A grim reality

As a 67 year old, I wish I had a 22 year old pot head to suck away my money, since the diving stock market has taken it quicker than they or any taxes ever could have done. What angry and vicious lies you promote.

It would be nice if you had a homosexual child who wanted to get married. Then you might view the issue a little differently.

As for the business with the illegal alien's health care, your hate fillled comment speaks for itself.
As a 67 year old, I wish I had a 22 year old pot head to suck away my money, since the diving stock market has taken it quicker than they or any taxes ever could have done. What angry and vicious lies you promote.

It would be nice if you had a homosexual child who wanted to get married. Then you might view the issue a little differently.

As for the business with the illegal alien's health care, your hate fillled comment speaks for itself.

I wish you had a 22 year old pot head to suck away your money too. I bet you can find one here online. Now that they know you are on the hunt for one.

What lies have I promoted? Assuming your post was to me, and I am sure it was.

If my son or my daughter said they were homosexual and wanted to get married I would tell them tough luck, the laws are not made that way but if you want some spiritual ceremony go for it and I will pay for it since its the mothers job to do so. But I do wonder what kind of person needs the government to validate their relationship... and I would feel bad that I had raised people to think they need the government’s approval on who they love.

It didn’t work when we gave health care to everyone legal or not, it bankrupted our state now almost no one gets government health care, even the very needy and people with mental health issues. Schools are imploding for the same reason. If you think it’s better to do it this way then you would love our state. I like responsible government that spends what we can afford makes more sense.

You are a different sort of person... interesting
I am elderly. 67 and counting. What part of that did you miss?

It is my life, and my rights to live it, and end it, as I please, and not to have people like you tell me how to live it or, end it, that I am arguing for. I do not want my resources, at the end of MY life, going to the bottomless appetite of our medical establishment, while they keep me in pain, killing me slowly.
I am elderly. 67 and counting. What part of that did you miss?

It is my life, and my rights to live it, and end it, as I please, and not to have people like you tell me how to live it or, end it, that I am arguing for. I do not want my resources, at the end of MY life, going to the bottomless appetite of our medical establishment, while they keep me in pain, killing me slowly.

Why should it matter to me how old you are? and why do you think I am telling you how to live. I dont care how you live, you are not my mother, grandmother or my child....it doesnt matter to me how you live.
It is my control over my own life that your paternalistic point of view attempts to take away from me.

That is insane crazy talk. Your point of view does not take my rights away any more than my point of view takes your rights away

Lady get a frakin gun and blow ur head off if it will make you happier and it wont bother me a bit. You try to kill a baby, that will bother me but kill yourself and you will just be one more dead democrat voting.

I don’t think anyone cares what you do to yourself, its when you kill babies that people like me get upset.
You accused me of hating older people. I explained where I was coming from. You come back with still more hostility. ????

I accused you of hating old people? When? If I remember correctly you wanted right to die laws. This thread is really old and its been a while since anyone posted on it but I dont remember you insisting everyone has to die at a certian age... If you did then I think thats crazy, mean and stupid but I dont remember you saying that, just that you personally wanted to have the right to die.

and I am not hostile, I am making a point that you dont seem to understand. I dont care what you do with your own body. You can eat candy all day or blow your brains out or be a stripper its all good to me.

You call me a liar and a few other nasty things then call me hostile then you say if I have a point of view somehow that gets in the way of your rights.

Excuse me for thinking that is crazy talk.

But again I dont care what you do with your own body, dont try to off my 90 year old grandmother with some law and keep away from my kids and all is good.