Please feel free to dismiss me as irrelevant, Chip, if it so pleases you to do so
Partially erroneous.
I don't find "you" irrelevant, Samsara15 -- on the contrary, being the pro-abortionist that you are,
you are quite relevant.
What I find irrelevant and so easily dismiss is the way you continually stray from the point of the topic of this thread, which you do, I would guess, because you simply have nothing credible scientifically with which to reply.
Actually, though, what would really please me is for you to stay on-topic, so ...
... Again, if you have a clear accurate on-point scientifically formulated refutation to the opening post, then
post it.
I find your views equally irrelevant.
My views are spot-on topically.
That you would find them topically irrelevant is, obviously therefore, irrational of you.
Again, if you have a clear accurate on-point scientifically formulated refutation to the opening post, then
post it.
Nonetheless, people such as me vote also, stupid and/or misinformed though we may be,
That was refreshing -- likely true on all counts -- ... though, still, topically irrelevant.
Again, if you have a clear accurate on-point scientifically formulated refutation to the opening post, then
post it.
and you may have noted that supporters of your views did not fare very well in the elections recently.
Unsupported and irrelevant.
BHO's victory only means that McCain and Palin were deemed comparitively more unfit to govern in general. That's not a referendum in support of murderous abortion. To think so is ludicrous.
That some measures finally appeared on the ballots to declare the scientific truth that a person, a unique individual human being, begins to live at the moment of conception and thus are endowed with the unalienable right to life is a major step in and of itself.
Keep in mind, that new revelation takes time to become the norm.
The scientific reality presented in the opening post is only about thirty years old.
If you recall your history, once scientists determined that Earth was more round, not flat, it took a lot longer than that for the truth of it to be the majority view, as the handful that held power was too busy pandering to remain in power to support the newly revealed truth.
Likewise, though polls show that the majority today, without benefit of recently reading the science of the opening post, know that a human being begins to live at the moment of conception, and that with benefit of reading the science of the opening post the majority ascends percentage wise well into the nineties, it will take awhile before the power factions and those who pander to them for money give way to the overwhelming vast majority who support the scientific truth of the personhood of the newly conceived.
But, as history shows, where science speaks out in new revelation, people eventually accept that revelation as the way things are.
You pro-abortionists would do well to heed the truth now. It will save you much lifestyle readjustment and psychotherapy later.
Again, if you have a clear accurate on-point scientifically formulated refutation to the opening post, then
post it.
Do you wonder why that might be?
Implication irrelevant.
As I just pointed out, round-Earthers, those who told the truth of the matter, did not receive immediate majority rule.
Neither did those who revealed that the Earth revolved around the Sun, not vice versa as the erroneous powerful did at the time.
Progress takes time.
Regardless, polls do show that a growing majority, even without the benefit of specific relevant scientific review provided by the opening post in this thread, still accurately believe that a person begins to live at the moment of conception.
Once the presentation of the opening post in this thread makes its way into every home in America, what do you think will be the results? That's right: science will, once again, just like it did with regard to planetary shape and revolution, change the minds of the erroneous.
Tick tock, Samsara15.
Again, if you have a clear accurate on-point scientific formulated refutation to the opening post, then
post it.
Have you ever considered the possibility that you might be somewhat extreme?
No, because it's obvious that the truth is
never "extreme".
on any scale, the truth in the middle is simply that, no matter how many people recognize the fact of it.
It's the ends of the scale, the dualistic polemic erroneous positions, that are, by definition, extreme.
Yours is an extreme position: you support murderous abortion. The support of murder is always extreme, as it violates the centered truth of the right to life of the murdered ... and the murder weapon used, in this case abortion, is irrelevant to the fact of murder itself.
Clearly, it is your view which is extreme, and, erroneous in its irrationalizations.
Again, if you have a clear accurate on-point scientifically formulated refutation to the opening post, then
post it ...
... Or be accurately judged merely another pro-abortionist sophister along with your predecessors in this thread.