Hmmm...I imagine a clever prosecutor who had evidence, say, that Cheneyco lied to Congress in order to start a war on the People's tab to assimiliate Iraq's oilfields for private enterprise and profit, and if said lies could be demonstrated to have led, via the titanic war costs to have helped place our nation in a position of strategic vulnerability via the recession at this critical hour...I'm thinking treason would apply too. In that sense greed would be illegal.
So now your "case" relies on a "clever" prosecutor who will have possession of this "evidence" you cite that has never been shown to exist?
Further, you seemingly ignore the actual costs of the wars and how Iraqi oil fields were actually handled. The largest Iraqi contract, actually the first one done by the new Iraqi government, went to a Chinese company. Wouldn't it make sense if we invaded for oil that we would have demanded an American company get that contract?
Further, the costs of the wars is in the ballpark area of $1 trillion. If that spending is what led us into a recession, then how on Earth do you justify what we are doing now? After all war is government spending is it not? So, you basically argue that government spending caused the recession. Therefore, you ought to be 100% opposed to all the spending currently underway to supposedly "get us out."
Barring that, I imagine that extradition to foreign courts could come up with some charges that would stick.
You "imagine" that a foreign court could "come up with" a charge that would stick.... What planet do you live on? We do not extradite anyone on the idea that a foreign court might come up with a charge that could stick...
Other nations have laws forbidding murder-for-profit, even if we don't. We owe it to the world to show them we are humble about Iraq and what was done there. If we don't, it could mean the end of the United States of America, and maybe even the planet if things get ugly they look like they're shaping up to be..
Point out these laws, and then explain how on Earth any of those nations might even attempt to claim jurisdiction in the matter.
Of course all of that is irrelevant anyway since there is no evidence or case to be made that anything was a "murder for profit."
And all this for just a few greedy white guys that we're harboring. We demanded Hess et al in Germany. The world may demand this of us. What makes us the exception? Details please.
A "few greedy white guys.."? What is that supposed to mean? Additionally, in Germany, there was openly declared war and we won it. We accepted an unconditional surrender, and therefore we had the authority to do what we did. In the present situation there is no such authority.
Its funny but your position of arguing subjective legality may wind up backfiring on Cheneyco in the end. It's all a matter in the end of how much good will be done in interpreting the laws to find for a guilty verdict.
This makes no sense, outside of the fact that you just dislike the people and want to make some excuse to try them in the absence of any actual reason to do so.