That's it? That's the Big Lie you've been snivelling about all this time? [/quote]
No mare, that is just the first. The rest have been you claiming that I have said a thing that I have not in order to create an argument.
I think a lot of things are murder and I don't do those things myself, but UNLIKE the catholic guys like you I am not trying to force other people to share my position.
Lets test the honesty of that statement. Would you be OK with striking the murder and manslaughter laws off the books? Are you OK with letting a man kill his wife for cheating without legal consequence because it doesn't matter that it is your position that he shouldn't do it? Are you OK with letting a person kill a store clerk during an armed robbery without legal consequence because he thinks that such behavior is perfectly OK and you wouldn't want to force him to share your position.
This can follow into other areas as well mare. Should I be allowed to drive through school zones at high speeds because I think it is OK and shouldn't be forced to share someone else's position that we should drive at a safe speed through school zones?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you are mad. If you answer no, then we have proved that you hold a false, and hypocritical position that you can not rationally defend.
I think your statement is wrong, it is not a "fabricated" right to give women control over their bodies--even though the Catholic Church has been in the forefront of the subjugation of women for centuries now. I think the meat you eat is murder but I'm not trying to force my beliefs on you.
Show me a "right" to privacy in the constitution and then explain the mental gymnastics required to make that invented right to privacy mean that a woman can kill her child. I have read the Roe decision quite a few times mare, and the right to privacy and the right to kill a child are fabricated. The mental gymnsastics by which they made the decision are so blatant that they would be hilarious if the result were not so tragic.
I believe in freedom of choice for human beings in the contol over their bodies, but as I have pointed out numerous times I think that we can stem the tide of abortion without your cruel, dictatorial, and draconian measures that blame women and punish them.
So do I. We aren't talking about tearing a woman's body to pieces though are we? The woman isn't making a decision to kill herself, she is making a decision to kill another human being. And you claim that you agree that it is murder but support her right to do it while railing at me for supporting torture in very limited circumstances as if I were a barbarian. When the number who have been tortured for vital information reaches 40 million in this country, you might be able to make your argument without being a complete hypocrite but not until.
You remind me of my older brother who likes things to black and white, no complex issues in his life and he does the same thing that you have done: throw out any information that doesn't fit your scheme and chant "convenience" over and over while ignoring all the other lives involved. Your sound-byte mentality around this issue is an indication of your emotional hysteria. Liar, liar! What a great argument.

In your emotional desperation you are confusing motion with action and a lot of people will be hurt--including the babies--if your idiotic prohibitions are made into law.
Pointing out your lies has never been my argument mare. I point them out, then proceed with my argument.
To date, you have not argued a single point in my positon mare. You have called me names, and made referece to catholic dogma ad nauseum but have not yet brought a single bit here for comparison to my position. Let me repeat my position and ask you a few yes or no questions. Fair enough?
Human beings have a right to live. Do you agree with that? Unborns are human beings. Do you agree with that? Any right that I might claim is secondary to your right to live. Do you agree with that?
That is my position mare. Argue it.
Yeah, yeah, bleat like a sheep, but don't give us any examples. How scientific.
Before I get them let me ask directly. Are you making the claim that you have not misrepresented anything that I have said?
All of it, fetuses are sacred, women are evil and need to be controlled, women are here to incubate the holy seed of men--even in cases of rape, torture is okay, misogyny and hating queers is Godly, and your absolute intransigence, your belief in your own infallibility--that is the most Catholic thing of all.
Bring the catholic documents here mare. Your argument is weak.
Where have I said that all fetuses are sacred? I have said that human beings have a right to live. Are you arguing that human beings don't have a right to live or that fetuses aren't human beings.
And here is a very fine example of you misrepresenting my argument. I defy you to bring forward a single example of my suggesting that women are evil. Bring forward an example of my saying that the "seed" of men is holy. In fact, I have repeately said that sperm is of no more consequence than toenail clippings. Another example of you misrepresenting my argument.
With regard to rape, I have asked you what the child was guilty of that its life should be forfiet but you haven't answered. And your position on torture is already hanging in shreds. You admit that you believe abortion is murder but support it while railing at me over mine on torture. Funny mare, and sad.
And where have I ever said that hating "queers" is godly?
And where have I said that I am infallable?
Right here, we have 6 examples of you misrepresenting my argument mare. Whether they are deliberate lies on your part, or just your inability to separate your own seething rage at men from the words that I write doesn't matter, they are misrepresentations and therefore lies. I defy you to bring forward examples of my saying the things that you claim are my position.
You know not whereof you speak, read Daniel P. Mannix's THE HISTORY OF TORTURE.
No mare. I do know what I am talking about.
Check my response to this above.
Yeah, I did. All lies. One after another. Please bring forward examples of my saying any of those things or apologize for lying about me.
Once again my position is:
1. Human beings have a right to live.
2. Unborns are human beings.
3. All rights are secondary to the right to live.
Now exactly which part of that is catholic dogma? And bring the documents from the catholic church here and explain how my position is based on the catholic documents and not on the constitution which is CERTAINLY NOT a catholic document.
It wasn't really, you just can't seem to grasp the simple concept that YOU aren't God and YOU don't have the right to force others to bow to YOUR wishes. Your black and white thinking is directly out of Catholic doctrine too.
Do believe that we shold strike all laws off the books with regard to killing because they force some people to bow to the wishes of other people?
Do you think all laws should be stricken off the books because they all inevetably force some to bow to the wishes of others?
If you answer no to either of those questions mare, your argument fails.
By the way. Have you ever read the laws with regard to murder? If you kill another human being with intent, you are guilty of murder. Pretty black and white. Do you believe the pope wrote the laws regarding murder and should be stricken from the books?
Yep, and you didn't answer the question either, that's another very Catholic thing to do: ignore the question and denigrate the person asking it. You better watch out they don't make you Pope.
Yes mare. It was a bald faced lie. And which question are you claiming that I didn't answer? And are you suggesting that if one doesn't answer a question that one must be catholic? I am sorry that a catholic abused you mare, but you really do need to learn that everyone who disagrees with you is not a catholic.
Your point is null, most of Christianity was plagarized from earlier texts, but the parts I quoted ARE in the Catholic Holy Book, no matter where they came from originally.
You made the claim that "thou shall not kill" was catholic doctrine. Clearly you were wrong.
I'm sure you are a wonderful person Pale, but here on the thread you come across as religious nut, a misogynist who hysterically blames women and desires to punish them for the murder of babies. Your attitude is so one-sided that you lack any credibilty at all. Sad for you, I'm glad that I won't ever have to actually meet you since my brother is an entirely adequate similacrum.
There is a nut here mare. It isn't me. You clearly have been, at some point in your life, terribly abused by a catholic man and I am genuinely sorry that it happened to you. No woman should be abused by a man, catholic or otherwise. But you must, at some point, for your sanity's sake come to realize that everyone who doesn't agree with you is not a catholic and I challenge you to bring forward anything that I have said that would qualify as a religious argument.
One other thing mare. If a woman kills her child 2 days after it is born, do you believe she should be punished?