I was not trying to win points, my point was when she says fetus like its nothing but trash or some tumor, I hear offspring, little one, baby
host? you make babies sound like that monster in the movie Aliens who used people as hosts.
thats creepy
You can personally interpret it however you want. But that doesn't change what is really being said by the medical people.
Same thing with the word "host".
You'd like to make it sound like there's baby in that womb that could just walk right out and doesn't really need to impose on that woman's body whatsoever... and that mean woman just wants to kill it when it's really not imposing on her in any way just hanging out there.
When in reality the woman is the host, that in a forced incubator world would be forced against her will to provide her bodily services to something that couldn't even begin to live on it's own in any way.
In fact if the definition of parasite wasn't... something living off another between "two different species" that word could be used.