Well-Known Member
we keep more today then we did 10 years ago...and more then 20...and more then 30....
Show me.
we keep more today then we did 10 years ago...and more then 20...and more then 30....
Unless there is a cause and effect relationship, the anecdotal evidence of revenue going down when rates are raised is just that: anecdotal evidence of suspect value.
Those "millionaires" whose income comes mostly from capital gains pay less in taxes than their housekeepers due to the difference in capital gains taxes as opposed to taxes on wages.
Housekeepers? Can you give any example at all of this happening? Buffet said secretaries and at his level his secretaries get paid pretty well.
Show me.
Not only that but Obama's 50k teacher example assuming they are like him with a family of four would pay NO income tax.
And that's a bad thing?
I guess you're all for making the wealthiest more wealthy, but for pushing the lower middle class and their children toward poverty?
Didn't I read somewhere about "Christian's morale" and knowing the difference between "right and wrong?"
I guess I thought you where smart enough to know the tax rates and how they have gone lower and lower...but guess i was wrong
When on group of people is not able to participate in our democracy by paying their fair share that is bad.And that's a bad thing?
I guess you're all for making the wealthiest more wealthy,
but for pushing the lower middle class and their children toward poverty?
I guess you're all for making the wealthiest more wealthy but for pushing the lower middle class and their children toward poverty?
[/QUOTE]Didn't I read somewhere about "Christian's morale" and knowing the difference between "right and wrong?"
You are hanging onto the theory that raising CG rates will increase CG revenue without so much as anecdotal evidence, much less historical fact, to support you argument. Just like every other time you've claimed that higher rates result in higher revenue the facts and data don't support your case, in fact the data tends to contradict your claims.Unless there is a cause and effect relationship, the anecdotal evidence of revenue going down when rates are raised is just that: anecdotal evidence of suspect value.
Since the higher rates would not be in effect "indefinitely", investors need only wait for rates to be lowered.No one is going to hold on to assets indefinitely...
What's the point of making such an emotional appeal? If the issue is about increasing revenue, then raising rates is shown, historically, to lower revenue, thereby defeating your stated purpose for the rate increase. So if your argument in favor of the "Buffet Rule" is based on increased revenue, you don't have a leg to stand on and haven't offered anything of substance to support your claim.Those "millionaires" whose income comes mostly from capital gains pay less in taxes than their housekeepers due to the difference in capital gains taxes as opposed to taxes on wages.
Please, feel free to raise CG rates just don't act surprised when revenue takes a nose dive, and our deficits increase, as a result.But, that's OK. Carry on, don't raise CG rates.
Our budget, and therefore the entire nation, is benefiting from the higher revenue being generated by lower CG rates. Passing the "Buffet Rule" to raise CG rates would reduce revenue, which certainly wouldn't benefit anybody.I'm benefiting personally from those low rates myself...
And that's a bad thing?
I guess you're all for making the wealthiest more wealthy, but for pushing the lower middle class and their children toward poverty?
Didn't I read somewhere about "Christian's morale" and knowing the difference between "right and wrong?"
its a lie. at least buffett used a little thought crafting his sound bite.
I'm for allowing everyone the freedom to accomplish what they have the industry to attempt. This is right. Progressive taxation is wrong. Kill ALL subsidies and punitive taxation and I'll be happy as a clam.
I'm with you on the subsidies.
What do you consider "punitive" taxation? Should all income be taxed at the same rate?
Subsidies are the govt playing favorites which is just wrong. Glad you agree.
Sin taxes for one, special taxes levied against any niche for another (permits and fees are just another form of taxation).
However one intends to obtain revenue (income tax is not the ONLY option) we should ALL have equal protection under that law.
"Sin taxes" are absurd. I haven't heard that term for a while.
Permits? I pay a fee to drive my car that non motorists don't pay. I buy a fishing license, that's a fee, for the privilege of fishing in the state of California. I don't have a problem with that. I think all of the fees so collected should go to roads and to improving fisheries, respectively, however. That's not the case currently.
Taxes collected for the purpose of running the government need to be more fair. Income is income, however it is earned. If it's an income tax, then that's how it should be levied. A national sales tax has been bandied about as an option, but that idea raises a lot of questions. What other tax could replace the income tax?
If there is one, then by all means, let's substitute it. After all, the best way to discourage something is to tax it, and the last thing we need to do is discourage people from earning an income.