In typical fashion, you couldn't be more wrong. Perhaps in other countries a woman may own her child because in other countries the law doesn't prohibit the ownership of one human being by another. Alas, in this country, you can not own another human being. And if you knew anything at all, you wouldn't even try to compare an unborn with a parasite. In this, as with everything, you base your position on ignorance, misunderstanding, and deliberate misrepresentation.
Following that deficient logic, all murderers, thieves, and rapists have the right to stand before God on judgement day and explain thier decisions and none of us have the right to tell them NO while they are here. Of course, in your hypocritical way, you don't feel that way and are perfectly fine with telling people who might hurt you NO. Isn't that right. In fact, you are perfectly fine with asking for special rights that none of the rest of us have based on something so trivial as sexual preference.
If you want to play Bible verses, you are going to come out on the short end of the stick. You might start with Romans 13 where you are instructed to submit yourself to the governing authorities. So when Roe is overturned as some 200 other cases have been overturned, if you are really a bible thumper, you won't have any problem submitting will you?
You keep trying to make this a contest--your Scriptures are better than mine--when in fact this is NOT a contest. The Bible is such a confused mass/mess of conflicting rules, laws, suggestions, and prohibitions that no one has been able to say for certainty what it actually says/means for two thousand years, that's why the Christian religion has been splitting into new sects at the rate of almost 2 per year since Christianity was invented.
It's irrelevant that our laws prohibit a person from owning another person since the Bible ALLOWS ownership of persons and even allows the passing of that ownership to one's progeny. It also allows the killing of slaves with no punishment under certain circumstances, and it allows the selling of children.
I know you don't like the "parasite" comparison, but it's technically true if you go and look up the word. It is even more true if the woman involved doesn't want that "thing" growing in her body. I didn't say I agreed with this outlook, I just said it's technically true and I disagree with your incessant attempt to gain power over others and force them to bend to your religious tenets.
Poor Pale, almost every post you call me ignorant or stupid or ill-informed, but yet you continue to try to convince me that your police-state theocracy is a good idea and all you do is prove over and over again that any government that you design would be a kakistocracy (government by the people least suited to govern) since you are on a religious power trip which you vainly try to hide behind a fog of other arguments.
Oh yeah, I like the "all murderers, theives, and rapists..." argument. When the thief or murderer or rapist is INSIDE your body, living in your most intimate parts, leaching off your blood supply, and putting your very life at risk, THEN your argument will carry some weight with me. Until then it's just another specious example like your insistence that homosexual people should not have equality. Loving relationships between consenting adults should be legal, anything else is religious bigotry since there is no rational reason for not recognizing them--as has been amply demonstrated by the countries that do recognize them.
I find you an interesting study, my Pale friend (using the term "friend" somewhat loosely), in that your monomania about other people's sex lives is more intense than any other Christian I have personally spoken to or corresponded with in my life. I have met others with the same drive for power and control that you exhibit, but never one so tightly focused on regulating what others do with their sexual organs.