10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong

Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

gay marrige is a disgrace, an insult and an abomination to REAL marrige. marrige is sacred and not something you take lightly like "im gonna marry another guy" or "i think ill marry a dog" if we allow gay marrige it will destroy what little value marrige has left.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

11th reason Gay Marriage is Wrong: Gay Marriage is just a pain in the ass.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

gay marrige is a disgrace, an insult and an abomination to REAL marrige. marrige is sacred and not something you take lightly like "im gonna marry another guy" or "i think ill marry a dog" if we allow gay marrige it will destroy what little value marrige has left.

Yeah marriage sure is sacred when more people end it in divorce than not. I really do not understand the arguement that gay marrigare will degrade marriage in any way because people should only have a gay marriage if they love each other, which is the same as a normal marriage.

Just because two people are the gender that doesn't mean that they will take it more lightly than any other marriage. There is no logical explanation to explain the otherwise.

OMG this is America" land of the free", why do people have problems with other people marrying who they want?? It doesn't concern you anyway, apparently, so why should you care.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

Yeah marriage sure is sacred when more people end it in divorce than not. I really do not understand the arguement that gay marrigare will degrade marriage in any way because people should only have a gay marriage if they love each other, which is the same as a normal marriage.

The minds of hysterical bigots simply work differently.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

bigots? so you now resort to name calling?
they can be together and have domestic partnership but marrige is for a man and a women. you can have a legal partnership but please dont totaly screw up our definition of marrige.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

bigots? so you now resort to name calling?
they can be together and have domestic partnership but marrige is for a man and a women. you can have a legal partnership but please dont totaly screw up our definition of marrige.

OP here... hi... been a while since I've been here, but I find that the bigotry (yes indeedy sir, bigotry... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bigot well said here for your reading so my likely long winded post will not be exceedingly so. Just as a thought, you being a bigot, is not name calling but rather a factual statement that is related to your intolerance for others as they differ from you....)

Now, on to the meat. Who gives a crap about your "definition" of marriage, how do you define marriage? Wait don't tell me, A union between a man and woman. Ok I'll play. We'll pretend for a moment you are correct, and that marriage is simply "A union between man and woman" But now, what does this represent? A lone union between a man and woman without any bearing or requisite beyond the gender of the two parties involved, lacking their love for each other, lacking their wish to be acknowledged as a single entity of familial congregation, lacking anything other than the simple and dry requirement that they be a man and woman and partake in said union. What does this definition truly mean. As a practiced wordsmith, I must express my dissolution with your lacking definition of the word. I will give it to you this, that is what it has meant, sort of, we already all know the other contexts that are supposed to be involved with a marriage, so I shall avoid rehashing this. Love, wish to spend the rest of your life together, et cetera.. (didn't I say I'd avoid this, ok I will from now on) But let me bring to point this. Marriage while "technically" being a contractual state issued binding contract ,or union, between the couple, by no means means this alone in the minds of anyone involved... When couples get married they're not concerning themselves with contractual bindings and such, this isn't the thought on the smiling participants when they recite their vows... no, the marriage license is much more than simply a unionizing contract between a 'man and woman' it's a representation of their love for each other and their wish for this love to be acknowledged to the fullest extent one can in society.

Now for the homosexual crowd... Their thought in marriage is not about the marriage contract, no, it's about those other requisites involved, the love, the life, the family they've created. By denying them the ability to be married, you deny them the right to express themselves to the fullest that that little certificate represents that goes WELL BEYOND the bounds of the law that it assumedly represents. Why can they have a legal partnership, but no marriage, what's in a word? It's been a man and a woman, only because they've been so demonized and heralded as "Wrong" by ignorance and societal bigotry, no other reason, and this is still going on like it's 1399... Words change I hate to break it to you, 500 years ago you'd likely not have even understood English as it was. In fact I can easily give you 50 words that have changed definition to a much greater degree than this one marriage you're so dearly holding on to.. Admit it, the only reason you care is because this allows you a "Reason" to disparage the homosexuals and to attempt to subvert them to "your way" it's the last bastion of hatred against homosexuals since most other areas of society have come to their senses to some degree.

