9/11 Truthers disrupt Fox News Show

9/11 Commission Report Questioned by
Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government Officials

Many respected senior members of the military, intelligence services, and government have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Some even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. Below are the highly revealing public statements on this vital topic of over 50 prominent public servants with links for verification and further investigation.

The collective voices of these respected senior officials along with over 100 esteemed professors, over 200 pilots and aviation professionals, and hundreds of architects and engineers give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed.

9/11 Commission Report Questioned by
Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government Officials

Many respected senior members of the military, intelligence services, and government have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report. Some even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. Below are the highly revealing public statements on this vital topic of over 50 prominent public servants with links for verification and further investigation.

The collective voices of these respected senior officials along with over 100 esteemed professors, over 200 pilots and aviation professionals, and hundreds of architects and engineers give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed.


You guys are as bad as creationists and AGW deniers, and just as tragically wrong. Congratulations.
How do you explain this:

Explain how enough explosives could have been placed inside the building at just the right places to bring it down with no one noticing, and no residuals left in the rubble. Where did these explosives come from, and how were they transported to lower Manhatten without the knowledge of relevant authorities?
Explain how enough explosives could have been placed inside the building at just the right places to bring it down with no one noticing, and no residuals left in the rubble. Where did these explosives come from, and how were they transported to lower Manhatten without the knowledge of relevant authorities?

Read this:



Israel did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!! A MUST READ!!!!!!
Posted by Bruecke Securing Control of World Trade Center Complex

The first step in the preparation of the 9/11 attacks was to secure the control of the WTC into private hands. This was crucial to the success of 9/11 because without complete control over this complex there would be no opportunity or possibility of setting explosive charges in place as the coup de gras in bringing the towers to the ground.

In steps four key Jewish Crime Network assets:

1) Larry Silverstein -- Larry is a Jewish American businessman from New York. Larry obtained a 99 year lease on the entire world trade center complex on 24 July, 2001. The nearly worthless trade towers I should point out due to them being filled with asbestos that needed removal; a process that would have produced a cost that would have rivaled the cost of the lease itself. Larry explains his reason for purchasing the towers as "I felt a compelling urge to own them." Is this a believable reason coming from a supposed successful businessman? Larry had breakfast in "Windows on the World" restaurant (located in North Tower 107th Floor) every single morning. Larry was absent from this routine meeting on the morning of September the 11th. Larry's two offspring, who also worked in the WTC, also conveniently decided to take the day off. Either the Silverstein family is clairvoyant, or then knew exactly what was going down that day. Take your pick. Larry Silverstein scored more than $4.5 Billion in insurance money as a result of the destruction of his complex. ........

WTC Security In Zionist Hands

The second crucial aspect of control that needed to be established in order to pull off 9/11 was to gain control of security of the WTC complex. This way, Mossad explosive experts -- that just so happened to be in town just prior to and on 9/11 -- could be readily allowed access to strategic areas of the buildings in order to prep for the demolitions.

The contract to run security at the WTC was designated to Kroll Associates after the 1993 wtc bombing. Kroll is otherwise known as "Wallstreets CIA".

Who gave them the contract?
The Port Authority of New York paid them $2.5 million to revamp security at the complex. The owners of Kroll was two Zionist Jews named Jules & Jeremy Kroll.

Explain how enough explosives could have been placed inside the building at just the right places to bring it down with no one noticing, and no residuals left in the rubble. Where did these explosives come from, and how were they transported to lower Manhatten without the knowledge of relevant authorities?

There was residuals in the rubble. Evidence was given two months ago by professionals. Read this:

Evidence Refutes the Official 9/11 Investigation: The Scientific Forensic Facts

by Richard Gage and Gregg Roberts
Global Research, October 13, 2010
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth - 2010-10-04

Good afternoon, my name is Richard Gage, AIA. I¡¯m a member of the American Institute of Architects; I've been a licensed architect for 22 years; And I'm the founder of the non-profit organization, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth).

As a group, we now have more than 1,270 architect and engineer petition signers. Collectively, we have more than 25,000 years of building and technical experience. This press conference is being given by our petition signers and supporters today in 65 [it turned out to be 67] locations around the world, including 30 states and 4 countries.

Today, we're here to inform you that we have uncovered evidence that the official investigations into what happened to the World Trade Center skyscrapers on 9/11 were deeply flawed, or worse. The scientific forensic facts we have discovered have very troubling implications.

