Chip, disgarding all the clutter and verbage in the above
I posted no "clutter and verbiage".
What I did post was some great use of analogy in the process of exposing your pro-abortionist's sophistry ... which is, of course, why you prefer to "disregard" it.
Again, if you have a clear accurate on-point scientifically formulated refutation to the opening post, then please post it.
And here you reference one of those great and wholly appropriate analogies!and irrespective of all other mutterings about Jewish holocausts..etc.
So, the word "irrespective" really isn't appropriate.
Indeed this analogy was quite appropriate, to get the accurate point across that murderous abortion is just as heinous en masse as was Hitler's.
Again, if you have a clear accurate on-point scientifically formulated refutation to the opening post, then please post it.
Obviously false.your stance is that the mother has no rights at all
How is it that you pro-abortionists can just pretend to ignore what is posted right in front of your face simply for the sake of attempting to support your sophistry is truly foreign to my way of being.
But, you manage to attempt it, ad nauseum.
I post you the link to the reality of rights ... but you post as if you don't get it.
I stipulate clearly that both the mother and her pre-natal offspring have rights ... but you contradict obvious reality and bear false witness against me.
Are you really that desperate? Do you really have nothing else?
Really, Scotsman, just because no one has the freedom of action right to murder another person, doesn't mean they don't have other rights.
Your blatant contradiction of what everyone else sees in this thread clear as day ... speaks very sadly of you.
Again, if you have a clear accurate on-point scientifically formulated refutation to the opening post, then please post it.
Unclear. Erroneous generality.and any other action is simply murder.
You really need to learn how to post more clearly, as your statement here is very ambiguous.
But, if I should hazzard a guess ... what you're trying to say is that you obviously erroneous think that I'm saying that any time someone kills a pre-natal person it's murder.
But, again, I've clearly posted to the contrary.
How can you be so obviously careless with your words, Scotsman.
I have clearly stated on more than one occasion in this thread that if her pre-natal offspring is a real and present threat on her very life, the mother can take defensive action to protect her very life, and if in that reasonable act of self-defense her offspring is killed, that's simply not murder. It's sad, and she'll likely mourn the loss of her offspring, but she's not rationally guilty of wrong-doing in that matter.
Yes, over and over I've clearly stipulated this.
Yet, you perhaps pretend to ignore that fact, merely to suit your pro-abortionist purposes.
Pretending denial, as you apparently do, Scotsman, does not serve your integrity well.
Again, if you have a clear accurate on-point scientifically formulated refutation to the opening post, then please post it.
Despite your belittling attempt to demean my accurate scientific presentation with your "spliced together" ad hominem, your "work undertaken by scientists" reduction, and your blatant omission that what the opening post clearly scientifically presents is that a person, a unique individual human being, begins to live at the moment of conception, you fail, once again, to make any point.Your initial post was a spliced together summary of the work undertaken by scientists and it shows that humans can indeed create other humans (life) what!!
I realize you want to pretend that a person, a unique individual human being isn't created at the moment of conception, which you make clear by your "so what!!" negation of that person's existence.
But the answer to your "so what" is "everything" -- it means everything.
Because what it means is that abortion is the killing of a person, a human being.
And, what's more, it logically, rationally means that intentionally, premeditatively killing that person for reasons other than legitimate life or death self defense is the sociological behavior of murder.
"So what??"
You've got to be kidding! You can't possibly be that clueless.
Again, if you have a clear accurate on-point scientifically formulated refutation to the opening post, then please post it.
Erroneous. Purposely inexact.All you've done is comment upon what everyone knows........ women grow babies
Your purposeful inexactness, your deliberate lack of relevant precision in your statement here betrays your pro-abortionist purposes.
You'd like to erroneously think that what is growing inside of the woman from the moment of conception is not a person, not a human being, but merely "something" that will "grow" into what will one day be a birthed baby.
But, you're sophistry concocted words are meaningless.
What everyone knows, Scotsman, yourself included, I would opine, is that women grow human beings, from the moment of conception, and that human being, that person, from the moment of conception, continues to grow into an embryo, a zygote, a fetus ... all the way through birth, when that person gets "baby" status, eventually toddler, child, pre-teen, teenager ... etc. status.
You'd like to forget all those growth statuses of a human being, though, wouldn't you, especially the pre-natal ones.
Again, if you have a clear accurate on-point scientifically formulated refutation to the opening post, then please post it.