Even O. Keel
Active Member

People like to slap labels on everyone—left-leaning, right-leaning, whatever helps them sleep at night. Here’s a reality check: The Biden administration, the Trump administration—it’s not a matter of who’s right or wrong. It’s a race to see who can run this country into the ground faster while convincing us they’re the savior in shining armor. Spoiler: they’re both wearing rusted tin.
Let’s start with Biden. He rode in on a promise to “unify” the country. What did we get? The chaotic, catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan that will go down as one of the biggest military blunders of modern times. Desperate Afghans falling from planes, U.S. allies abandoned, billions in military hardware gift-wrapped for the Taliban—yeah, real unifying stuff. Unity? Try universal betrayal.
And the southern border? Overcrowded detention centers, humanitarian crises, and policies that change direction more often than a weathervane in a tornado. Inflation? Biden’s “solution” was to flood the economy with cash like a busted fire hydrant. Great idea if you love paying triple for gas and groceries. Student loan forgiveness? More of a political football than a lifeline. COVID-19 response? A flip-flop bonanza of mixed messages. Masks on, masks off. Vaccines are the magic bullet—until they aren’t. Trust in leadership? Obliterated.
Biden’s energy policies are laughably inconsistent. Cancel pipelines, then beg Saudi Arabia to crank up production. Saving the planet? Sure—if it doesn’t hurt poll numbers. And then there’s Hunter Biden—a living, breathing ethical conflict that gets brushed under the rug with half-assed transparency. China policy? Soft as a pillow, and just as effective. His Build Back Better plan? Slaughtered by his own party, leaving him looking weak and progressives feeling betrayed. And his gaffes—oh, the gaffes—enough to make every press secretary die inside a little.
Immigration policy? A mess that pleases no one. Police reform? Dead in the water. Biden’s presidency is a string of broken promises, bumbled policies, and a general vibe of incompetence dressed up as calm leadership.
But don’t think for a second Trump’s any better. His term was a four-year circus of chaos and self-worship. COVID-19? He treated it like a PR problem, hawked bleach injections, and downplayed a virus that killed over a million Americans. Then there’s the Big Lie—a delusional tantrum about the 2020 election that culminated in a mob storming the Capitol. He watched democracy teeter, and he smiled.
Immigration policy? How about ripping kids from their parents and throwing them into cages? Climate change? He torpedoed international agreements and rolled back protections like the Earth was his ashtray. Racial justice protests? He chose tear gas, rubber bullets, and photo ops over genuine solutions. His presidency wasn’t about leadership; it was a cult of personality with him at the center.
Two impeachments? Check. Cozying up to dictators? Check. Alienating allies? You bet. Healthcare reform? Just a slogan, leaving millions scared and in limbo. Muslim ban, border wall, executive orders galore—Trump’s governance style was to smash things with a hammer and call it “strong leadership.” And let’s not forget the tax cuts—huge giveaways to the rich while middle America got the crumbs.
So, here we are. Biden: a bureaucratic muddle of broken promises. Trump: a chaotic, narcissistic power trip. Both dangerous. Both incompetent. Both proof that we’ve got a system so fundamentally broken, it serves us a choice between Dumbass A and Dumbass B.
So go ahead, vote. Choose your flavor of dysfunction. But remember, when it all goes to hell, it’ll be the people who see through this circus who’ll have to scrape this country off the floor. If they can be bothered.
Source: https://evenokeel.weebly.com/politi...umbass-a-and-dumbass-b-the-grim-reality-ahead