I did not watch your video I only saw the cover with the claim that they thought some wanted her reproductive rights stopped. No one gives a frak about her reproductive rights, just that she doesn’t continue to kill babies. Use condoms, pills, foam, shots or get your tubes tied.
I did not watch your video I only saw the cover with the claim that they thought some wanted her reproductive rights stopped. No one gives a frak about her reproductive rights, just that she doesn’t continue to kill babies. Use condoms, pills, foam, shots or get your tubes tied.
I care about her reproductive rights, Pandora. And she's not killing babies, only embryos and fetuses.
Fetus is not an English word; it is a Latin word that has never been translated to English. The English meaning of the Latin word Fetus is
Your little one
Your offspring
Your baby
And there is a difference in your reproductive rights and the right to life
No one is stopping any woman or man from using birth control, you have the right to use it or not use it
We are talking about after the fact, once the person has reproduced by becoming pregnant with another living person.
They are two very different things.
I did not watch your video I only saw the cover with the claim that they thought some wanted her reproductive rights stopped. No one gives a frak about her reproductive rights, just that she doesn’t continue to kill babies. Use condoms, pills, foam, shots or get your tubes tied.
I'm a Christian, a Republican, and I hope that idiot fries for what he did. No true Christian has anything but distain for him.
Well the whole "no true Christian & frying thing" is a little creepy. But if you mean the electric chair for the lunatic kill a man in church assasin... I guess I might be on board.
I'm a Christian, a Republican, and I hope that idiot fries for what he did. No true Christian has anything but distain for him.
I read on another thread that you are pro abortion, and from this post I think you must be pro death penalty too.
You are consistant
I am pro life and anti death penalty (except in rare cases) but I dont consider myself a christian though something close, and a regestered democrat who would rather be Indy.
Fetus is not an English word; it is a Latin word that has never been translated to English. The English meaning of the Latin word Fetus is
Your little one
Your offspring
Your baby
And there is a difference in your reproductive rights and the right to life
No one is stopping any woman or man from using birth control, you have the right to use it or not use it
We are talking about after the fact, once the person has reproduced by becoming pregnant with another living person.
They are two very different things.
Well there ya go... semantics and some ridiculous Latin argument will win this point for ya... not.![]()
fe⋅tus /ˈfitəs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [fee-tuhs] Show IPA
–noun, plural -tus⋅es. Embryology. (used chiefly of viviparous mammals) the young of an animal in the womb or egg, esp. in the later stages of development when the body structures are in the recognizable form of its kind, in humans after the end of the second month of gestation.
While it is true in informal talk the word baby can be used for a fetus... or embryo... or even at the first confirmed pregnancy test... from a medical/healthcare perspective a fetus and a born baby are indisputably different.
And since this is a situation where on thing is only able to survive by the will of it's host the woman ALWAYS has the right to choose to host... or not to host... with her own personal body.
Well there ya go... semantics and some ridiculous Latin argument will win this point for ya... not.![]()
fe⋅tus /ˈfitəs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [fee-tuhs] Show IPA
–noun, plural -tus⋅es. Embryology. (used chiefly of viviparous mammals) the young of an animal in the womb or egg, esp. in the later stages of development when the body structures are in the recognizable form of its kind, in humans after the end of the second month of gestation.
While it is true in informal talk the word baby can be used for a fetus... or embryo... or even at the first confirmed pregnancy test... from a medical/healthcare perspective a fetus and a born baby are indisputably different.
And since this is a situation where on thing is only able to survive by the will of it's host the woman ALWAYS has the right to choose to host... or not to host... with her own personal body.