Well thats a hard enough choice for the woman but it is her body and she should at least have control over that.
Yep, and if I recall, that's just what Dr. Mengele said in his defense, that "it's my body and I should at least have control over that ... to
murder and disect whatever Jews I can".
Once again, you post as if you don't get it, that the right to life is paramount, and no one, no one, has the right to own another person's life to murder them at whim.
In reality, unless her pre-natal offspring is directly and immediately threatening her very life and no other recourse is rational, she has no right of any kind to
murder that person.
Chip quite rightly mentioned contraception
What I mentioned was new state-of-the-art conception
prevention pharmaceuticals that are currently being developed.
I did not mention "contraception", and I didn't mention current out-dated methods of birth control that murder newly conceived people.
I justed wanted to make that clear.
and I would absolutely agree with his point that contraception is preferable to abortion - no argument!
Uh, let's just make this perfectly clear, that current birth control products that use progestin (most birth control pills) are designed to function as an abortificient, meaning that they actually commit abortion,
murderous abortion by design and intent.
We will simply have to do away with those products once Roe v. Wade is overturned.
So it would behoove everyone to push those pharmaceutical companies, maybe even back them vigorously financially, to bring the new state-of-the-art conception prevention pharmaceuticals to market ASAP!
But again sometimes it doesn't work out like that - life is hard and sometimes difficult choices have to be made.
Oh oh -- here comes some more irrational justification for
"Life is hard" ... therefore murderous abortion should be allowed.
"Sometimes difficult choices have to be made" ... therefore a man and a woman who create an offspring they don't want to even give up for adoption should just be allowed to commit murderous abortion.
Well, thanks to science's revelation a few decades ago that a person, a unique individual human being, begins to live that person's life at the moment of conception, it won't be long before these phrases will turn differently.
"Life is hard" ... so he/she who commits murderous abortion will "enjoy" a hard life in prison.
"Sometimes difficult choices have to be made" ... so let's see now, which prison is the least overcrowded ... ... .
The thing about the sophistry web you spin, Scotsman, is how easy it is to be caught up in it yourself.
I personally feel that the only one that can make such a deeply defining decision is the woman herself.
In the old days, forty years ago at least, if a woman killed her baby shortly after that baby's birth, simply because she didn't want to raise a child (or even hassle putting the baby up for adoption) she could be indicted for
murder, and understandably so.
Now you may feel that when a woman chooses to murder her offspring for economic and temporal convenience that doing so is a "deeply defining decision", but your spin is outrageously laughable.
It's not a "deeply defining decision" to murder someone ... or else those who murdered all those Jews during WWII were quite deeply defined.
The cowardly act of murderous abortion deeply defines
no one.
Indeed, as a counselor, I can tell you of the devastating damage a woman does to herself, both physiologically and neuropsychologically, when she commits murderous abortion. The guilt, whether she allows it to surface or she stuffs it out of consciousness and into her body, can cause the most hideous damage you can possibly imagine.
The "deeply defining decision" sophistry, is simply that -- sophistry ... in this case, a lie that attempts to encourage
debilitating self-destructive behavior.
....yes well.... I think that the arguments put forward so far are admirable
You are, of course, obviously referring to the sophistry based laughable postings of other moral relativist utilitarian pro-abortionists in this thread.
Of course you would find these sophistries "admirable", birds of a feather and all, you know.
That you find them admirable is both irrelevant ... and embarrassing for you.
and indeed quite agree with the current laws as they stand.
Actually, they don't agree with all law.
People who have murdered pre-natals living in the woman they murdered are rightly serving sentences for multiple counts of murder, a count of murder for each person they murdered, the murder of both post and
pre-natal people they murdered.
Your other "admirable" posters are posting in disagreement with that law, saying, in effect, that no murder count should be charged for the murder of a pre-natal person.
They are in obvious conflict with the law on that matter.
But again, laws "as they stand" aren't the religious gods you obviously want to make them to protect you advocaters of murderous abortion.
There was once a law allowing slavery ... but, like the fate that will soon befall Roe v. Wade, that "law" too fell.
And just because the ancient church religiously sided with the old erroneous doctrine that the Sun revolved around Earth, doesn't mean that's the right and true side to side with.
You can hide behind the skirt of mommy law if you want, Scotsman, but when courageous people once again armed with the scientific truth eventually repeal that so-called "law", then where will you hide in the argument? I doubt there will be any skirts left to conceal murderous abortion.
I think those have been proposed and argued by people far more eloquent than I.
Yes ... there are indeed more eloquent sophisters than you ... not that it will eventually matter all that much soon, as the eloquent facts of the scientific truth that a person, a unique individual human being, begins to live at the moment of conception, is the greatest and most persuasive kind of eloquence, as history clearly presents.
.... Frankly Sir, its as good a reason as using religious dogma or human rights etc. etc. to buttress a personal oppion for those in favour of the right to life.
But since no one is using your religious dogma in support of the foundational human right to life, your statement here is erroneous.
And since what is really happening is that we pro-lifers and anti-abortionists are citing both science and the realities of human rights, DNA and life science and the foundational right to life, it is our humble opinion that such references speak for themselves ... though I'm sure you want to debunk them on "opinion" grounds.
Everything everyone posts here is opinion -- the fact that something posted is opinion is irrelevant.
What matters is that mine and Paleriders opinions are scientific and historically fact based and present the truth of the relevant matter ...
... And your opinions, and the opinions of your pro-abortionist cohorts are falsity-based sophistry, deserving of the projected criticism with which you inaccurately attempt to label us.
I mean, after all, a case in point is that Palerider and I have posted unconjecturably accurate science in context, and none of you pro-abortionists have ...
... Though I keep imploring you all to "
again, if you have a clear accurate on-point scientifically formulated refutation to the opening post, then please post it" ... but none of you do.
I wonder why.