you're covering a lot of ground what with the big bang and evolution, but those are not issues I have expounded upon and as such are not really part of the discussion. Let's stick to the real discussion here, Arby, on another thread you called my posts spam for not addressing just the subject of the OP, but here you have made a long-winded personal attack on me with reference to science and evolution and atheism, but not even once mentioned abortion. You spammer!