One other point I keep hearing; sanctity of marriage.... well guess what, disallowing homosexuals marriage by enacting laws this limit their rights to do so under the reasoning of "sanctity" is a violation of the separation of church and state, if in fact it is sanctity they're trying to preserve.... sanctity mind you is the quality of being holy...holy to whom now I must ask, not those trying to marry and being denied, thus if marriage is sanctified then by merit it is a violation to deny those wishing to marry *thus have a holy affirmation of their union* of the first amendment right to freedom of religion.... I know it's silly sounding isn't it, but while you trying to lock-tite the definition of a word, let me do so with all it's adjectory friends....


p.s. Bigotry is silly, stop hating the world.

p.s.s. also, how the hell can you justify lumping gay marriage in with terrorism... I'm seriously wondering about you...
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

you can have a legal partnership but please dont totaly screw up our definition of marrige.

Oh dear god, we might have to reprint the dictionaries. Worst argument against gay marriage ever.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

Oh dear god, we might have to reprint the dictionaries. Worst argument against gay marriage ever.

Actually, the dictionary would have to be changed should the anti gay marriage voices get their way:

Main Entry: mar·riage
Pronunciation: \ˈmer-ij, ˈma-rij\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marry
Date: 14th century
1 a (1): the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2): the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage <same-sex marriage>


It looks like the writers of dictionaries are ahead of society on this one.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

Actually, the dictionary would have to be changed should the anti gay marriage voices get their way:


It looks like the writers of dictionaries are ahead of society on this one.

Not that the dictionary hasn't been often changed to reflect new uses of words. Mind you that using a words definition as a defense of a bad ideal is quite invalid. Might I mention that "******" didn't originally mean the negative connotation that it currently holds. Nor does lame for the disabled, or idiot, or imbecile originally have any negative connotation, yet of course calling anyone of the handicapped populace any of these might get you chastised. The same goes for the side jump here with marriage, simply because it makes the statement that it is between a man and a woman does NOT give it any inherent right to take the right away from gay couples. Why should we have a law in place to allow two people to be joined in marriage any how? What does this accomplish that should be applied only to heterosexual persons, there is no logic in even this argument. What does state sanctioned marriage versus not married rights are given that due to a dictionary definition should not be applied to married homosexuals? ridiculous.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

My $0.02 worth on this subject,

How about a CIVIL UNION
that is for ALL "married" couples!

Its simply a contract that the STATE enforces, why should the STATE discriminate? its only religious bias, I really don't care if its called Marriage or CIVIL UNION, or if its two women or two men or a "normal" couple.


If my neighbor believes in no God or twenty Gods, that doesn't pick my pocket or break my leg....

therefore, no problem, right?
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

My $0.02 worth on this subject,

How about a CIVIL UNION
that is for ALL "married" couples!

Its simply a contract that the STATE enforces, why should the STATE discriminate? its only religious bias, I really don't care if its called Marriage or CIVIL UNION, or if its two women or two men or a "normal" couple.


If my neighbor believes in no God or twenty Gods, that doesn't pick my pocket or break my leg....

therefore, no problem, right?

Right. As far as the government is concerned, all such contracts between any two consenting adults are civil unions for tax purposes, retirement accounts, etc. That much is simply an economic contract, sanctioned by the state. The term "marriage" should be defined by the church performing the ceremony. If one church wants to call it a marriage, another wants to call it something else, and another refuses to perform such ceremonies, then so be it.

If the neighbor wants to sacrifice chickens to the god of the harvest, it doesn't matter to me, unless, of course, it's my chickens being sacrificed.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

My $0.02 worth on this subject,

How about a CIVIL UNION
that is for ALL "married" couples!

Its simply a contract that the STATE enforces, why should the STATE discriminate? its only religious bias, I really don't care if its called Marriage or CIVIL UNION, or if its two women or two men or a "normal" couple.


If my neighbor believes in no God or twenty Gods, that doesn't pick my pocket or break my leg....

therefore, no problem, right?

I'm game for this, the problem here is not really the word used, its the fact that the state sanctions something between two people only if they fit a certain gender based criteria. Regardless if its called marriage or civil union, it should be the same title, same paperwork, and same reasoning for all involved, homosexual or otherwise.
Re: 10 Reasons Gay Marriage is Unamerican and Wrong.

This is america!People should be able to marry whoever they want.Gay marriage should not even be something we have to on.People are so judgemental and closed minded.