The fact that you spend a lot of time bleating like a sheep about everything I say being a lie... is that another lie?
You have an obligation? Give me a break, you are on this site to express your emotional orgasm around the tragedy of abortion. I'd agree with you if you weren't an insane extremist who wants to ban birth control, equates rape with being barked at by dogs, and denies everyone else's right to own and operate their bodies, and advocates torturing people. (Is that a lie too, did someone else named Pale write all those posts on the Torture thread?)
"all rights are secondary" = "the fetal life takes precedence" It seems to me that the two statements say basically the same thing. What is mischaracterized?
PaleRider said:
You don't suggest that we kill off people who are already living unhappy lives of neglect and abuse. Instead, you suggest that it would be better to kill off those who "MIGHT" live unhappy lives.
Talk about a mischaracterization!
PaleRider said:
And exactly what makes you believe that the rate of unwanted pregnancy would remain the same if abortion were no longer an option. Do you believe that women are so stupid?
And exactly what makes you think that passing a law will instantly make people behave differently? Will men stop raping women? Are you that stupid?
PaleRider said:
Not clumps of cells mare, human beings. You may actually believe that lie, but don't try and tell it to me. And I have never suggested a ban on birth control, only a ban on abortificients. Why are you so dishonest?
It's an issue of definition, a clump of cells is a potential human and not nearly the same thing as a birthed baby. If you can't tell the difference then you are pretty dim. All the birth control products on the market now are considered abortifacients according to the infallible Pale and you want all of them to be illegal. Why are you so dishonest?
PaleRider said:
It wasn't emotional mare. Sadly it was just an accurate observation.
You're right, it's not just emotional, it's hysterical. If your opinion is that it's accurate then you are pretty dim.
PaleRider said:
Physical pain isn't even the rational result of torture mare, much less death.
I'm liking this Pale, anyone with more than 2 brain cells firing is going to see how twisted you view of things is.
PaleRider said:
And now you are suggesting that all of the children who aren't aborted will be rounded up and tortured?
I'm liking this Pale, anyone with more than 2 brain cells firing is going to see how twisted you view of things is.
PaleRider said:
And again, are you suggesting that we find out which children in the foster programs, and orphans etc who are unhappy and simply kill them out of kindness?
I'm liking this Pale, anyone with more than 2 brain cells firing is going to see how twisted you view of things is.
PaleRider said:
And what exactly makes you think that all, or even a large percentage of aborted children will grow up to be abused and neglected?
Are you dim? The very people who are supposed to be caring for these babies have decided to kill them, do you really believe that you passing a draconian law will make these people suddenly love the babies that they are willing to kill? You can't legislate morality, Pale, no matter how much you might like to do so. Get a grip! Look at reality, you are demanding a million new lives be cherished by a culture that has no respect for these lives, do you think a silly law will make anyone contribute more money to help support and nurture these babies? How much more will you give?
PaleRider said:
Animals have no right to live mare. The law is what it is whether you like it or not.
Fetuses have no right to life, Pale. The law is what it is whether you like it or not. We both think the law is wrong, you are apparently totally anthropocentric and thus more than happy to condemn all other life to the positon of having "no rights", but I am not. You are a puzzle, fetal life is sacred but everybody else is living on borrowed time with you and all animals are condemned out of hand. Pretty self-serving.
PaleRider said:
And enough already with the rape senario. Less than .01% of rapes result in pregnancy. The number isn't large enough to even warrant discussion. It is no more than an emotional ploy to direct attention away from the FACT that 98% of all abortions are for reasons that are no more than convenience.
Your extremism is what is the issue here, not how many poor women are victimized by violent men. Your stand on rape and on the use of birth control moves you from the field of rational discussion into the fuzzy fringe of insanity. Your contention that the number of rapes that result in pregnancy is not large enough to warrant discussion shows your misogynist attitude perfectly. All the women who have to struggle with this issue are not worth discussing? Nice, Pale, I've met dung beetles with more compassion. Do you realize how you come across? With your callous dismissal of all women's concerns and your casual acceptance of torture, and your extremist attitude towards birth control, you come across as being meaner than an acre of snakes.
PaleRider said:
All law forces someone's version of right and wrong on all of us and makes us live our lives according to their dictates. Law preventing abortion is no more legislating morality than law against murder, assault or pedophilia. And of course it has worked mare. Before roe, there were not a million children a year being murdered by their mothers. And before you tell the lie of the back alley and coathanger again, we have already been there. The myth of the back alley abortion is a lie and has been admitted by the man who made it up.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt, Pale. Your denial of women's reality shows your ignorance. You don't know, you don't care, and that makes you look like a misogynist. I think you are a nut-ball, you call me a liar, not because I'm saying something that's not true, but because you want to deny anyone else's truth.
PaleRider said:
Sorry mare, it isn't. As I said, the number of truely brilliant minds is very small and if you are killing 1 in 4, then there is a 1 in 4 chance of their being killed along with the general population. There is no way around it mare since we can't test for genius in utero.
I would be interested to know mare, if we could test for genius and could know that a child will have an IQ over 160, would you support killing that child if its mother didn't want it knowing that it would have the sort of mind that really could create answers to the big problems we face?
I'm curious why you think it should matter to me when it doesn't matter to you? You don't think that you should have to help support or nurture unwanted babies, would you help with one if you knew it had an IQ of 160? Do you realize how this argument makes you sound? You aren't arguing for the life of the fetus because it has intrinsic value, no, you are arguing that it might be smart enough to be valuable to us as a culture--recognizing the fetus' utilitarian value. This is the same argument that you use to justify torture: it might be useful to us and therefore it's okay. That's a USER philosophy and completely at odds with your previous self-righteous diatribes about the value of life.
PaleRider said:
And would you support a woman killing a child because she could know that it would likely be homosexual, or short, or unattractive? Since you support a woman's right to kill her child for any or no reason, would you also support her "right" to kill it for very specific reasons?
I reluctantly support a woman's right to kill her fetus before it reaches viability if no one wants to care for the child. We know YOU aren't going to care for an unwanted child, nor do you feel like you should contribute to the support or nurturance of an unwanted child. If she doesn't want to care for it and you don't want to, then yes, sad to say I think it's better to kill clumps of cells in utero before they are fully developed human beings and brought into a culture that doesn't value them. I think we should care for the people who are viable human beings right now before we take on a million more unwanted souls.
What you seem totally unwilling to acknowledge is that NO ONE wants these babies--AND THAT INCLUDES YOU--and no one wants to contribute to their care and up-keep--INCLUDING YOU. If their own mother doesn't want them, then they are better off NOT BEING BORN at all. Sad? Of course, but reality is often sad. If YOU are not willing to sacrifice your time, money, and life to care for and nurture unwanted babies, then your calls for laws to ban abortion and birth contol are just another hypocritical attempt to force OTHER people to do what YOU think is right.