Even before the microspheres and red/gray chips had been identified and brought to our attention, we were deeply concerned about other aspects of the destruction of these iconic buildings, and how they were investigated. More than two dozen firefighters, engineers, and other witnesses reported seeing substantial quantities of molten iron or steel, flowing like lava in the debris under all three World Trade Center high-rises. Office fires and jet fuel cannot possibly reach the temperatures necessary to liquefy iron or steel. A mixture called thermite, consisting of pulverized iron oxide and aluminum, CAN generate temperatures above 4000"F -- far more than is needed to melt iron or steel, which melts at about 2750¡ãF.

The energetic material that was found in the WTC dust by an international team of scientists (led by Niels Harrit of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark) was reported in the peer-reviewed Bentham Open Journal of Chemical Physics. It consists of nano-engineered iron oxide and aluminum particles 1000th the size of a human hair, embedded in another substance consisting of carbon, oxygen, and silicon. The sizes of the iron oxide particles are extremely uniform, and neither they nor the ultra-fine-grain aluminum platelets could possibly have been created by a natural process such as a gravitational collapse or the impact of jetliners. The red/gray chips in which these particles were found exhibit the same characteristics as advanced energetic materials developed in US national laboratories in the years leading up to 9/11. They have no reason to be in this dust. Given all the horrific costs in human lives, lost civil liberties, and trillions of tax dollars spent in response to the official account of 9/11, there can be no more urgent need than for our country and the world to find out who put those materials in the World Trade Center ¨C and why.

Watch this video of a building actually being demolished by explosives. Note the explosions, heard and seen:


Now replay the video of the collapse of WTC 7. Where are the explosions?

Now, what does that say about the WCT of 9/11 being an inside job?

A professional diver could insert into the water smothly while an ordinary swimmer would make a big splash when he jump into the water. How could you compare different level with one standard?
A professional diver could insert into the water smothly while an ordinary swimmer would make a big splash when he jump into the water. How could you compare different level with one standard?

Do you think the people who demolish huge buildings in the middle of cities are amateurs?

And the great conspiracy to bring down the WTC for some reason are professionals?

Webster G.Tarpley very well known historian
and reasercher.
Find out who he is.
Let"s read what he says.

Webster G. Tarpley is the author of George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
and 9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made in USA (French edition: La Terreur fabriquée, made in USA)

and also: Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography.

The author : Webster G. Tarpley
The humanist contemporary political philosopher Webster G. Tarpley is our most incisive critic of Anglo-American hegemony. As an activist historian he is best known for his George H. Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still must reading. He is a 9/11 Truth Scholar and activist; AB Princeton 1966, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa; Fulbright Scholar at University of Turin, Italy; and MA in humanities from Skidmore College. He is fluent in Italian, German, French, Latin and Russian. A decade-long expert on international terrorism, his 1978 study for the Italian parliament Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro? (Who Killed Aldo Moro?) broke open the ownership of the "Red Brigades" by NATO's clandestine "stay-behind" networks.

Book description
The thesis of Webster Tarpley's 911 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA has been enthusiastically received with its working model of the 9/11 plot: a covert network of moles, patsies, and a commando cell in the privatized intelligence services, backed by corrupt political and corporate media elites.

Buttressed by historical examples like the Baader-Meinhof Gang and the Gunpowder Plot, this model makes it clear how such a monstrous false-flag or self-terror exploit is possible even under a largely benign government. That paradox is the incredibility gap that has made most Americans reject the evidence about 9/11 as paranoid fantasy.

Tarpley brings decades of expertise to the 9/11 issue. In 1978 he exposed the terrorist Red Brigades as patsies of Italy's fascist P2 shadow government, and 9/11 is on the same pattern. The forthright subtitle, Made in USA, is backed up by an analysis of key figures who behave like moles working for the insidious network.

9/11 Synthetic Terror highlights the salient points of sheer physical impossibility of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory. It makes clear that figures like Osama bin Laden are patsies, dupes or double agents, selected for their ethnic coloring as the basis for launching a "Clash of Civilizations," and how absurd it is to imagine that such tools of US intelligence agencies could turn around and infiltrate or overwhelm US defenses unaided.

