Got anything to back up those statements? Did anybody else hear it? The Pentagon is a pretty crowded place, so I'm sure a ton of people would have heard this conversation. Are you really going on the word of one man's hearsay testimony? I'm having a hard time believing this since Mineta's "testimony" is clearly hearsay and wouldn't be allowed in any court room in America. Do you even have anything that would make a suggestion as to what "orders" the Vice President was talking about? Or is this simply 100% speculation as usual?
Just curious, but what type of anti-air defenses do you think the Pentagon has?
You have got to be kidding me right? Do you live in a cave? Norman Mineta gave this testimony at Congressional hearings ! these quotes are from that testimony..... yes i do have the congressional hearings to back those statements???
It is PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE.....the minutes of these meetings, are availible through FOIA,So lets get this straight...You "Dave" some guy on the internet, actually have the gonads to question a statement, given under oath, in congressional hearings, by a high ranking white house official..... thats rich
Ok then, thats swell Dave...maybe you should have been at the congressional hearings huh? Then you could have asked those hard line questions.....I mean after all.... im sure NOBODY at the hearings, would have thought of those dave?
As well i am sure that a high ranking white house official would go on the record stating what had happened if it didnt occur? Im sure you have your staunch pro government stance as usual but i find it silly in this instance what did Mineta GAIN from his testimony?.....he lost his job actually they asked/forced him to retire over this
something that happens alot these days
this was snipped from an article somewhere ...........Personally i do not believe the pentagon has ANY type of air defence, outside of the air force, or national guard..... I do not believe the authors claims of missles, or anti air-craft guns...
although it is the pentagon, and if it were to be protected in this fashion,im not sure it would be public knowledge?
I wasnt in the room,I cant say for sure what Chaneys orders or intentions were.Norman Mineta was. he was a high ranking official with an impeccable record. I have NO reason to doubt what he says,and therefore no problem believing what he has implied Chaneys orders were
Funny how Chaney and Bush would only testify in private off the books????
wonder why that may be?
Sorry Dave once again Im not Buying what your selling
have a nice day