Well-Known Member
Were Hitler still alive but not killing Jews and trying to over throw other nations we still would have had victory. The goal was not to kill Hitler the goal was to stop Hitler from mass murder and stop him from invading other nations.
How do you think Americans expect us to win? If you want the truth I dont know what the goal is in Afganistan. I knew what the goal was in Iraq and I think we met it. Now the troops are there to help things hold with the new government. When Bush was president the goal in Afganistan was to kill or arrest Al Qaeda and anyone who were acting as terrorists. I dont know what obama's goal is, or should I say was. He hired a general, made a plan aprox 6 months ago but now isnt sure about his plan and wants a new plan but meanwhile his general needs more troops to continue with the plan we was sent to do and is getting no response.
You complained that President Bush stopped paying attention? Are you bothered that obama has? While his general asks for more troops and our men die he goes on letterman and the tonight show and takes time to suffer a journey to Copenhagen but hasnt read the report sent for him by his general or responded about more troops.
Look I hate obama, I think he is a stinking bastard but I will back him where our troops are concerned. If he actually does something.
If he picks a general and the general asks for more troops and obama sends them, even if the war goes badly I will still back the President and the troops. If obama says lets bring everyone home I will back that too unless there is serious reasons we should have stayed like people being killed in the region.
It's this picking a general then not talking to the general or not reading the generals reports or not responding to the generals requests for back up troops while ours are dying that bothers me so much. The same number of our troops could have died and I would still back this president if he were doing what he set out to do.
I see what you are trying to say about the meanings of victory
please tell me what you think the plan is for afganistan and do you think obama is meeting it?
my point about Hitler and WWII...was you can look and say that we won the war on X date...its a clear win, a 100% surrender of the German side...YOu will never see that from a group like the Taliban or Al Quida becuse they are not state actors. When the UK was fighting the IRA....they could win..and have the IRA agree to a Cease fire...and 3 days later the PIRA is formed and keeps fighting....the PIRA years later says cease fire....the Real IRA splits off....and keeps fighting......You cant get the victory of ...we won on this day x...and have your prades and the other side formaly surrender. But you can look at the Security of the nation and say the Real IRA is much much smaller and not nearly as effective anymore and has far less Support....so from a security standpoint your main goal is a win....
And as for goals in Afganistan....I told you what the main goal is....Same as it was under Bush.....To disrupt the Taliban and Al Quida to prevent them from being able to use Afganistan as a base to train and plan operations against the US again as they did for Sept 11.
as for send more troops just becuse a General says....well guess what, evry General since the dawn of time....has always said I need more troops....They could be doing evrything right...or evrything wrong...they will always say if I only had more troops....And dont forget just becuse one General says they need more...he is not the top Military leader he reports up to others still. And you have some like Nat. Security Advisor Jones ( 4 start Marine General) who is telling Obama more troops are not needed. If you truly want to see a Veitnam, just give them more troops evry time anyone asks.
Other issues are, just becuse he said he wants more troops....does not tell you if sending more troops will actuly be effective. If the plan is needing to be changed around, sending troops may just mask the problems not fix them. 2.nd before you send more troops.....what troops do you send? we could send 40000 more troops but if we dont send the right troops its not worth it. 3. Are we able to send more troops even or would it possibly effect our Security in other areas to much...How many troops are ready to be sent and there units rated combat effective still . If you look at say Korea..They said send more troops ...and they did....but sometimes they where told to go...and had no equipment.
For all your hating of how Obama has done in Afganistan ( he already sent alot more troops there becuse Bush in 7 years had not done it) then I realy hope you where yelling about how Bush did it....Becuse as the theam of the post Bush Era goes..we are now trying to fix his mistakes....You know how the Taliban got to be back in power basicly for 80% of Afganistan? It happened under Bush..He sunk our resources into Iraq and had the idea Afganistan would just simmer and go away or something it seems.
And as for suggest Obama has not been paying attention to Afgainstan....I can only chalk that up to your blind hate of him, since no rational person could make such a claim.
fact is all the troops we have may not get a win in afgainstian if we dont do other things right as well....And Obama hase to look at all the issues in the plan...not just the military and its not something you make choices on in a day.