Tarpley shows that the wars on the Islamic world, the Soviet-Afghan, Kosovo and Chechen conflicts, as well as US-UK-NATO synthetic terror incidents like 9/11, Beslan or 3/11 in Madrid, have been contrived to continue the Cold War, in pursuit of the centuries-long campaign for Anglo hegemony over Eurasia and the world.

The preface to the second edition explains the significance and superiority of "MIHOP" vs "LIHOP," and the many drills on 9/11 and on 7/7, which were cover and conduit for those false-flag operations.

The third edition preface makes clear that 9/11 is the only issue that can stop a new world war and the descent into a police state. It shows up the cowardice of the "left gatekeepers" on this score. The analysis of Moussaoui on trial as a classic weak-minded patsy -- part double agent, part fanatic -- again shows the unique power of Tarpley's mole-patsy model to debunk the lies put out by the war party.

For a principled refutation of the 9/11 propaganda myth in all its parts, Tarpley's bombshell, brilliant book - I strongly recommend 911 Synthetic Terror. Should be required reading for all honest truth seekers, this work is indispensable.

9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA
"Brilliantly and most sovereignly written; can't stop reading. Delivers a devastating judgment... I endorse 9/11 Synthetic Terror whole-heartedly."

- Andreas Von Bülow, former German Minister of Defence and Technology.

"The strongest of the 770+ books I have reviewed here at Amazon."

- Robert Steele, Aamzon #1 non-fiction reviewer.

Auteur Webster G. Tarpley
Langue English
Éditeur Progressive Press
Format Broché
Dimensions (en cm) 15 x 23
Pages 494
Panier articles article (vide)
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Expédition 0,00 €
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The true McCoy
Here it is.A new investigation is a must.
Let the truth be known .
An international investigation
supervised by the United Nations.

9/11 Evil” by Victor Thorn -- Israel’s Central Role in the Sept. 11 Attacks
Wednesday, February 11 2009 @ 02:13 AM GMT

Views: 5,501

Finally, a 9/11 book that addresses the attacks’ most important element: the direct involvement of Israel. Along with details of Israel’s lead role in the events of 9/11, author Victor Thorn reveals how the so-called “9/11 Truth Movement” has been co-opted by Zionist interests with the aim of steering suspicion away from Israel and her many agents in the US government.
“A majority of 9/11 researchers, and especially those who have become known as 'gatekeepers,’ have avoided this subject like the plague,” Thorn writes. “Why? Because the direct implications to Israeli involvement in 9/11 are so overt, and so obvious, that no one could ever investigate this case again without considering the Mossad as one of the primary suspects.”

“9/11 Evil” by Victor Thorn -- Download it HERE or HERE, read it, and email it to every thinking person you know.

Much of “9/11 Evil” is devoted to what Thorn does best: exposing the multifarious disinformation agents in the so-called “truth movement.” As the author intelligently explains it:

“There has been established within the CONTROLLED alternative media and 9/11 ‘truth movement’ a framework which parallels precisely that of the mainstream media. Stated differently, those who lord over the Jewish-dominated corporate press established the same rigid type of operation when they created their phony 9/11 ‘truth’ network. The logic behind such a maneuver is obvious. To prevent unwanted information from leaking out to the public and to instead keep it contained, they hand-picked a group of operatives before 9/11 even occurred to eventually bamboozle truth-seekers after the attacks took place.”

“A large percentage of the alternative media and 9/11 ‘truth movement’ (many of them Jewish) aren't differentiated in the least from their counterparts in the Zionist-run corporate media. This point is vital to understand, because information control is essential in the cover-up process of any crime.”

“The exact same forces controlling the mainstream media information Matrix are also the same ones who control a majority of the alternative media. The best way of viewing this situation is as such: powerful Jewish forces have spent decades consolidating and monopolizing this country's TV networks, newspapers, radio stations, and magazines. Do you think it's possible that they would simply ignore those who are trying hardest to expose one of their greatest crimes ever? Of course not.”

“From the very moment this plot was first conceived, the cabal behind it was also planning the cover-up. One of the most integral aspects of this cover-up was a massive infiltration of the 9/11 truth movement. In fact, many of the most prominent deceivers are either Jewish, Jewish apologists, or part of a complex Zionist protection racket. We can no longer ignore this fact or keep our heads in the sand about it.”

Thorn then goes on to enumerate some of the “techniques that those who are bought and sold by the Israeli Lobby use to divert researchers in an arrav of convoluted directions.” These include:

1) A constant droning of vague, non-specific entities such as the "New World Order," "globalists," "Illuminati," "internationalists," and even "neo-cons" to intentionally deflect people's attention away from those who actually masterminded 9/11 (therefore never using the world "Israel").

2) Encourage the cult of personality where a popular radio show host will expose a variety of clandestine conspiracies, but never point his finger at the true culprit.

3) Bring in a religious figure who lays out (for all to see) the entire truth about the mechanics of 9/11, including the all-important World Trade Center controlled demolitions and the Whitewash Committee's many lies, omissions, and distortions. The only problem is, this individual will refuse to pound a final nail in the coffin by shining a light on Israel's role in these attacks.

4) Use paid back-room moles to infiltrate every possible 9/11 chat room, message board, and forum to create as much din, disruption, "noise," and chaos as possible which constantly litters and pollutes the soup; effectively preventing most people from focusing on Israel's central role in 9/11.

5) A seeming obsession with minutiae where researchers spend an inordinate amount of time endlessly fixating on the tiniest of details without stepping back and exposing the bigger picture and its subsequent ramifications. Or else they'll engage in rhetorical debates for debate's sake; all of which is sterile, self-contained, and circular in nature.

Unlike the legions of paid shills in the bogus “truth movement,” however, Thorn isn’t afraid to hang the blame squarely on the shoulders of the true perpetrators of the attacks:

“These shadowy figures were also the descendents of a long-line of behind-the-scenes manipulators who murdered JFK in cold-blood on a bright sunny day in Dallas. They too were a part of the cabal which created the Holohoax lies, staged the Lavon Affair, attempted to sink the USS Liberty, tried to cover-up the Dimona nuclear reactor, finagled us into two successive wars with Iraq, ran arms during the Iran-Contra affair, lurked in the shadows of the notorious BCCI banking scandal, clandestinely facilitated key players at Elohim City before the OKC Bombing, murdered Rachel Corrie in all her innocence, masterminded numerous spy operations (including Jonathon Pollard), and had their fingers all over the 9-11 terror attacks.”

“Yes. these are the same hidden forces which leverage $10 billion in ‘foreign aid’ each year from the United States and who are building a high-tech, militant apartheid wall around their borders during a time when every other nation is supposed to be 'beyond' such notions. And even though we're all brainwashed into believing that our goal in the Middle East is freedom, peace, and democracy, Israel is an oppressive Bolshevik dictatorship which teems with such brazen racism that it hinges on being outright genocide. Worst of all, their slithering multi-tentacled Lobby is so powerful that its economic blackmail extends not only through the halls of congress, but all the way to our executive branch.”

Along with the better-known incidents of the “dancing Israelis,” the Israeli “art student” spies and the Israeli-owned Urban Moving company, Thorn goes into particular detail about the conspiracy’s biggest players, such as WTC owner (and zionist Jew) Larry Silverstein and Pentagon comptroller (and zionist Jew) Dov Zakheim. Here’s what Thorn -- brilliantly connecting the dots -- has to say about the former:

“Less than two months prior to the twin towers being struck by kamikaze airliners (July 24, 2001), the former president of New York's United Jewish Appeal -- Larry Silverstein -- purchased the WTC complex from the Port Authority. This 99-year lease was the final coup de grace which allowed the conspirators to cement the last remaining piece to their puzzle.”

“Christopher Bollyn of the American Free Press has also pointed out in great detail the Jewish connection of those who took control of the WTC towers. As stated, Larry Silverstein was former president of the UJA, a highly influential Zionist charity organization. Plus, the man who negotiated this deal -- Saul Eisenberg -- was on the planning board of not only the UJA, but also the United Jewish Federation. In addition, he also served as vice president of AIPAC, which is now ensnared in a huge Israeli spy scandal.”

“On top of that, Silverstein has been closely tied to two Likud mainstays -- Ariel ‘the Butcher’ Sharon and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In fact, prior to 9/11, Netanyahu and Silverstein would speak on the telephone every Sunday afternoon. Bibi [Netenyahu] becomes a key player in this scenario because he was the man who actually coined the term ‘war on terrorism,’ which is now the official buzzword for our never-ending, Israeli-induced perpetual war.”

Here’s what Thorn writes about the Israeli-owned ICTS airport security firm and its probable role in 9/11:

More on the link: